Sunday, June 8, 2008

Used Wooden Swing Set Houston

red! no blood!

it comes from a single country, a tiny country!
ultimately it is a great family, one family
our blood is the same, it comes from the same stream, the blood of the fatherland
it's hard to see you die, it's unbearable, it's intolerable, ultimately
can not stand it, you can not see anything and say anything to try
it must stop because, because, because ... it comes from a single country, because you're a big happy family!

no! not blood! the killing!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tile Waxing Traventine

Art in any medium, artistiquuuuuue madness!!

When the artist starts to create ....
In his madness regardless of medium, material, engineering is in his creation, his hands! A marvel! it's awesome!