Thursday, February 19, 2009

Japan Gropinggay Men Groping Men

art will always end up surprising us! of sculptures in the water!

"Barely a dozen meters below the su rface . Twenty children of all backgrounds stand in a circle by hand , facing the immense sea. States, they repel the titanic forces of Hlth e ocean. We About 5 minutes by boat from St. George, Molinières Bay, Grenada. Jason de Caires Taylor, a passionate scuba-diving, is nonetheless sculpteu st Its permanent exhibition underwater exploring the boundaries between art and environment, connects inanimate objects and living organisms and finger on the present moment through an art in perpetual transformation. This collection of œ works immersed the visitor opens a door on the unusual underwater world and sends a message v ital n ulignant the importance of respecting his wealth to cultivate mysteries.
"original" "

I never was so astonished to see such beautiful sculptures, anchored to the bottom of the ocean, nothing but the images make you vibrate! An outstanding work, including the creator, is a complete artist, I had the impression that these faces at the bottom of water breathing, they were full of life! Incredible! Every detail is a true leader lumber! A unique idea, daring, p leine life!
As usual I share this with you :))

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mini Strong Toothpick Tower

Women are losing the battle for gender equality !!???? Note

when I went on the net, as is my habit, I was attracted by a site that clearly announced with polls that I say on its website: "Women are losing the battle for gender equality after years of progress, "the daily worries The Independent London . "

Indeed the survey shows that the percentage of women occupying an important place in the country back Between 2006 and 2008. What has caused widespread panic, an investigation was quickly implemented to infer that this is due to:
'experts have put forward new laws on maternity leave. Today and for the law of April 2007, leave of nine months, exclusively to mothers, is fully paid and may be extended to one year. "

" This seemingly generous provision for them however, has a downside: it lends credence to the idea that women's place is at home to care for children. To erase this impression there is only one solution: that men benefit equally. In common parlance, maternity leave and parental leave would thus erase the disastrous image it conveys. "

One question bothers me after reading this: where is the problem:)))
I am a woman who refuses to stay at home, "it says I'm in education:)" which gives me plenty of free time, but otherwise I am a woman who hates to spend his week behind a desk, that is true that the freedom is not it?
but honestly they exaggerate these people, the role of women at home to care for children is not a crime, of course every woman wants to free and independent work and build, but beyond that that it becomes a disastrous image here! is exaggerated, no?

Finally, the instinct of motherhood is and remains the strongest; take paid leave a year, this is called lucky:) eh girls?

I believe that gender has nothing to do with what this art icle addresses and you know what, I can seem old fashioned, but I do not believe and I do not want a gender equality, because I gather that this is just us tired, we women ...

and then I like to let our men their favorite role, being there to care for and protect us, this does nothing to hurt our freedom Independence and femininity!

I do not think I need to be equal to men to be free, independent and fulfilling lives, I can be better, in my directory and it is surely better in his.