Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Do I Change Lens For Diana F

Yeah, well, I know ...

I know it is super long as I did point spread in those places. My daughter made so much progress, I could not keep up. Between her babbling becomes a real result of real words with real meaning in (And new words every day), she takes her meals alone without any help (or almost) and without getting (too) everywhere, his visits to the pediatrician ... Oh yeah, huh, anyway, double ear infection (with release of a mole) and 15 days, double conjunctivitis (passed on by a boyfriend nursery) ... yep, everything twice, because hey, do not mess about, either. Teeth grow (and night, she tells us that it grows ... because it hurts) ... and struggling to get out (for now, there are 5, maybe 6, it's hard to say, it has been 2 months since we saw the dawn without having pierced). These small episodes disease Lena delay a little the day it will bar 13 kilos. It was a theory (or rather my Sweet has a theory): Lena finds ways not to get to this weight because it will mean the end of the recliner and the end of baby carrier because it will become too heavy. It's true that it is as strange theory, but it stands: Lena is still not 12 pounds. She does not even 11 in fact (it should leave some margin).

And also, do not forget, my Sweet has been thirty years ... so eh, had to find time to seek the gifts (and to order) ... For once, I offered a package "books of thirty-blown "and Lena gave her (yes, because Lena made gifts) sioupeur an agenda ... A full bag of tricks designed by Penelope and Margaux Motin Bagieu. That's all good, tell me the j'vous . In addition, she was entitled to sub to spend on care spa at Le Touquet (it will be for spring ... for sunny days).

But hey, hey, after all, comes a time when you say "oops" and it was decided to not become overwhelmed or get into a rhythm where we no longer writes on his blog. zou So, I resume my wandering father. Léna changes, it is less and less a baby and increasingly a small nénette joyous, all quiet, with a character ... sturdy elsewhere. In one way or another.
Yes, I know, a phrase such as "in one way or the other" does not mean big 'thing. And I'll explain why and how. Although it seems to have expressed in these places that feature the character of my little girl. This feature is it because she speaks, she shows us how it goes. And when I say "in one way or another," that she said when things go wrong (or wrong), it also expresses when she goes. Small cheers punctuate the mood. Well laughter or noise of nibbling on intensive Totote when she wants / needs. Yeah, because Totota, when she no longer wants, she knows very well the drop in bed with his blanket.

Side food, even if it's still a fine gauge our little one, it remains a (relatively) small eater. When I say relatively small, she eats a little less than what is written in books. We, we do not take offense. It grows, it grows, we will not binge. Besides, if she eats too much (for example, it was the greedy to taste), she vomited in the evening (he does not happen twice, both times it was a Sunday). So she eats, but not too much. She has her preferences, and we regularly expresses "ti'suisse" ... invariably, the first thing that catches in the kitchen when he was told to choose his meal, a small Swiss ... or "ti'suisse" in the language of Lena ... She likes it, she tells us ... and we do not bother to give him. It's funny also because ti'suisse is one of the first words she has to say.
Lastly, the words she said the most is when even mom and dad. Besides, after a few days a bit harsh for my sweet, where Lena called me many, our national Herbie does call for more gene his mother, to the mad when she sees the car or the window for him to kiss and cuddle.

Sure, it's Lena is a baby who loves to cuddle. So that sometimes when she is in our arms (and she does not want to fall), she clings. With my fair, it says it is "Koala". Ahh it's still nice to have it against us. One benefits. One day she will be fed into our arms against us ...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sample Letter To Disconnect Internet Service

The robot mop pool is offered at discount prices in mypiscine .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Couple Has Same Birthday

Resume your old swimming robot in the robot Mypiscine

The famous site selling swimming pool equipment Mypiscine.com proposes the resumption of your old robot pool in exchange for the purchase of a robot mop . A replay

really interesting.

Indeed, mypiscine offers a discount of up to 500 euros, so making the robot more Moppes qu'abordale ( € 1690).

A real bargain that we wanted to tell you.

For more information please visit the page dedicated to robot mop or call directly and tell that 0950.526.023 is the blog that referred you to them!