Friday, November 27, 2009

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choose ...

Yes, choosing ... choose between asking to change their crib or face removal from the one where you are (and have 15 minutes to walk more each day) in September 2010 ... choose between making the vaccine for influenza A or Lena not to do ... Choose
, make a decision ... but which one?
We do not have all the elements ... to calmly take all the decisions. And besides, do nothing, is already chosen.

Regarding the nursery, we are very annoyed. Already we're getting a damn stinks a blow to morale. After our galleys nanny in June, we said that, finally, Ay, we found a permanent place until September at our crib Herbie. Well no, must not think to say we would have peace. Bad luck, it will move. And we (Lena, my Lady and me), well the move is not super happy, it adds the path from the house, it adds the route to go to the RER / metro (for Lena's mother), he adds the jalopy ride (for going to file then even more to get to ring road) ... short, it is po super happy. But at the same time, on the other hand, Lena knows the auxiliary stink, she loves them, we too like them, we find that the nursery (which is small) has an intimate side endearing.
So, what to choose ... 11 months of hell to the parents but no questions to be asked to make an adaptation (which we shorten our vacation in August) on a good agreement with the supervising team ... or to change the crib and therefore have more time for Lena, less stress ... Lena closer to his future school girlfriend with potentially begets it will review at school.
We doubt ...

And then the other topic, which tends to make headlines at this time of frosts arrive (along with the call letters of the safety), namely the flu ... but the deuce ... What to do? what to choose? vaccine? no vaccine? From what we hear from all the consequences of these vaccines (the lack of decline, the tests done as I will push you, allergy problems, nervous, etc ...) the effect of Influenza A ( especially if lightning) and the approach of the bronchiolitis season (which a priori do not mix with the flu) ... there was still interrogated my Sweet. The pediatrician we did say that Lena had no symptoms justifying recurrent vaccination without a shadow of a doubt.
For now, no vaccine.

course, for now, we do nothing for these two choices we have to do ... doubt it ... forever. And doing nothing is the first step is already a decision.

Anyway ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can You Drink On Fluconazole

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Masterbaition Methods

it grows (still)

Language Lena grows. It has been added. Each day, new words enrich his vocabulary. It's impressive to see this little piece of ass in the process of speaking, recitation of words. it tells us things now. And we, well we always encouraged. We had a transition to higher speed of chatter last week. It was undergoing "new antibiotic for the double ear infection." Yes, because hey, anyway, must understand that when his girlfriend Lena invites Otitis it already has the temerity to come together (deubeul otitis) and in addition, she will not leave (the phenomenon known as "antibiokitupa ") and therefore requires the pediatrician (to which we subscribed unlimited) to give us new methods of expulsion. Methods like an antibiotic called "horse" doses administered by so-called "horse" ... Yes, both are "horse" ... because with their manes, they are worth it.

Now then, before being interrupted by a lout like myself, I unbosom myself to the fact that Lena, last week had to undergo a changeage of antibiotics. One small detail we had alerted. Yes, he has wisely seemed somewhat strange that our Choupette have a fever despite antibiotics. 39 ° 8, it seemed a little high ... moreover ... in fact ... and it was true that it was not normal. Well, eh, first, now it's better. And I would even say it's going even better than Lena took her mother to herself for two days (Friday and Monday). Two days to give hugs, to enjoy his mom ... and seek his dad. At the same time, must say that I left quietly both times not to wake the Herbie. And a priori, our national appreciation average Crapulette not see his dad in the morning. She catches up kisses by the phone. Besides, there's not with me (or his mom) on the line it is kisses on the phone. With his grandmothers / fathers or great grand mother / father, aunt, uncle ... she kisses when they are on the line ... So Lena

chatting ... all full "Dad, where is Mommy" she said in the evening when I come to fetch her to the crib. "Balèze" she likes to say about himself ... and myriad other small sounds that resemble words dot the babbling. Moreover, babbling is not the correct term. Now, they are words that come out of her little mouth.

Sometimes funny to hear him sing ... unless it's Sunday at 7 am and you realize it's shaped