Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does A Wax Cause A Uti


Rake light, graceful loop,

it rolls up on itself haiku
Tableautin? Dust of time? The Grim Reaper does not care at all and will reap the tears of our spinning moments before our eyes. The suspended time and fashion decrees the absence. The spirit from wandering, issued the (R Barthes)
In the white cherry
whisper powerful
the people of bees
Haiku says the season, vegetation, sea, the village, the silhouette ... Find Event Brief of a sudden its right form, the haiku is no subject. It is this
"slight crease which is clamped to the top life, silk language" spoken Roland Barthes. "Space pure fragments, adventure

infinitesimal, it gives to read the correctness of the trace, no wake, no margin, no vibration. It is the graphics mode to exist." This writing who writes nothing, or rather writes "nothing", reproduced "the act of designating which small child beckons anything saying that! (Nothing special)"

They trace their signs
hair winged wind