Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Can Mice Commincate With Each Other

Freedom of expression!! Our oxygère! Éttoufe it without him! Note

I love this song "freedom of thought"
morality: you
will not know deprive us of our freedom to think, so let us


the word is the key!

Florent Pagny: freedom to think

Exits to take everything, take my kids and TV,
My toothbrush my revolver, the car that's already done,
With restrictions on bank take my wife on a sofa,
The microwave, the fridge,
And even my privacy
discovered anyway, I can sell my soul to the devil,
With him we can arrange,
Since here everything is negotiable, but you will not
My freedom to think.

Take my bed, gold records, my good mood,
Small spoons, anything that in your view has value,
And I have nothing more to do, even while taking n Do not forget,
Shit stashed beneath the shelf,
Everything is beautiful and important to me that it prefers to partner Abbe Pierre
I can give my body to science,
If there is something to be taken,
And it gives you a clear conscience, but you will not
My freedom to think.
My freedom to think.

I can empty my pockets onto the table,
It's been a long time they have holes,
Down my pants I can, but you will not
My freedom to think.

Quits all things considered, and any balance,
For your small business work out, I'll just
my striped pajamas, and I made a present of oranges,
You can even keep everything well, I'll take anything
Quits all things considered I prefer going,
If heaven is offered, although I can
sell my soul to the devil,
With him we can arrange,
Since here everything is negotiable, but you will not, No you will not
My freedom to think.
My freedom to think.


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