Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Does Sentinel Safenet Work

It's been a while ...

And even a very long time since my last post.
Well, I must say that it was very hectic this fall. Lena was very well adapted to his new crib (municipal this time) ... Republic is the manger at Vincennes.
I made myself a throw taffesque fanfare with lots of stuff to do and ... and ... especially sending my "baby" (500 a kilo at a minimum) to 4 publishers. Indeed, one of her (L'Atalante) sent me a mail for acknowledging receipt of my manuscript. Well ... Ay, it's really in truly launched. Ok, it was already with the filing of the manuscript Flammarion, yes ...

Well, if, under the heading of rejoicing, with my sweet, slightly loucedé, well, we went to court to Vincennes to register our PACS. Yep, Ay, it's done, we are officially PACS ... and that's sioupeur owl.
For once, the parents of my sweet Lena agreed to keep at home for a night, a really big long night at home and without anyone to be a dodo. Even that. type the first night of Lena without mom and dad are there. And we, well we got evening japanese restaurant '+ pestacle ... the bar chair a bonus, it was great ...

BĂ© yeah, huh, when I say hectic, it's really hectic:).

Well, eh, I could also do for my sioupeur Herbie in a novel photo star, Mister Lepreuchaun. I intend to print on cloth (like via the Photobox site) for my sweetie Crapulettae can enjoy them all full.

Yes, friend (s) reader nurse, you too will be able to enjoy my undeniable talent in photography enhanced with my boundless creative genius and be able to see this picture book exceptional ... Thou shalt

friend noticed (e) drive nurse, over time, my natural modesty has further strengthened my humility shines through in my comments, yes, I know ... but as I say so often, my ego is matched only by my modesty ...

short, I am a bit more talkative on facebook than on this blog, I confess ... and also a little sorry sometimes.

As Lena ... ahh ... Lena anyway, let (en, it is a bit much completely the purpose of this blog. Well ... it pushes my Herbie is recovering from a cold rifle (but nothing out of the ordinary since it will the nursery) during which she will have known dodge feat with otitis, tonsillitis and bronchiolitis (and this is no small matter.) Ok, when she screams I make mine approach a bottle of saline (must be said that has emptied boxes for him to get that cold) ... and goes every which way as soon as this baby fly pointing his nose (yes, the stuff is vile in the true sense of the word, get the juice from the nose) ...
Apart from that, a fourth tooth has managed to pierce ... and she can say her name when asked what it's called. She taped the day she made me this one. She was on my knees, I was the daddy concon a little like "how she is Lena? Huh? And how she called my darling little girl? Eh, what's your name ? "And then, bang bang, she released" Lena "... and I paid my small tear on hearing.
Lena knows about eating well alone.
Yes, friend (s) drive nurse, she is my little girl like that ... all great stuff to say to herself ... and to hug his mom and dad.


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