Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can Buscopan Get You High

Good .... Still

J'me am (a little) is scolded by my grandmother as what I was writing anything on this blog.
True ... And I have no remorse for having published anything. Selfishly, I take the smallest parcels of time that I have available to spend with my little family ... oh yeah, like that ...
certainly true ... and you realize you comtpe dear reader, that the vile impostor that I am has always made the slightest allusion to any change of year? My boorishness (and some say some legendary) is such that I makes no mention of a state of jubilation for a decade starting ... no ...

No, I prefer to dwell on the fact that I did not say anything about the fact that my little girl had a great Christmas (she was super impressed by the father Nouiel) ... she found the pot and the joys inherent in reading that can be done when one is over. Oh yeah ... this ... for that, must say that reading on the throne, it must be a genetic trait (or atavistic) ... She received lots of toys for Christmas, cool stuff she loves unpack (middle of the show) not necessarily the store. It was able to spend time with his family from Lorraine (and Ile de France as well) ... and with his mum and dad. She gave us the joy of waking at 8:30 in the morning for our last week of vacation.
His teeth grow. Her hair also .. to such an extent that Lena had her first encounter with the hairdresser. And it went well. Okay well ...

Yes, my daughter is fine, it does well, speaks well ... and is super nice. Even in situations not necessarily cool to her (Ikea in the evening while the taste was far from standing or past 21:30 in the midst of adults trying to improve a drink), it remained super cool, smiling, funny ... Suffice to say that with my Beautiful, we are swollen with pride to see our sioupeur Herbie grow well.
Another important meeting (oulàlàlà, it makes meetings) has been with the ... library (municipal) ... ouaich ... a release of Lena in the middle of a room full of books ... how to say ... it was ... euuhhh ... terrible. She wanted to read all the books, all out, put them on the ground, picking up ... she did not know where to head ... it lasted the time we were there. She had to stand on all the chairs for each and try to do as adults.

The holiday happened ... holidays 3 .. yes, actually, we did not really had many holidays in 2009 to 3 ... A priori, given what is emerging, it would be best for 2010 ... it was already planned for days at Center Parcs in May ... few more days at sea in the summer ... and already a few long weekends .. landed, three days instead of two to rest, relax ... finally ... uh, quite selfishly, with my sweet, is expected to leave the nursery Lena some of these days to be able to do a few things face to face in love ... of restaus, the cinemas ... exhibitions also ...

Yeah, tell me the j'vous, 2010, it looks good ... and I hope it happens as well for you, dear reader (oh, like I just mentioned the change from decade ...).


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