Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Much Do Wheel Rotors Cost


"When the rain stretching out its endless train
one vast prison bars mimics

And the dumb throngs of infamous spiders

Their meshes deep in our brains "

How to capture, volatile and valuable this" queen of the faculties " that restores to man the meaning of sounds, colors and fragrances? The poet attempts the impossible in two simultaneous tendencies: the human physical and spiritual man.

Baudelaire says perceive reality in all its intensity. "I prefer the monsters of my fancy at the triviality positive." That's the creative imagination that the poet stands in the name of truth. Poetry is what is most real. Grasp eternity in the transient is also s'inpirer of ugliness itself, or, to state it differently, make beauty with what "is" ugly.

Passionate about pictures since childhood, Charles is not as iconoclastic to better expose the limits of fantasy. Beginning of Naturalism peculiar to his time the poet comes to praising the On-Naturalism (Edgar Allan Poe's spirit-brother, Nerval ...), leaving the point already Surrealism Perfume exotic Breton. A painter of modern life, Charles scatters his verses in the arcana of the city and children. He digs the unpredictable fantasies, dating back to the source of a childish perception, ingenuous. The poet turns to reinvent the beauty remains, exhumed from childhood genius found.

" Time that Nature in its verve powerful
Conceived each day monstrous children
I would have liked to live with a young giant
As the feet of a queen a voluptuous cat "
(The giant)

swollen like a huge wave, moving swell of the crowd just feed the games imagination: "The deafening street around me screaming ... " Enjoying the crowd is an art. Agoraphobia, the poet wants to restore this theater aesthetics. Passion pictures, " primitive passion ", the imaginary our customers taste intensity: rise without leakage, escape the daily oversight of the real, recovered full consciousness of the child always drunk. Childhood, found that genius: a small old are the divine eyes of a little girl. "But the green paradise of childish loves ..."

Under the air of nostalgia that is forgotten, sorry Baudelaire gives the form of attendance: "I know the art of evoking happy moments ". And imagination is tender and sad, evoking a heartbeat sepulchral

"Far from home. See the dead years look
the balconies of heaven in robes obsolete
Out of the depths of the waters smiling Regret " (Meditation)

singular nobility in pain.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Update Cellebrite Machine


" Books were my birds and my nest, my domestic animals, my barn and my country ... "The little Sartre saw his nine years on the eve of 1914, as a child-king. He says bluntly: " I was born to fill the great need I had of myself, "before discovering solitary and envious at the children playing on the terraces of the gardens of Luxembourg, "runt who did not interest person ".

Obviously a private school on me, the young Sartre could rely on a real grandfather, in the absence of a father soon disappeared (" ... fortunately, he died in infancy ... "). A grandfather has a real tenderness that he passed on the symbolic tool of language: Shakespeare remembers in" Les Mots ", magic-book and book-tomb the strength and ambivalence unusual. On the eve of his wanderings in the library grand father, that the young Jean-Paul launched into an incredible adventure as an Aladdin's cave, climbing on chairs, on the tables at the risk of avalanches. There he encounters horrible the form of color plates and teeming with hideous insects. But he also discovers Aristophanes and Rabelais. It slips under the skin with delight La Perouse, Magellan, Vasco da Gama. "Men and beasts were there in person" : child-Sartre patiently collects the "humus of memory" .
"It is in the books that I met the world: workers, classified, labeled, Platonist thought ... by state, I was informed of its purpose."

At seven years, John Paul has access to the real world by the discovery its ugliness. Finding the time and surpass the unsurpassable in this unsightly, it gives a glorious body through writing: submitted to the rite of passage, virilization, the prince is toad. But no matter, since the manner of the man-book Arcimboldo ( "The Librarian" ), Sartre describes becoming book. Transfigured through writing, it turns into a great and terrible fetish handy:
"It reads to me, I no longer exist anywhere, I'm everywhere."

style confidant of "Words" forward the child leaps to the rhythm of their energy gushing. Fatherless son of one Jean-Paul "his own case, fills with pride and height of misery." "Everything happened in my head; imaginary child, I defended myself by imagination."

down from its origins, Sartre fight against the self-taught. Flaubert, like his brother enemy who has suffered from its own contradictions and fled in the literature, the intellectual meditation on the ambiguities of the world. His wish: to be the matter and nothing more than wind. Spinoza and Stendhal. Anti-modern, disenchanted, he calls his lyrics read like a riot, as a famine. admitting that "his madness has protected against the elite ", Sartre can not help but see the talent " which separates the other, a crime against the other ". The aristocrat and writer who lives a freedom to s wrest the time: the pole and the pole soft acid to create tension own "words" , vivid traces of the writer to the task.

Sartre openly admits that his books feel "the sweat and pain ". A passion rooted in the incomparable pleasure of taking the child " living things in the trap of the phrases ". And addressing in turn the reader into the other, the writer experiences and we share this intoxicating power to enact "cathedrals of words under the watchful eye of blue sky word ..."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank You Welcome Gift Bag Note

Confessions of an asexual wanton, 3rd party

This text is a translation of Confessions of an asexual Slut, Part 3: Doin'It , edited by David Jay in January 2007.

I base my privacy on my communities. That means that what most people do in their relationship with their small (e) friend (s), their husband or wife, I do in my relationship with my entire community. As I am asexual, I could not go out with someone in the strict sense even if I wanted. And for a long time it was really confusing, because if I was dating someone, I had no way of knowing who I was supposed to be in love and were just friends. Without boxes like this where to put their relations with others, many people feel lonely and isolated. For this reason people who can not be with someone in the traditional sense, like asexuals, are looking for less traditional ways of seeing relationships. These will go out with someone without having sex with radically redefine the way we describe and categorize the relationship, through the mixture of elements from traditional romantic relationships and traditional relations of friendship. Intimacy is based on the communities to see a system that supports the relationships that we can not assign of particular importance to (e) small (e) friend (s), or even a small core of partners. The central idea is that we see every relationship the same way as the others, because all relationships have their importance. Here is an overview of how it presents itself to me right now.

I have three primary relationships, a dozen secondary relationships, and still about a hundred people with whom I interact. One of these key relationships is with someone, and the two others are with groups, which means I have about nine people in total, which collectively constitute what is for most people (on) a small (e ) Friend (s). It has its advantages and disadvantages. It is relatively stable and there is plenty of variety, but the schedule can be a nightmare. I shall return later.

I begin my primary relationship the more traditional, with my girlfriend Karuna. Karuna and I've always had a very strong and creative. We're both very public people, and our relationship is built around the support we give each other when one of us must take risks. We sang karaoke, we improvised chorea complicated on the dance floor, and we spent hours sipping tea in reflecting on our lives. When we find ourselves, there's always this energy Creation and support us, which I learned to count. Thanks in part to her that I do more to stress the idea of being on television.

See you once a week or more, usually to do things that involve a lot of laughter and speech in public. We share the love and we intend to continue to be there for each other, at least for now. Karuna also has a boyfriend, and it is clear that her relationship with him and his relationship with me are complementary. I start to become friends with him too.

My primary relationship is with following On Your Left , an activist group who likes to tell gossip, dancing, going on adventures and make sophisticated tub. As my relationship is with three people, not just one, it is more reliable (since it is almost certain that at least one group member will be there), but it's harder to feel the intense emotional connection type that one can have in a relationship with both. This is not a problem; support, comfort and reflection are what I get from my relationship with Karuna. My relationship with On Your Left is where test limits and break the laws, even if it really does not violate the law at the service of social justice. See you once a week to make twenty km cycling and skating in San Francisco. We spend the first half of the hike to discuss political issues in San Francisco and around the world, and the second half chatting about our love lives. We also found the weekend to eat and go dancing, and our roots activists make us a home to conduct political activities. A few hours ago, we all gathered to oppose an advertising campaign several million dollars, with some remarkable results.

So now, I have a place where I'm at the shelter and a place to excite me, the only thing missing is a place to be comfortable. It's fine intensity, but in my experience, the more difficult in a relationship is to be comfortable together without doing anything special. Pizza the Hut, a loosely formed group of my roommates and their closest friends, is my family and my ties here in San Francisco. For a year and a half since I live here, has forged ties fabulous, and I know that whatever happens, I will have a place where I can relax, talk nonsense and let everything else fade away.

It's called Pizza Hut, because when I moved, someone remarked that with three boys in a single apartment, all that would be in our fridge frozen pizzas and beer. It is the kind of vegetables do our donuts and watching Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy . In fact, we did exactly that at least once every six weeks. It has much fun to decorate the lounge (pirates), cooking (images and pork products) and bathroom (famous actors in a bathtub or in awkward sexual positions). It is to eat together, we go on weekends, and there are countless traditions that has accumulated.

These three relationships are central to my life. I'm doing thing with each person or group once a week or more, and three of them they give me a lot of experiences I want in my life, whether dance, fight for the ideas which I believe, or cook meals refined. For the rest, there are my secondary relationships, friends I see less frequently or are far away, completing the rest of my life and my schedule. These are people or groups of people I see once or twice a month. These relationships can be as varied as the services of a professional performing artists, or new promising vying for the status page.

Do the math: if I work full time, devotes one evening a week to each of my three primary relationships and an evening every two to four weeks to my secondary relationships, discussed from time to time with the hundreds of people floating in limbo relations, dedicating ten to twenty hours AVEN week, and leaves me time to meet people, you really have that I link. It's a little overwhelming at times. There are certainly disadvantages compared with other ways, traditionally love to live relationships. Keep abreast of what's happening is harder, and although there is much less involved in each relationship, it is almost guaranteed that at any time there will be stories somewhere in the social network. For better or for worse, we do not feel the kind of intense feeling that people who focus on a partner. I do not fall in love like some of my friends, because falling in love means that for a moment you have a person who is everything to you.

On the other hand, it usually happens much more in a community that anything could happen with one person. An entire community will not leave a note raging before slamming the door. If a relationship goes, there are always other to balance. As I have many relationships that I can count, it is rare that I can not have the support I need, and as things are still moving, I am never bored and I do not feel trapped.

But frankly, practicalities aside, the power is most exciting. Whenever VolunteerMatch * seeks to hire people in my office gave me a pile of resumes of friends and acquaintances, and I do take five or six. At every election, I can argue a hundred to a thousand votes for one candidate or the camp that I choose, as soon as my community is mobilized to go pounding the pavement. Much can be done as a couple, but a community's unique ability to unite for change the world around it makes the possibilities I have with mine virtually endless. So if one of you concentrate all his hopes and dreams on that special person, take time to reflect on what might happen if you multiply your love.

* audios VolunteerMatch David worked when the article was written.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How Much Is Bowling At Red Rock


1690. Who is this child in rags, faceless, abandoned on a beach along the Channel like a Stygian Abyss? ... Open mouth grin from ear to ear in a silent, nostrils dilated, hair wild mane. It is through this spectrum as one approaches the novel is also the image of the spectrum that the child Gwynplaine falls in life by laughing petrified forever carved on her face. Face-mutilation, disfigurement face. The face as a body chaos. Flash of silent laughter, fixed and stony overwhelming. Harbinger of death, before they reveal machine affirm life.

Hugo is there in the scene "Chaos Vanquished." Drama yet unplayable as he says the show is obscene. But Gwynplaine Triumph of Death: Laughter fixed soon generates laughter living, anticipation of the laughter of Bergson in 1900 "mechanics plated on Life" .

The child comes alone at night, snow and death. Gwynplaine, ten years, hideous face, save the small Dea. The lost child carrying the foundling. Dea, blind, able to perceive the soul, transparent, and converse with the gods. She is Isis, goddess of death and ambiguous life. Dea, shepherd of a starry sky sublime assertive down the old light monarchist, monotheistic, a time which staggers. Against the grotesque in distress, a new divine.

Finally, Hugo has an appointment with himself, as Gwynplaine with a gallows mournful that stirs the wind. The stillness of death suddenly begins to live. Behind the instrument of darkness where the dead and fight night looms a huge hand in writing. The gallows laboratory writing! Hugo's great allegory: the black body and inform attacked by a pack of crows is writing in the process of describing itself, hear squealing "in a fierce back and forth" . The pen scratches and hardening as the spectrum has its substance in the ink receptacle of tears and blood of men.

Man by Hugo is a mutilated, as the human race which has been distorted the law, justice, truth, reason and intelligence. The "Laughing Man" is the strong figure of passive people who chose to guffaw and submit. In spectrograph visionary history, Hugo mobilizes the past to write with all her loved ones. In this final book of his exile ends (1869), Hugo's is more myth than ever at work.