Friday, December 10, 2010

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"In Search of Lost Time" : the greatest book of all time. Each figure has its epiphany and nourishes the subtle links between the narrator and the author, in a game with three always renewed. This applies lorsqu'Albertine and the narrator seem to share a moment of happiness to own lovers. Albertine character floating enigmatic, slowly embodied in the flow of time. This chameleon-girl, whom he met at Balbec, suggests a hoarse voice, quasi-villainous. A few gulps of cider enough to wake her the intensity of a pleasure, privilege of female pleasure. A pleasure that does not mean possession. Albertine purrs like a kitten sneaky. It is the desire of the other, feminine strategy.

Possession embodied when desire dies. Love, like a lost cause, is deadlocked if it is limited to the enjoyment. Are we in love trance? ... Passion is always triggered by desire, the desire by the lack and failure by anxiety. Love like waiting and suffering the people "Search" Proust.

What fascinates the narrator - and beyond the writer himself - is the body floating in Albertine enjoyment inaccessible to humans. In the background is also speaking of Proust's work as his child. A work he intends to own and why he feels the pangs of parturition. Albertine, awake or asleep, for it remains a puzzle that opens onto infinity, similar to this artwork, the mystery of the Stradivarius. Proust's creative writing students here the rank of a summit of strangeness, poetry.

The distance is great between the narrator's dream of owning that object. Cruising girls blossom in the Norman countryside, he feels the need to become intimate for them unforgettable. Possess, obsess here, capturing their attention. It is haunting the hearts, souls to enter secretly participate in these lives known. Possession is the psychological substitute for physical love.

Albertine comes off gradually in the mind of the narrator. Her blue eyes are for him the sea withdrew and sailing, his breath the rocking waves. It is entire cruise infinity. Albertine is the nymph, goddess of the fluid element. She does not want it enjoys. She is beatitude in sensuality, like the body of the mother and child. Before the narrator always frustrated, beautiful embodies the mystery of a perfect pleasure, the full enjoyment of her own.

Sleep Albertine has the softness of a caress, the ocean, the matrix of all life. Viewer frozen, ecstatic, the narrator imagines that put the beautiful kimono houses probably the letters of her lover (e) s. He may be right there in the responses to his jealousy. He gets up, tried, although no search. For Albertine is the pleasure principle and jealousy. Proust, jealousy is the cause of love and not the other way: as a subtle game which the narrator engages with himself for reassurance and finally rejoice at not having ... to fear.

The jealous and artist seem to share is that refusal of the truth. The narrator addresses Albertine, enjoying animal, like a work of art. He loves his jealousy as Proust saw his work: in the throes of a vocation.

The smooth flesh of the cheek of Albertine embodies the mystery of living flesh. The beautiful fugitive is turbulence on the river time. Algae, water lily, it is this mollusk secretes cerebral romantic. The mystery itself encrypted in the act of creation.

Proust watercolorist penetrating the passions at work.


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