Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Between "I do not know what" and "Almost nothing," "The adagio regret calls the dance of the once elusive and elsewhere" . Terming the trace that remains invisible, the philosopher installs in irreversible: this indestructible behind even after death. Think back to the voice of the dearly departed ...

Something has been lived, done, part forever in a "sempiternité" . It is the irrevocable which may reflect the survivors of death.

modulation high-pitched voice Jankélévitch just sing and false. He never lost digress, improvise, think metaphorically, his way to classes / t (in the familiar Sorbonne). His philosophy does not seek to seize, to crystallize, but suggests the "I do not know what " or its close cousin, the "almost nothing". As a concrete mystery that undoubtedly exists ... disappears and the next moment. Note, speech, the cry, breath ... This time is undetermined MVP: I know that time is, but I do not know what time. I know I am ... but who am I? ...

Propelled inside this time, René Descartes and look at each other, seize thinking. The tightrope walker wondered, just for a split second, what he is doing ... and fall! I am, I exist, and that truth will always be true whenever I conceive. The "I" is contained in the moment, the dazzle, the appearance / disappearance.

Music is the language of indeterminacy. Multivalent expression opens up new horizons to deploy. As for ideas on the run, we do not seek because that they are great, but they are great because that they seek. Subtle reversal of causality. It strikes at the heart of nostalgia by Vladimir: squeaks, smells, perfumes, are charged with emotion. Menu details are carrying a deeper meaning related to our human truth. But ideas to flight, we need to mourn.

The horizon of possibilities irrigates the future, the horizon of the past can not be undone. The future is said in the urban architecture, past the Eden Gardens in the mists of Lost available to wandering. The music is about the garden, the useless, the impossible dream, singing, poetically, painting, are the only viable attitudes from the past.
"If man has a bright future behind him, because he has before him a vast past. "When the riddle starts tu clarity ...

Son of the translator of Freud and Hegel, nourished by Greek culture, Jewish, Christian and Russian Jankélévitch tip the tragedy of every culture: the life that is carries with it the source of forces. And this man is be "attached" constantly subjected to reciprocating motion of the pendulum Discount Schopenhauer: he knows he will die, but he does not know when. No Life is alive only because it is promised to the death. We can not and know that you are. "If youth knew, if old age could! ... "The

have been is written in the future as worn by a "almost nothing" incomparable. And the whole universe would not exist without the idea of children gassed in Auschwitz. The mark of his deep emotional track that we were ineffable. The infinite indignation springs from a report in silent unspeakable: the philosopher, forgiveness is dead ... in the death camps.

Jankélévitch moral thinking takes us back to a life of as the heart. It develops there thinking about the existence of consciousness in time. The philosopher of becoming, like his teacher Bergson aims to surprise in equilibrium, in flagrante delicto, the forefront of the moment. Life would she finally this melody ephemeral torn from the infinity of death? ...

Whoever lived can not "not" : "Now this is mysterious, profoundly obscure, to have lived, is his sacrament for eternity" ( The irreversible nostalgia ) .

It may have been ... and continue to be. Volatile eternity.


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