Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bush Banned Not See Dead Soldiers Coffin

When the birth of a boy makes a difference!

I always heard my grandmother sing me this song, I've always loved the words it carries, the caricature and each time that a girl is born, it sang the new mother of our family!

Even if this image is pejorative and that man and wife each have their place and their values, that said, for a long time and even today some prefer boys to girls or worse take the girls for a burden, birth saddens them, their worries creates ...

Me personally I adore when my father said that the birth of a first baby girl brings happiness and luck to the family!

Or when my mother said the girls are sweeter and more tender with their moms!

For me no matter the baby, already the fact of having a gift from heaven and sex of the baby is really irrelevant!

Go set you regale us, we women !!!;-)))

الي Roamed Alisth (Alisth: Child)

deserve strike Bakdh (mug: Alexronp)

deserve Koyan fire

deserve atom Valdar

and traveled to Mr. Mr.

deserve a new anklet

deserve eat Ballip

deserve server Ajamieh

Rejoice not, O or above

my daughter grow up and Takdhu

and I enter her house

Brush the hair Bziha

and eat home asset

و أنت يا أم الذكر كليبت باب بيتها

Number: thank you for malweno beautiful writing in Arabic! :-)))

Monday, May 19, 2008

How To Get Wax Of Microwave

Fusion: The Art of The kibitz! " MEPI

When words collide in the drawing, when they stroke the light of a sensation when the drawing becomes expression, when the artist becomes ingenious amateur when he captured a look, spellbound emotion when he s a photo story, a beautiful work, when he takes pleasure and the pleasure grows beyond sight, the Beyond the picture, he plunges into the depths of his being, freezes his m odel e but retains the beauty of his soul, he captures the emotion to make art!

happens: Art Of The kibitz !!!:-)))

admire :-)))

Note: All photos were taken by "the kibitz" , retired for a different artistic effect, some original photos are flickr, me, exquisite :-)), I have assigned the text in my inspiration, and the impression it gives me!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sv2000 Dvd Recorder And Universal Remote

see clearer! look at us!

The REE of choice, freedom of expression, a gesture of a notice

Why can not we be truly free in our discussions, our opinion!?

was so wanted to like the others, all our lives, we Tunisians!

Having the same job as his friend from college, the same car as its neighbor, the same salary as his colleague, and the same status ... that her employer

was always referred later even bigger!

Our ancestors fought, sacrificed and died to be as independent as the other!

Having our own country, only to be masters of our destiny!

We 'is open to the world, on civilizations!

We had the right to vote, right to democracy, the right to dream, right to a dignified life.

Right write, in fact, theoretically ;-)))

as freely as others, we wanted to do as others create our personal space, express itself, have an opinion, discuss ..

Some have excelled, some had the courage to speak, some were worthy of defending their country, their ideas!

But why do we can not be free to review?, why can 't-be not to accept the opinions of some and others? Why it gets carried away, we shout, we are attacking?

Why is destroyed years of fighting for the right to think, to have freedom of speech?

But how can you be accepted, be heard to be free if you are unable to communicate with you? Between us? !

It is not enough to say: "I am free to do .. I'm free to say ... I am free to go .. "To be, it does not have write access, or an opinion or a position, if between ourselves, in walls of our deepest beings, we can not get rid of our prejudices, if everyone takes part and fails to be right!

But wake up? We observed, we tested, we judge!

From a distance I look at the real excitement of this history of MEPI, I imagine the giant maze made USA, I hear the voice of mocking laugh ...

But they have already won, they already reached their goal!

is unfortunate to realize, that we play the same scenario, the same round, for over a century and that every time we fall the same way! !

We were up against each other, we salivate dreams, unreal promises, we are snarls are entretuer s and voila, it unearths our bodies into statues!

But the real problem is not the MEPI but Despise!

Being free of a notice of a position without having the mistake of another, nor angry, mention the names of all other ...

hounds Why do we see in the opinion of the other any attack !

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression? to say no matter what "no" ...?

But no, you who are my family, my roots, my people, my country you have the right to hounding you all!

Learn to control your emotions, your anger, to see beyond the ego that destroys us all!

Be Free before claiming our freedom!