Monday, May 19, 2008

How To Get Wax Of Microwave

Fusion: The Art of The kibitz! " MEPI

When words collide in the drawing, when they stroke the light of a sensation when the drawing becomes expression, when the artist becomes ingenious amateur when he captured a look, spellbound emotion when he s a photo story, a beautiful work, when he takes pleasure and the pleasure grows beyond sight, the Beyond the picture, he plunges into the depths of his being, freezes his m odel e but retains the beauty of his soul, he captures the emotion to make art!

happens: Art Of The kibitz !!!:-)))

admire :-)))

Note: All photos were taken by "the kibitz" , retired for a different artistic effect, some original photos are flickr, me, exquisite :-)), I have assigned the text in my inspiration, and the impression it gives me!


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