Thursday, March 12, 2009

Online Movies Genres Mature

Ami (e)?

My friend, all near my heart, my friend my soulmate.
Friendship is so hard to explain, yet simple and sweet.

Friendship binds in a blink an eye, a smile, a share.

Will we make it last? Long, long enough not to smother the?

in a lifetime, we see spend so many friends, who mark you, those who hurt you, those who go away forever, those who remain dangerous burn your heart.

Each day, forging friendships, passengers, unique, special ...

Y has friends who have been there yesterday but will remain a long time ago that all you can take those long, those who betray you, those who are there in the hardest times, those who support your biggest mistake ... The

friends: it's a lot of memories passing repass ...

Y has these friends that you've never seen, but which bring you all the good of the world, those with whom you were so sincere and yet ....

Your friend is your garden secret is your smile is your fresh air
A friend does not have you, engulf you do not a friend respects you, respects your beliefs even when you're so different from him.

A friend does not tell you what you want to hear, friendship is sharing, listening ...

Friendship is the pleasure to say, you're my friend you are my friend ...

The friendship that I like most is our dining together, our laughter, our days unforeseen, our organizations, our appointment is when you call when you go out? And I come running. ... When you get lost for days, months and when returns quickly to meet, enjoy our moments together ... when it says "we really need to see," then what is the program? "... Is when we bear every day and it becomes a pleasure to carry a proof of true friendship is when it becomes a daily pleasure, a breath of oxygen in the daily stress of life ...

Friendship is pleased to have you as a friend (s) with your faults, your nonsense .. As long as it is a pleasure .

Friendship done to make life sweeter, our eating out, beach, theater, cinema: is you, who think of me as I bring you joy as much as you bring me ...

Friendship is you, my darling, my sweet, my love, who I can say anything with which I dare all, that supports my follies, sharing my fears, laughed at my laughter ...

Friendship is complex
but I prefer simple, like a beautiful painting where each spot has a meaning and says it all!


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