Monday, June 29, 2009

How To Perform Female Brazilian Wax

Not the moral ... Is that still

Yep, I have no morale. After a month of June with my past Herbie to the doting father, to take full advantage of her smiles and her laughter, well I went back to work. And it's not easy having to again respond to emails on the phone Yeah, I miss my Herbie.

M'enfin, you must know go ahead and see his little piece grow. It starts its adaptation to the nursery (Friends of Lola) for the month of July. It will still grow at a breakneck speed. It is not easy to leave this little bubble that was created during those days. A life marked by the phases of sleep, MIAMM, games of my little girl. A life punctuated by the comings and returns to work my Sweet. Alalala. Yep, it was like vacation.

I had a (very) short post to say that was Berry. We spent a weekend with my grandparents in fact. A great weekend for Herbie, who discovered the campaign, the real (not the Bois de Vincennes), ate raspberries want you in here, cherry picked from the tree, mashed potatoes, stewed fruit with home as the garden ... And Lena, smiling and laughing through the house, quite pleased to discover a new area to explore. My grandparents were also super happy that fall. Lena must say that they had not seen much lately. And like a super Herbie, she was all smiles, the rewarding of his presence more than happy. In short, they too have been under his devastating charm (oh yes, the sandbox, how many times have I heard "it is very your beautiful girl "or" she has beautiful eyes "). In addition, Lena has managed very well the fact of being in a place she does not know. I would even say it was super super good managed. It was "just" a good hour and a half difficult at night when we arrived. She woke up (normal) to exit the car and it took him time to calm and reassure new location where it was. But hey, hey, the early morning, she was all smile and trudge around the house. She even agreed to walk holding the hand of her great grandmother (as usual, she can not stand holding hands someone walking on a sidewalk). We had a little not want to leave on Sunday evening with my sweet, and Lena either. Return vincennois was certainly easy (less than 3 hours ... nobody on the road) in terms of physical transport, but hey, our mind is stayed green Berry a little bit of time ...

So this morning, I went back to work, with a heavy heart. But hey, hey, I also hopeful ... when I see my Herbie (yes, this afternoon, I went over to the house and I could give him his dessert ... ... even that I am privileged to work 10 minutes from my house then, eh, from time to time, I enjoy). During this month

June, I still completed my synopsis, managed to spawn three pages ... and to publish four little notes of nothing. Yes, yes, I feel the criticism of dawn like "yeah, but had you the time." Yes ... and no ... poulisme me that Dad made clear something I already knew but now it is back in my little head: care for a baby, it's not a restful activity. Well, in addition to the Herbie is really the kind super quiet. But that's just fun, to see strolling the layers of air through the house to the living room to his room through the bed of mom and dad. Ah yes, it is the magic bed mom and dad: a futon is not high and that, with Dad, we did spins and stunts and that's super funny ...

Well, eh ... next head to head with Lena, it will be July 8 and later, in August ...


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