Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remove Dashboard Hyundai Accent

Hard ...

Yep .. With this big heat in hot weather, the Herbie was very very bad night. Yes, she slept, some people will object to the mind as foul-mouthed as the trumpets of fame (as seems Brassens). But she woke up every hour (or so) and go back to sleep, he had to shoulder a dad (or mom, it worked well too) ... nothing could make her sleep. Yes, without it, it was entitled to very large tears ... crying (real) of "it will not "...

Ah, but I already mention here that Lena is not a baby crying. Sometimes a few crocodile tears (like it's not like she wants) ... but warned parents that we are, we know the difference between tears of frustration and the other crying. And precisely those other tears, well, they come only when Lena was wrong or that it will not at all (like it afraid, she is tired, agitated, she needs a hug). In short, if it does not rattle, it does not cry for nothing. In addition, very little rattle it.

So, if I say it is to explain that tonight, they were tears of "it's not going to help mom or dad." So 6-7 times at night with my wife, we got up to go for a short hug our little girl she could go back to sleep. The heat was stifling, not having enough air to cool off a bit of both chambers. Yes, Lena is not allowed in a room with a window open, the slightest breeze can make it very sick. Therefore not directly open window. And to top it all, a cold start. Suffice to say that the night was over qu'agitée and fragmented sleep and that our (my sweet to me) was really not great at all ... My poor Herbie

that this morning in the arms of her beloved father (my, that), after saying goodbye to his beloved mother (my Sweet, that), she went, already tired at 8:30 in the morning According to his awful night, to his first full day of kindergarten ... together. Well, on arrival went well, and also the removal (my Sweet had a call from the nursery) as the morning went well (except once or twice great who have a little shaken up, where a few small tears). In the afternoon, she had slept a little time ... so much that night, we have recovered very tired (sleeping on the changing table after bathing, for example) ... tired but happy and smiling. The lady at the nursery was really surprised that the first day went as well; short, too much the Choup '...

And we ask questions. It's expensive, yes, the Friends of Lola ... but on the other side, we are not bothered about a lot of points. I mean, if you move and you leave Vincennes, was not to say "well, only 3 months of nursery" ... In addition, the welcome, coaching ... everything is great among the friends of Lola. I'm not saying it will not be well at the nursery Municipale. No. I'm just saying that a priori can have my sweet is not as positive. But it's cheaper (even outright). We will stress the municipality of residence ... sure ...
And so we wonder ... still ... Finally, perhaps my more gentle than I am. Deeply

tonight we can go to bed ...


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