Monday, July 27, 2009

Watch South Park Stream English

38.5 ... onset of fever dental ...

Sunday we went to SAMI. Nothing to do with the crank of Scooby Doo. No, SAMI is the pet name of the host medical open evenings from 20h to 23h45 and Sunday. This is a trick that allows to see a doctor when doctors are closed without going to the emergency. Practice sum.

So Lena had a fever over 38 and as she coughed a little fat, we went to SAMI Sunday. The doctor was very nice. The lungs are clear of Lena, her ears are fine, his throat is a little red ... and her teeth grow in depth. Yep, we made a Herbie the sacred teething. Well, this morning, the nursery has agreed to take it (phew). Finally, must say that Lena has a slight cold and that his fever is really due to the teeth. Not really what we refuse.

Still, it's still awesome to know that the baby teeth have to raise its temperature more than 38 (38.6 Sunday at 11:30). Brouf. Well, Sunday night, despite all grogitude understandable, Lena has still played well, a good laugh (and reassured us of his health, though she laughs, is that it is not so serious).

At the doctor was able to see Herbie the gums red and white with all the baby teeth all close to the exit. M'ssieur Doctor still preferred to let us know: teeth may not come out right away and take time to point their nose. Kind, one must still expect an even more torture sessions for dental Choup. Question frequency is every 8 to 10 days.

Seriously it has fangs that come out ... because then it becomes super hard for her (and us too, by the same OCCAZ).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pokemon For Sixtyforce

It was a little guy ...

Ha well yeah ... anyway. After two weekends of mops at the 4 corners of France (1 in 1 in Lorraine and Auvergne) where Lena has benefited from his grandparents and his rear grandmothers (and even his great grand uncle of Auvergne which were 70 years ago shortly), we can ensure that our Herbie fully. By car, it is super cool ... Pionçouille it, she plays a little, look out ... New people? Either we tamed for 10 minutes from the observation center, arms Mom 'or' arm candy 'and after, well after 10 minutes, it's cool, we know, and we can go wander around and tinkering with everything on (the plantouilles, things that go beyond known and we have no right to touch) ... So play and then also to cuddle ... Here is what Lena has been able to do during the two Last weekend ... to the delight of his entourage ... Finally, two weekends like that, that frankly left us on the ball with my wife. A weekend with friends glandouille grub would do us good ...

And the relationship with the subject? Well, Lena has a new playmate She does not see it, for sure, but she hears about it. This is a small Lepreuchaun. This pixie prankster becomes invisible every morning to hide in the pocket of his father when the latter takes Lena to the nursery. This little prankster Korrigan follows Lena everywhere and was careful that everything goes well for her. It's a small thing between me and Herbie, a little trick I invented one morning ... while she was in my arms, dreamy and thoughtful. Yes, it is as much in the moon at times his dad. So one morning, seeing a few parsecs from the earth, I started to tell him the story of Lepreuchaun who wanted to see Paris and who, wishing to stay, decided to settle with a family who had a baby (Lena in this case).

Well, for now, this story does not really Lepreuchaun start and is not well developed, but I am hopeful that this little frame born of delirium papatesque ... if it is, eh, I would have time to write this story here ...
For now, therefore, this pixie prankster accompanied Lena with her great grand mother, hidden in the pocket of his dad (yes, he likes to hide in the pocket of his dad). And since he is shy, he makes himself invisible, that's why you can not see when he follows Lena in his travels.

Yep, good stories in perspective ...

Otherwise, it's fine by you?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Minnetonka Moccasins Dealer

The nose cauliflower ... and season 2 of Chuck last night

Okay, so after a very significant weekend in Lorraine (with grandparents and great grandmother Lena), I would just like to give three pieces of information about the state of the small family. Lena gets rid somehow of a cold that has fallen on the vocal cords and a bit in the bronchi. Yes, with that "just fell into the bronchi," we were treated to a full-scale test of the real for real from Ventolin to Choup '... ahhh much fun as Ventolin for a baby.
First, what to see is that Lena is not asthma ... most babies between 0 and 3 years doing this kind of asthma episode in which the Ventolin is just a little help, if it did not exist, well, it would not matter. I will return later on psycho-emotional implications of this news. Then, the Ventolin is certainly the same as an adult, but it adds a tip plastoc silicone mask with a ... Briefly, the kind of thing that gives the impression of an elephant but kind disguise disguise a little after 1 year do not like (large tears and very difficult for Lena breathes well in the mask) .

Well, hey, besides that, it's been a week now Lena is at once clear the nose of saline solution (to prevent it falling into the bronchi). A week of fighting as to successfully clear the nostrils of Choup '. No easy life dad. Fortunately, there are smiles and kind words. Moreover, my sweet was treated to a true "Mom I love you" by Lena. Chuis a little jealous, actually ... but just a little ... Crapulette the case, babbles and sometimes you may vaguely understand a real word (perhaps you might think with my beautiful, but it did not matter to us). Lena is now "yes" and "no" to the head when she wants or does not want something.

As for my Lady and I are sailing on demand in coal tar, cauliflower nose due to a cold gun, taking drugs to blow rhinadvil (and for my beautiful Strepsil) to get the and pass any to spend a night a little bit correct. Yes, the long night quiet is not common. On the one hand because Lena is sick (coughing so sometimes at night, forcing us to pick ourselves up for a hug endormissatoire), and secondly because we have discovered Chuck (Season 2 and is super good) .

Good. There is a huge home larva (me), a small larva (my sweet, who is recovering faster than me) and an electric battery (Lena, who, despite a burst and fatigue, farts still short of form and in every sense, it is impressive to see so many sins in such a small piece) ...

Good. To return to the implications of psycho-émitionnelles Ventolin Lena must Nice to see that my asthma is ... asthmatic type allergen. And she did not learn that his beloved super girly girl would need the Medoc. Well, we can not conclude from this single episode that Lena is asthmatic. It is important to bear in mind. But hey, hey, it works when even a little in the head. One wonders if and when an asthma episode is coming next ... and we ruminate a bit too. There ruminates this brief exchange with the pediatrician:
Ma Belle (about what Lena chopper): - And what could have been done to prevent this?
The Pediatrician (reassuringly): - Given the conditions, you would have nothing have done.
Ma Belle is reassured ...
Me (curious) - The conditions, that is to say? The fact of living in Vincennes?
the Pediatrician - Yes, that's it ... Ile de France, which does not say anywhere else, it would not have done. But it would have been less likely to do.


This time it knocks out a bit as implied. If it happens again too, one solution, it will leave the Paris region ... Evident when it is there that has his job ...
Good. Hein. For now, there's no alarm pulled, there's no warning. We just started, at first, watching home prices in the outer suburbs of Paris (where the air is gray) near the stations.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remove Dashboard Hyundai Accent

Hard ...

Yep .. With this big heat in hot weather, the Herbie was very very bad night. Yes, she slept, some people will object to the mind as foul-mouthed as the trumpets of fame (as seems Brassens). But she woke up every hour (or so) and go back to sleep, he had to shoulder a dad (or mom, it worked well too) ... nothing could make her sleep. Yes, without it, it was entitled to very large tears ... crying (real) of "it will not "...

Ah, but I already mention here that Lena is not a baby crying. Sometimes a few crocodile tears (like it's not like she wants) ... but warned parents that we are, we know the difference between tears of frustration and the other crying. And precisely those other tears, well, they come only when Lena was wrong or that it will not at all (like it afraid, she is tired, agitated, she needs a hug). In short, if it does not rattle, it does not cry for nothing. In addition, very little rattle it.

So, if I say it is to explain that tonight, they were tears of "it's not going to help mom or dad." So 6-7 times at night with my wife, we got up to go for a short hug our little girl she could go back to sleep. The heat was stifling, not having enough air to cool off a bit of both chambers. Yes, Lena is not allowed in a room with a window open, the slightest breeze can make it very sick. Therefore not directly open window. And to top it all, a cold start. Suffice to say that the night was over qu'agitée and fragmented sleep and that our (my sweet to me) was really not great at all ... My poor Herbie

that this morning in the arms of her beloved father (my, that), after saying goodbye to his beloved mother (my Sweet, that), she went, already tired at 8:30 in the morning According to his awful night, to his first full day of kindergarten ... together. Well, on arrival went well, and also the removal (my Sweet had a call from the nursery) as the morning went well (except once or twice great who have a little shaken up, where a few small tears). In the afternoon, she had slept a little time ... so much that night, we have recovered very tired (sleeping on the changing table after bathing, for example) ... tired but happy and smiling. The lady at the nursery was really surprised that the first day went as well; short, too much the Choup '...

And we ask questions. It's expensive, yes, the Friends of Lola ... but on the other side, we are not bothered about a lot of points. I mean, if you move and you leave Vincennes, was not to say "well, only 3 months of nursery" ... In addition, the welcome, coaching ... everything is great among the friends of Lola. I'm not saying it will not be well at the nursery Municipale. No. I'm just saying that a priori can have my sweet is not as positive. But it's cheaper (even outright). We will stress the municipality of residence ... sure ...
And so we wonder ... still ... Finally, perhaps my more gentle than I am. Deeply

tonight we can go to bed ...