Monday, July 20, 2009

Pokemon For Sixtyforce

It was a little guy ...

Ha well yeah ... anyway. After two weekends of mops at the 4 corners of France (1 in 1 in Lorraine and Auvergne) where Lena has benefited from his grandparents and his rear grandmothers (and even his great grand uncle of Auvergne which were 70 years ago shortly), we can ensure that our Herbie fully. By car, it is super cool ... Pionçouille it, she plays a little, look out ... New people? Either we tamed for 10 minutes from the observation center, arms Mom 'or' arm candy 'and after, well after 10 minutes, it's cool, we know, and we can go wander around and tinkering with everything on (the plantouilles, things that go beyond known and we have no right to touch) ... So play and then also to cuddle ... Here is what Lena has been able to do during the two Last weekend ... to the delight of his entourage ... Finally, two weekends like that, that frankly left us on the ball with my wife. A weekend with friends glandouille grub would do us good ...

And the relationship with the subject? Well, Lena has a new playmate She does not see it, for sure, but she hears about it. This is a small Lepreuchaun. This pixie prankster becomes invisible every morning to hide in the pocket of his father when the latter takes Lena to the nursery. This little prankster Korrigan follows Lena everywhere and was careful that everything goes well for her. It's a small thing between me and Herbie, a little trick I invented one morning ... while she was in my arms, dreamy and thoughtful. Yes, it is as much in the moon at times his dad. So one morning, seeing a few parsecs from the earth, I started to tell him the story of Lepreuchaun who wanted to see Paris and who, wishing to stay, decided to settle with a family who had a baby (Lena in this case).

Well, for now, this story does not really Lepreuchaun start and is not well developed, but I am hopeful that this little frame born of delirium papatesque ... if it is, eh, I would have time to write this story here ...
For now, therefore, this pixie prankster accompanied Lena with her great grand mother, hidden in the pocket of his dad (yes, he likes to hide in the pocket of his dad). And since he is shy, he makes himself invisible, that's why you can not see when he follows Lena in his travels.

Yep, good stories in perspective ...

Otherwise, it's fine by you?


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