Saturday, July 17, 2010

How To Install A Rod On Metal Window Frame


From moment to moment, the air swirls instills its futile to tempt the pores. Each molecule is breathing without seeming to. Finally tired of having to justify all existence dissolves in the anonymity of deadlocks beneficial. Balloon fever and pathetic, ego depleted hums his delight to play a useless pretending he does not know. The light itself is careless, joining those of the air spaces under the timid intrusions veiled. Retracting their tails harsh and blind, partitions ordinary falter their material comfort to be nothing more than illusions vanished. Where are we then? ... The feeling hesitant and slid a "we don '
there are more"

are more." objects sublime."
empty landscape, remains empty, blank page require spaces to be created. In becoming flesh, the souls of Plato down like falling stars, across deserts and eventually reach our world. Reached the Lethe, they can no longer drink water from the river of forgetfulness. Reduced to a sea of little vacuum attracts these crazy ready for all that they promise repentance long lasting peace. The
rushing in crowds at the funeral "Moi Je ..." A veil of light outlines a clear shadow.


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