Friday, August 14, 2009

How To Know Ifkidney Stone Is Stuck In Bladder

Leprechaun ...

It is with great pleasure that I take my pen again (well so to speak) and I am speaking to you.
2-3 days Here is some wonderful things that happen to us. Indeed, Lena goes much better (and even cracks a new tooth, he was rraaahhh time), Lost (or forgotten) reappear ... and personally, I'm better (part angina). What good idea we have therefore had to speak to you ...

Well, I hope you do all these stresses will not too bored nor too started the capital you may have sympathy for us. I hope, moreover, that the various things that we put at your disposal you liked. Between the pancakes, beer, whiskey and music, we did our best to satisfy you ...

As for Lena, here it is doing well. She had lost weight in recent days (the nose, sore tooth ... well lots of factors that did not help). Here it is now Attack again with a sacred knife and fork, then spoon. It almost seems that she wants to catch up quickly she has lost.
Small words understandable point in his babbling more and more insistent. If it is, it causes in gaellic (taught by master Leprechaun) we do not know ...
She loves to dance (well, sometimes it's hopeless, she dances on all music, even the most cheesy / crappy). Finally, it is often at the table when she's sick that his arms are raised as soon as any sound vaguely resembling music is heard. Suffice to say that when she is upset and in addition there is the music of lion king, it's really hard to feed him without any splash of pureed in a radius of 2 meters. Because the darn, eh, it has strength in his little arms and speed in his movements. And balançage hand can quickly become a gold medal at the "throw the spoon mashed trying to move towards the mouth" ... Ahh the joys of parenthood. You quickly learn to use a mop (if it was not before).
She hugs hugs, true. Gender and asks where she hangs her little head up against the shoulder. And she does not do that when she is tired, it does so just like that, just for a cuddle (half a second) before returning to his small business (books to read, cars to roll, stuff to put in boxes ... well, stuff super interesting).

short, all that to say, eh, Herbie the chip, it was really good discount.

After beginning the week where she sought her father, she is now very attached to her mom ... which, for once, found a smile about it. Ok, Me, Me, after being the star of my little girl, I fall a little from my pedestal, but no worse. Lena has a dad and a mom. Both are there to look after and she and both love it. The time that Herbie goes alone with her mom to understand that. Her mom is here too.


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