Monday, January 10, 2011

Kite Kite Director's Cut Online


"The story of a life is always a story of suffering."

From tenderness injured fragile endurance of the cartoon forced to truth inland from tragedy to comedy, the pendulum continues to swing ... Arthur Schopenhauer was patiently wrought, in the eyes of history, the face of questionable character unsympathetic. Grumpy, misanthropic, greedy, arrogant, reactionary, man displays all the traits of "buffoon" it purports to uncover and refine his own philosophy.

How the will to live is it the root of all evil? What is this background that we desire no control and leading us? The love is a ruse of reason to perpetuate the species? ... The interest of these questions is not, however, doubtful.

founder Moment Arthur, future "Human Light": when at sixteen, he meets convicts chained in the port of Toulon. It permeates them there, permanently, of the human condition as any suffering in the world.

At thirty, the philosopher has ended his work: "The World as Will and Representation" (1818). The man practice the flute every morning, the music is soothing to him what that soothes the absurdity of wanting to live. In contemplative, he opted for art that suspends pain, heightens the longing ... no longer desired.

In the tradition of great French moralists, Arthur is the thinker of the drawbacks to exist in a world that declares absurd worse than boredom is the temptation to leave with empty entertainment. The real fun is disembodied: it is art that tells us the truth of the world. Engineering, it falls within the contemplation: it can isolate in the nature and object, the representative, it captures the essence. Arthur raises the aesthetic contemplation to the ambition of a blueprint: a rainbow sky stops above "boondoggle phenomenal" felt and suffered by the common man.

Through the image of "eternal mourning of the World , we participate in eternity. The metaphysical Arthur is here echoes that of Plato and rear-purifies world. Behind the image "Goethe" the will to live can be seen the look that fits our desire to itself: we must love life in spite of herself, despite her suffering permanent sway the boredom. The denial of pain can arise contemplation.

Half a century later, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer venerate the man as an educator, noble character, philosopher and friend, recognizing him as a "professor of Solitude" . Philosophers of the absurd, thinkers of selfishness and pity, the two men means the triumph over pain sole purpose of our lives.

A desert landscape and is collected in a tone of sublime silence: the contemplative mood takes us into another world where time vanishes. Anticipating Bergson, Arthur puts us in the shoes of the artist - or art lovers - to be detached, visionary capacity to grasp the truth itself.

No useful purpose at work in mind: the futility even comes in designing a work of genius, so we are pulling the weight of need. By revealing our openness to the world, the art makes us "porous" and leads us to experience intuitive purest and the idea flies in front of beauty and is the "veil of Maya", membrane breakthrough of our illusions and fantasies, false problems and false suffering, which opens at last. People discover through the world in a quest for salvation by enlightened lucidity. The desire by

Schopenhauer is the essence. The philosopher Arthur guides us towards a pure intellectual enjoyment, without desire, cleared the subject, only attached to the object. The "logos" (knowledge) lifts us and gives us another glimpse of humanity possible. Poetry becomes tragic Arts Summit. Through art we become something other than ourselves: the aesthetic taste of the serenity of Nirvana ... One way to rest day granted to convicts who fĂȘteraient their luck ... One could almost hear

Prévert whisper "I recognized my happiness at the sound he made by leaving ..."


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