Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Between "I do not know what" and "Almost nothing," "The adagio regret calls the dance of the once elusive and elsewhere" . Terming the trace that remains invisible, the philosopher installs in irreversible: this indestructible behind even after death. Think back to the voice of the dearly departed ...

Something has been lived, done, part forever in a "sempiternité" . It is the irrevocable which may reflect the survivors of death.

modulation high-pitched voice Jankélévitch just sing and false. He never lost digress, improvise, think metaphorically, his way to classes / t (in the familiar Sorbonne). His philosophy does not seek to seize, to crystallize, but suggests the "I do not know what " or its close cousin, the "almost nothing". As a concrete mystery that undoubtedly exists ... disappears and the next moment. Note, speech, the cry, breath ... This time is undetermined MVP: I know that time is, but I do not know what time. I know I am ... but who am I? ...

Propelled inside this time, René Descartes and look at each other, seize thinking. The tightrope walker wondered, just for a split second, what he is doing ... and fall! I am, I exist, and that truth will always be true whenever I conceive. The "I" is contained in the moment, the dazzle, the appearance / disappearance.

Music is the language of indeterminacy. Multivalent expression opens up new horizons to deploy. As for ideas on the run, we do not seek because that they are great, but they are great because that they seek. Subtle reversal of causality. It strikes at the heart of nostalgia by Vladimir: squeaks, smells, perfumes, are charged with emotion. Menu details are carrying a deeper meaning related to our human truth. But ideas to flight, we need to mourn.

The horizon of possibilities irrigates the future, the horizon of the past can not be undone. The future is said in the urban architecture, past the Eden Gardens in the mists of Lost available to wandering. The music is about the garden, the useless, the impossible dream, singing, poetically, painting, are the only viable attitudes from the past.
"If man has a bright future behind him, because he has before him a vast past. "When the riddle starts tu clarity ...

Son of the translator of Freud and Hegel, nourished by Greek culture, Jewish, Christian and Russian Jankélévitch tip the tragedy of every culture: the life that is carries with it the source of forces. And this man is be "attached" constantly subjected to reciprocating motion of the pendulum Discount Schopenhauer: he knows he will die, but he does not know when. No Life is alive only because it is promised to the death. We can not and know that you are. "If youth knew, if old age could! ... "The

have been is written in the future as worn by a "almost nothing" incomparable. And the whole universe would not exist without the idea of children gassed in Auschwitz. The mark of his deep emotional track that we were ineffable. The infinite indignation springs from a report in silent unspeakable: the philosopher, forgiveness is dead ... in the death camps.

Jankélévitch moral thinking takes us back to a life of as the heart. It develops there thinking about the existence of consciousness in time. The philosopher of becoming, like his teacher Bergson aims to surprise in equilibrium, in flagrante delicto, the forefront of the moment. Life would she finally this melody ephemeral torn from the infinity of death? ...

Whoever lived can not "not" : "Now this is mysterious, profoundly obscure, to have lived, is his sacrament for eternity" ( The irreversible nostalgia ) .

It may have been ... and continue to be. Volatile eternity.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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"I do not dip my pen into an inkwell, but in life"
Young Blaise, a teenager, jumped out the window, catches the first train, where his travels lead him not, random streets, footpaths, cross roads. Out and outbound. The man is so. It's Latin for horse, goes the punt ... and leaves. In Rimbaud enthusiast, Blaise sings the praises of perpetual departure of universal taste, a new rumor still. He died when the clip.

Each of his letters turns a "... and there's still something." is the country that has ... homesick. Evil is membership. Like Gary, Cendrars is the man of inappartenance, including in respect of his work. The Road Warrior has chosen to mix the ashes in his name ... and art. Singular destiny. All life is a poem for this love of wandering.

The fluidity of his writing is the writer-traveler always ready to embark on its next plant in the world as it goes. In his trunk: his manuscripts in his Remington portable, some clothes, two pairs of godasses, kilos of white paper ... Crossing the eighteen days of Pernambuco in Cherbourg. And this crazy dream of charging him with a magnificent anteater nose-shaped banner, bargained to an old negro blind. "Having a fitted like that makes you laugh all day!"

according to his ideal life - on a boat of course - the man will have plenty of time to think about its "seven Wonders of the World all prosaic as possible: the ball bearing, advertising, money, music by his friend Erik Satie ... and neck of a naked woman. Not to mention the wonder of wonders: the gift of creation.

"When you love you must feel from

sing run
Breathe walk pars going into"

Poetry the real, has no country. Pen Cendrars prances. And he is in shirtsleeves, whistling. Or playing with a dictaphone, inventing a friendly voice polyphony. Blaise has a taste for risk. Writing is for him the hardest thing, he admits. Writing is perhaps abdicate. Who wants to listen, he professes a disdain for the written word. Poetry is always involved the image of the poem-riddle-nailed it hid in the back of an attic campaign ... "At the heart of the world" : man "right hand" (d) writing an evening stroll in Paris. Orion is its star, lost his right hand in the war and ascended to heaven. Cendrars starts in its own steps, but the poem refuses him to become this text "antipoetic" which led to the prose, despite its author.

The adventure continues, and new fluid. Blaise is a year in Rome, do ... film. Then landed in Hollywood, where "all streets lead to a studio." Cendrars between fascination for the image and humor naive "I intended to shoot a couple of elephants in the process of coitus. I failed." As for "filming" the Classic Parade lovers kiss, he lists with delight the list of fifty people needed the filming of the scene. Since the two players until ... "producer" . The friend

Doisneau photograph Blaise writing in the old Aix figure of the solitary writer facing a smooth wall, in the light of a bare bulb. Cendrars evokes the rare bird flying in a clearing in the Brazilian jungle: the "Septicolore" , dazed and passive, has the eye of the bird lucid hallucination, and a bit of panache ... the mushroom cloud of Bikini!

The dream is another's journey: "I dreamed I was flying like a bird, flying arms, legs" ... Before being "gutless" upon awakening, he admits, laughing. Blaise is a dream too, you will see, please "naked" on the deck of a boat, paddle when he likes to describe ... for him. Also departing in his head. "Language is one thing that attracted me, trained, perverted. ... Correct wrong, but alive"

"All life is a poem, a movement. I do that a word, a verb, a depth in the direction of the wildest, the most mystical, most alive, "
Cendrars wrote in 1913 about The Prose of the Transsiberian . Praise of leaving, ours this time, in the work-world the travel writer.

"Why write?" Because. "
Apotheosis of a cryptic language crackling.

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Fried Crayfish Champagne Vincent d'Astrée

Ingredients for 4 people : 1.5 Kg
8 cl Marc de Champagne
½ bottle of Champagne

50 g parsley ½ clove garlic 100g butter

5 cl Olive Oil Salt and pepper

1) Advance Preparation :
* Chop the parsley and garlic
* Castrating crayfish

2) Cooking Crayfish :
* Heat oil olive in a frying pan
* Once the oil is hot, lay the crawfish, salt and pepper them well
* jump, the flame at Marc de Champagne and wet (add)
generously with champagne
* Simmer 4 minutes
* Add the cold butter into pieces and simmer for 2 more minutes
* Add the parsley and check seasoning * Serve immediately

this dish with a Champagne Vincent d'Astree, as has Cuvee Reserve Spirit Terroir is a assembly Pinot Meunier Chardonnay and 50%, a Champagne sweet, winey and end at a time, combining a vintage distinction and structure, good roundness and smells very persistent with the connotations of white flowers and yellow fishing . It comes after 4-6 years of age and received a medal of gold to Sparkling World.

Recipe Christophe BERNARD
16 Rue de Reims 51200 Epernay Tel
March 26, 1955 44 22 - Fax 26 March 1954 January 1974 - E-mail: Website


Direction: Patrick Boivin
Rue Léon Bourgeois
51530 Phone Pierry
: 03 26 54 03 23
Fax: 03 26 54 66 33

Monday, January 31, 2011

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But " doukipudonktan? " asks Uncle Gabriel dabbing of the siskin Barbouze home Fior. Queneau and the ride starts burlesque of his niece Zazie in Paris. A cheeky kid that "skunk cambrousarde " which did not have cold feet and confronts the adult world without complex, with a cap and other worthy of Titis Gavroches Parigot, "the coudocor.

And Queneau continues its jubilant ride urban bistro coinstot , where the game is to paint the colored language of the purest phonics and talk poulbot. "Snob my ass ," intones the skunk as an introduction. And when Uncle Gabriel offers him a visit the Invalides as a dive in " métrolleybus ," the answer fuse, dryer: "Napoleon my ass! It not interest me at all, this swollen, with its hat cunt! "

The tasty parrot Laverdure gives the reply, so also reiterated that cryptically:" You causes cause you is all I know you do! ... . "Zazie egzamine flabbergasted this little world," Cui And then ki cè? ... "She only dreams of subway and Singermindépré The Gosselin, one does not remove him from this idea! But Uncle Gabriel eve sanxaenèlèr " The street is the school's vice "he warns, beware and tickling Zoze !

Zazie learns quickly," dries in half a bulbuls, expels three little burps and indulges , exhausted "before enjoying the experience Fair Flea, "where there are rambrans for cheap." Stopped before a net surplus of goodwill, aboujpludutout " Izont of blouddjinnzes ! .. ." And even if there are crunchy ki dislike Squid is fine!

The clumsy, trollop, satyrs, Galapiats, gougnafier, and other flowers guidenappeurs nave take them for their grade. The " nomdehieu, nomdguieu, lagoçamilébou, Exeter ..." is bordered by uttering. But as for catching up, there are also " of médzavotché, glances of aphrodisiacs and vulcanizing, labial commissure, shadows and almost cannibalistic forced bivalves in their shells with a ferocity Merovingian. "

Queneau invite himself at the turn of a phrase as Hitchcock appearing fleetingly in his films:" The whole story , barely more than a delusion typed by a novelist idiot (oh! forgiveness). "Then he does not hesitate to blow the conjugations:" Gabriel closed his eyes and turned to the guy ... She fucked him a good kick on the ankle. "Zazie

the skunk, she knows what she wants:" I want attend school until age sixty-five. I want to be governess to piss off the kids for their flesh Derche Mortise ... Otherwise, I'm an astronaut to go to piss off the Martians! ... "Failing metro, even despite it is embedded in a lot of tourists swarming:" We want to hear ! We want to hear! Kouavouar? Kouavouar? "Hay yawn-born, uncle Gabriel was promoted ARCHIGUIDE of this little world, shouting" Holy Chapel Montjoie! Open your windows, lots of wineries! ... "Why all the idiots meet the need of a pourliche .
emmerdatoires kidding and bring some variety and some other metaphysical upmanship: "The life, nothing brings it, a little anime, a bit of mine, nothing the takes him ... "" Yes , adds Laverdure, facetious: we do not understand the rub of the nunc nor the quod quid of "," What colic that egzistence! "And when one has trollop" a terrible fleurte with flicmane Trouscaillon "Zazie continues his findings at the option of apibeursdétouillou and" politeness my ass. " "I Want ottchose ," she exclaims (" FFIN the efflorescence from the kitchen ffrançouèze ")... "" Yet isi familiar with grub, the enfouarés! "

" 's not funny, "said Zazie by drying a glass, fuck 'em. "And besides, Uncle Gabriel See you engaged with the" pack lemonade. " Tapage night heckling lunar din somnivore, Medianoche gueulante ... "All the signs of the final slaughter (Brassens worthy of the market of Brive-la-Gaillarde) accumulate before the Gosseline exhausted but grateful for his uncle: "You were bath, you've really been Supreme!" And when Jeanne

Lalochère recovers, the kid is asleep standing up. To the question inevitable: " So what what do you do? .. ." Zazie ends in a whisper: "I have aged .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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At risk of being " hypocrite": this is indeed what awaits everyone, whatever his age or social group. Molière warns
"What, the fake sweetness of this hypocrite ... "
Declaration bittersweet own company to show up in the Great Kingdom, as in any staging a-timeless-me guilty and pathetic.

"And I'm anything but alas, that what we think.
Everyone thinks I'm a good man,

But the cold fact is that I am worthless."
cruel than revealing the real behind the mask. Molière plainly reveals the false good conscience who takes on the trappings of deceit. Tartuffe, impostor by nature, takes the other for ... "truffle" (Quasi disambiguation, semi-familiar half-vulgar the word "hypocrite" , and another sense of the word). For the mechanism of theft works, it takes two: the deceiver and the deceived, the duplicitous and his accomplice. And everyone takes his role flawlessly! The hypocrisy is a dish best served hot, in full complicity. Tartuffe, an escaped convict, is such qu'Orgon invent, willing, the dream receptacle of all the sins of the world, unlikely and redemptive messiah despite himself.

is something far deeper than the sham, since it puts on the appearance of truth-confiscated-thrust forward by the name of a Sovereign Well ... hypothetical, symbolized by a religion closely associated with royal power at the time. Invincible weapon against dissidents of all kinds, safe-conduct pass wherever indulging openly without fear of being criticized: Blessed bidding! But it is

nothing less than to transform the sacred instrument of violence, aggression. Tartuffe, an expert in hiding behind a purity that does not exist because foreign world as it is: the impostor denies himself as he denies the world. Tartuffe is the trade secret with a sort of secret and obscenity on top of (bad) faith, wants and is the justice of Heaven. Height of deception slaying ... deception!
"... What I have enough to confuse and punish fraud,
Venger heaven we hurt, and to repent ..."

It expresses the alpha and omega Hi Good and to administer to others:
"In the next love of his virtue is consumed
... And by pure charity, it wants to remove
Anything that may hinder you save ".

purity, hardness infallible, he is the voice of the Inquisitor, ready to recant all his relatives:
" ... And I to sacrifice so powerful nodes
Friend, wife, parents, and myself with them. "

It arises prototype, spokesman confessed of all fanaticism, even the most latent, proselytes from all sides (religions, sects, communitarianism, clans, castes and processions ...) taking any prices to give reason to extend their hold on the mind. Molière does not denounce this only "counterfeiters in devotion" but also "righteous excessively" . The theater, kingdom of apparently does have the power to denounce false facades. Imposture and folly depart from the norm: it is the merit of the comedy show. The location of the masks is par excellence where we ... unmasked. Tartuffe never confess, never drops the mask: he must snatch at the end of the room.

Appearance cons actually a dual language against good faith, illusion cons knowledge, guardianship cons freedom: and if any religion contained within itself the seeds of its own parody, through this stubborn propensity to convert souls? Draft suspect that grows every man to give up its natural integrity for ... tartuffier is himself!

Molière, elegant and subtle as the defender of a morality of "balance", we went to our insight and our freedom of conscience. With due respect to devotees of all stripes and vigilante! ... Referring deception and complacency back to back, Orgon finally issued may cry (a little excessive):
"It is done, I waive all good men ..."

Monday, January 10, 2011

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"The story of a life is always a story of suffering."

From tenderness injured fragile endurance of the cartoon forced to truth inland from tragedy to comedy, the pendulum continues to swing ... Arthur Schopenhauer was patiently wrought, in the eyes of history, the face of questionable character unsympathetic. Grumpy, misanthropic, greedy, arrogant, reactionary, man displays all the traits of "buffoon" it purports to uncover and refine his own philosophy.

How the will to live is it the root of all evil? What is this background that we desire no control and leading us? The love is a ruse of reason to perpetuate the species? ... The interest of these questions is not, however, doubtful.

founder Moment Arthur, future "Human Light": when at sixteen, he meets convicts chained in the port of Toulon. It permeates them there, permanently, of the human condition as any suffering in the world.

At thirty, the philosopher has ended his work: "The World as Will and Representation" (1818). The man practice the flute every morning, the music is soothing to him what that soothes the absurdity of wanting to live. In contemplative, he opted for art that suspends pain, heightens the longing ... no longer desired.

In the tradition of great French moralists, Arthur is the thinker of the drawbacks to exist in a world that declares absurd worse than boredom is the temptation to leave with empty entertainment. The real fun is disembodied: it is art that tells us the truth of the world. Engineering, it falls within the contemplation: it can isolate in the nature and object, the representative, it captures the essence. Arthur raises the aesthetic contemplation to the ambition of a blueprint: a rainbow sky stops above "boondoggle phenomenal" felt and suffered by the common man.

Through the image of "eternal mourning of the World , we participate in eternity. The metaphysical Arthur is here echoes that of Plato and rear-purifies world. Behind the image "Goethe" the will to live can be seen the look that fits our desire to itself: we must love life in spite of herself, despite her suffering permanent sway the boredom. The denial of pain can arise contemplation.

Half a century later, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer venerate the man as an educator, noble character, philosopher and friend, recognizing him as a "professor of Solitude" . Philosophers of the absurd, thinkers of selfishness and pity, the two men means the triumph over pain sole purpose of our lives.

A desert landscape and is collected in a tone of sublime silence: the contemplative mood takes us into another world where time vanishes. Anticipating Bergson, Arthur puts us in the shoes of the artist - or art lovers - to be detached, visionary capacity to grasp the truth itself.

No useful purpose at work in mind: the futility even comes in designing a work of genius, so we are pulling the weight of need. By revealing our openness to the world, the art makes us "porous" and leads us to experience intuitive purest and the idea flies in front of beauty and is the "veil of Maya", membrane breakthrough of our illusions and fantasies, false problems and false suffering, which opens at last. People discover through the world in a quest for salvation by enlightened lucidity. The desire by

Schopenhauer is the essence. The philosopher Arthur guides us towards a pure intellectual enjoyment, without desire, cleared the subject, only attached to the object. The "logos" (knowledge) lifts us and gives us another glimpse of humanity possible. Poetry becomes tragic Arts Summit. Through art we become something other than ourselves: the aesthetic taste of the serenity of Nirvana ... One way to rest day granted to convicts who fêteraient their luck ... One could almost hear

Prévert whisper "I recognized my happiness at the sound he made by leaving ..."

Friday, January 7, 2011

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The Tour de France wine and food dishes

Alsace is the typical example of the great French wine and food regions where the marriage of wine and food can surprise the most. Of course, we know the specialties of the country, sauerkraut, cheeses, meats or kugelhopf, and the aromatic intensity of fine wines, combining smoothness and richness palate. One suspects that a wine from Alsace can be tasted with shellfish or seafood, but sometimes we forget the extraordinary osmosis a Muscat with asparagus, for example. The wines can be drunk almost everything during a meal. On the sauerkraut (Riesling) with a plate miller (Alsace is also rich river fish), with crustaceans. Most original, the famous "Chicken Riesling, a veal stew with old. The powerful bouquet and aftertaste in the mouth instead Gewurztraminer ideal as an appetizer. It is especially beautiful with a pie or a terrine of foie blond, and on the typical pie outbreak. In "late harvest" should be absolutely enjoy it with foie gras from Alsace, natural or brioche, and strong cheeses such as maroilles, Munster and Roquefort, it is not too salty. See also

agreement and dishes from other regions

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Three winter and wine suitable to lead! Toulouse Midi-Pyrenees

This weekend, it's cold Here are three dishes and wines suitable to lead!

- You make a fondue (tilt) to keep warm. You can Alsace or take a ... a Savoy, of course.



Charles Schléret
1-3, road Ingersheim
68230 Turckheim
Phone: 03 89 June 27, 2009
Fax: 03 89 June 27, 2009
Channel: / schleretcharles

unquestionably at the head of the First Great Classified Wines. "Overall, says Charles Schléret the vintage 2008 resembles 2007, with a beautiful aromatic expression , but for some Wine , lack of sunshine gave wines with lighter structures and well defined acidity. Riesling, often a little too acid but some are well balanced it will be a vintage long custody. Gewurztraminer : lack a little maturity, but some have a very strong appreciable acidity. Muscat : very low performance, many sag, the remaining bays were very ripe and very good quality but less juice. Pinot Black : good ripeness with good acidity . The weather has asked a very thorough job in vine for a good grape maturity . Note decreases in quantities but not exceptional. Wines of generally a good balance and a vintage high custody. "Meanwhile, there's Gewurztraminer 2007, Medal Gold the Challenge International du Vin, very aromatic ( spices, citrus) very characteristic of his soil, rich in nose and palate, full and typed . His Sylvaner 2007, Silver Medal Monde Selection in Brussels, is the best tasted this year, the complex at intense nose, this wine while delicacy, subtle palate with hints of honeysuckle and apple A gourmet wine. The Black Pinot 2007, Féminalise 2008 (Competition Féminalise 2008, Beaune ), while fruity, is all mouth, racy, with a touch of spices very specific. Remarkable Riesling 2005, Prestige Trophy Grand Wine Competition World the Citadels of France, which highlights the fresh fruit, a distinguished wine at pink nose, very fine, powerful and persistent mouth. Beau Pinot Gris 2004, Medal Gold at Mondial de Bruxelles, spicy as it should, mouth harmonious, well structured , generous, very rich aromatic , the dress intense. Also try the Pinot Blanc complex at intense nose, a finely spiced wine, subtle and suave in the mouth, which mixed fruit and flowers fresh, always perfect on a quiche, and Muscat. Superb Pinot Gris Selection de Grains Nobles 2000, very typed the way you like, spicy and floral (pink flower of acacia), mouth wide and balanced, truly remarkable, beautiful custody , Selections world medalist in Montreal and Trophy of Excellence The Citadels.

 Jean PERRIER et Fils

Jean Perrier et Fils

Gilbert Perrier

BP 3 73800 Saint-Andre-les-Marches
Phone: 04 79 28 November 1945
Fax: 04 79 28 09 91

the summit. A nice warm house led by Gilbert Perrier, Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit. Family since 1853 Perrier perpetuates the art of living here: 156 years of passion for the vine and wine , 56 years of trading, and a heritage area of 50 ha. Superb Chignin-Flower Roussanne Bergeron 2007, with that touch of acidity combined with a pleasing roundness, which intermingle with notes of almond, fruit mature heather, powerful and persistent mouth. Roussette de Savoie Cru Monthoux Prestige Cuvée 2006, Silver medal at Concours Général Paris 2008, is beautiful dress bright and clear, marked by its terroir , a very large finesse, the nose of flowers and ferns, while complexity of flavors . Roussette de Savoie Marestel white is really nice in the final, to lead to a grilled salmon, while finesse and persistence as Chautagne Gamay red wine Reserved 2004, a wine that I was particularly impressed, though bodied and very fragrant, full and warm. The Apremont vintage Gastronomy, combining roundness and freshness, the nose bewitching is a wine rich in nose and palate. Taste the Flower Apremont Jacquère of 2007, while aromatic finesse , harmonious, well balanced in acidity, very elegant, the nose rose and almond, flattering mouth like Mondeuse Vieilles Vignes 2006, ruby dress intense, powerful palate with nuances of plum fresh, fragrant and successful. As a result, this Pinot Chautagne 2007, tannins melted at nose dominated by cherry and humus , mouth flexible and fleshy both. Roussette de Savoie Castle Monterminod of 2007, very typed, is a wine nuanced, complex and refined, with these notes of fresh walnuts in the final, very affordable. Taste the traditional method white crude well balanced of foam fine and persistent, a beautiful harmony nose and palate, with aromas of white flowers combining taste and distinction, very successful as the traditional method pink , after the Gamay grape , floral and fruity , beautiful color, balanced with hints of fruit red costs, all in harmony.

- You make a pot-au-Feu. A red Burgundy is required. Here are two:


Domaine Chevillon-Chézeaux

and Philippe Michel Chevillon Chézeaux
41, rue Henri-de-Baher
21700 Nuits St. Georges
Phone: 03 80 61 23 95
Fax: 03 80 61 13 57
Channel: / domainechevillonchezaux

unquestionably at the top. These warm and friendly owners perfectly symbolize what seduces us: the quality of raw , their authenticity, the price very wise and ease copy. Here, we winemaker for 5 generations (9 ha of vineyards in regional designations). Working methods and especially winemaking have remained traditional, with hand harvesting, low stalked a long maceration in open vessels allowing punching. The wine is then aged in barrels of oak for 18 to 24 months. You will not appreciate this Nuits-Saint-Georges Premier Cru The Saint-Georges 2006, powerful and complex, while in the mouth, nothing, well flavored (black cherry, humus ) of color sustained , to firm tannins but tasty, very good guard . Exceptional 2005, dense as it should, with tannins mature and subtle flavors dominated by cassis, violets and cinnamon, beautiful tannic basis of dress bright, very balanced , soft and fleshy both. The 2004 is rich in nose, with subtle overtones of cherry, humus , fat in the mouth, custody. The 2002 is an unqualified success, one of the wines who gave me the most pleasure this year, very fragrant, beautiful dress intense wine with great tannins very tasty, a nice harmony. The 2001 continues its nice development, a wine with Silky tannins , solid bold and comprehensive, while the 2000 is colored, the nose complex with notes of fruit cooked red and licorice, pretty mouth, perfect with game . At his side, Nuits-Saint-Georges Premier Cru The Poret 2006, intense and warm, well-structured , colorful and fragrant with overtones of fruit small red, mouthfull. The Nuits-Saint-Georges Premier Cru Bousselots The Red 2006, a dark red, is superb and reveals a very bouquet Powerful violets, truffle, underbrush and leather wine bodied, very smooth , well structured with tannins ripe. Beau Nuits-Saint-Georges Premier Cru The Crots 2006, this nose with notes of plum and licorice, a wine of beautiful structure. All enjoying a great value price -typicality.

FIXIN Domaine Pierre GÉLIN

Domaine Pierre Gelin

Stephen Gelin Fixin

21220 Phone: 03 80 52 45 24
Fax: 03 80 51 47 80
Email: info @ domain- pierregelin . en
Channel: / gelinpierre

At the top, definitely. Superb Fixin Premier Cru Clos Napoleon 2005, a great wine where intermingle with notes of small red stone fruit, ripe pepper and licorice, warm mouth and powerful, a wine obviously still very young . Beau 2004, which is just beginning to open, with the subtle overtones of cherry and humus, which combines power and distinction in the mouth, although high at present and tannins flexible both in lead to a kitchen well identified as a lamb stew. Typed , Chambertin Clos Beza Grand Cru 2003 is fragrant (notes of blueberry and underbrush), classical, wine that combines color and matter, mouth melted and rich, custody. Excellent Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Clos Prieur 2005, full and firm , rich and long palate, powerful, a wine although tasty, pursuing a very nice development, as Fixin The Hervelets Premier Cru 2005, color purple at nose dominated by red stone fruits, spicy finish with this very special, a wine mouth dense. The price are particularly wise, which is not displeasing to us.

- You're a Duck to pin: Pauillac or Chateauneuf-du-Pape.


Chateau Mont-Redon

Bee Jean Fabre and Didier

84230 Châteauneuf-du-Pape
Phone: 04 90 83 72 75
Fax: 04 90 83 77 20
Channel: / montredon

At the head of the First Great Classified Wines. "The vintage 2008, said John Bee, was quite difficult because of the high rainfall that surprised many, but old wine haired white like me, have been able to solve these problems . Crop smaller than usual, I compare them fairly in 2004, which are Wine which gave us much pleasure. The pink seduces us on this beautiful color rose petal. In the mouth, many of fatty , roundness, fruitiness with notes of grapefruit persistent. I prefer the Grenache which brings to my roses many fat and creamy, the wine is velvety and long finish. Our Chateauneuf-du-Pape Blanc 2007 is a magnificent achievement which earned the Medal of Gold to general agricultural competition from Paris and that for the third consecutive year which proves the correctness of our quality. "In the meantime, he First is this great Chateauneuf-du-Pape red 2006, resulting mostly from Grenache (60%) of Syrah (19%) and Cinsault (15%), the nose of underbrush, pepper, spices and cocoa, combining structure and flexibility, finesse and concentration, tannins velvety, with hints of ripe red fruit characteristics (cherry) and undergrowth in the final. The 2005 is splendid, intense color, fleshy at nose dominated by small red fruit (blackcurrant , raspberry) to very balanced tannins, mouth well bodied, with a strong structure. Warm 2004, dominated by notes of currant and scrubland, color purple, with shades of overripe fruit ( raspberry, cherry) and humus in the mouth, a great wine typed as we love them. White Châteauneuf remarkable 2006, a color tints green at very aromatic nose marked by scents of fruits to white flesh. While successful, charming, smooth very fresh and lively in the mouth fatty very floral with notes of citrus, fruits exotic, very balanced and very aromatic . Beau Lirac Mont-Redon 2006 white, silky mouth, bright and bold both, perfect on grilled prawns, mouth and subtle floral, with aromas hazelnut and toasted almonds, a great success. The red Lirac 2006, deep color, although bodied, dominated fruit ripe tannins to melted well in the mouth, very affordable, and excellent CDR White 2007 ( Viognier grape), very creamy, mouth subtle fruit dominant fresh flowers and . While fruity and delicate the Cotes de Provence Chateau Rio Tord rosé 2007, from their other family domain, and Mark of Chateauneuf-du-Pape white, feast, drink fresh digestif.


Castle Fonbadet

Pierre and Pascale Peyronie

33250 Pauillac Telephone: 05 56 59 11 February
Fax: 05 56 59 22 61

Pascale Peyronie, and his father, Peter, "convent" their Pauillac 2006, a beautiful wine ample, of intense color, race, tannins rich and well balanced, with the connotations of currant, blackberry and pepper, mouthfull, round and velvety promising. Great 2005 with lots of content, the subtle nose dominated by small cooked fruit and licorice , combining richness and flexibility of tannins, concentration and subtlety aromatic, with fleshy this side very while characteristic charm. Beau 2004 a exquisite gown, shimmering, a beautiful purple . picked a nose that opens quickly with a symphony of olfactory ripe red fruit on connotations of cassis, raspberry of and smells toasted. Many relief, beautiful custody. The 2003 is powerful, dense and rich, with these nuances of leather and fruit preserves, of beautiful structure that combines distinction and structure, nice tannins basis, while the palate, a wine to expect . The 2002, very fragrant, intense, persistent and melted, is full, the tannins although present, complex palate and very meaty promising. The 2001 is a success, dress garnet at complex bouquet where marry fruity notes and undergrowth, a wine bold and distinguished, with tannins further.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bahrain Sport Frenquency

: wines and gastronomy go hand in hand

These regions are known for their good food, and solid rustic specialties. The meat most often used is the lamb, prepared in all its forms. Milk, it is used to make Roquefort; skins join factories from which they emerge transformed into gloves ... In Rouergue, we do not lie proverbs, evidence, "everything is good in the sheep! This kitchen also uses pork, ducks and geese, and calves before weaning.

The game animals (hare, wild boar, and a breed of endangered chamois, the chamois, which may be encountered in the Hautes-Pyrenees ) and game feathers (thrushes, doves, woodcock and partridge) were predominant.

Obviously, in these countries, there are many specialty sausage : foie gras or duck , confit, duck-always these same birds-and even pickled pork, and all that follows: cured ham, cooked sausage, sausages, and typical of such preparations the "cambayou, salty pork knuckle, the" coustellou, pork ribs, the "Said" failure to consume rancid pork in a soup. The boots were not forgotten, white called melsat ", black (" galabart) and sausage, sausage of pork rind. For Easter, the inhabitants of these regions enjoyed at breakfast, accompanied radish, the "fetzer, pork liver sausage kept two months in brine and then dried. The sheep, though popular, is in the form of tripe, tripe. A taste of Rouergue particularly those with ham. But if you prefer, there are ballotines turkey, quail stuffed with foie gras found in the Lot, Cahors, and are always appreciated.

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However, few fish in these regions, mainly trout, perch, pike, gudgeon and salmon that are caught in the Adour.

Although in the Lot, the market truffle is very important, we do not find this vegetable in regional dishes, or very rarely. The soups, they are very varied, often based bean with bacon, ham, bread crumbs, mint and garlic, or only slightly rancid lard placed in a box with holes, that's when the "gargoutière.

The cabbage soup has many variations: Ariège we add the confit in the Aquitaine he was Deputy pork and beans, is the "ouillade. It can be prepared with a goose carcass or embellished with pieces of bread and Laguiole cheese soaked in oil, then becoming "soup Laguiole. The pot-au-feu with hen Regionally, "mourtaïrol" is made with saffron. It can also be cooked from ground beef, vegetables and brown, but still flavored with saffron, is what makes it original. Another specialty in Aveyron taste for cold nights: the chestnut soup, called "bajanne Rouergue" ...


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Wine Guide

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Lon Does Aquariam Silicone Take To Dry


What would a language as rich as green, constantly fed with a thousand lights and colorful neologisms whose colors "tapagent" kiosks at the turnstiles station? ... From a frank laughter, childish, browsing one of the 175 episodes of saga published between 1949 and 1999, this will be touched by grace antoniesque-san.

220 million drives listed. We love ... or hate this genius ... or intolerable fool! Moreover, San Antonio is born of chance ... and the need, at least it does not discuss. What would have happened if the finger was inspired by Frederic Dard pointed to "blind" on a map, the city of San Antonio, Texas, one day in 1949? A worthy heir to the American noir of the early century (Chester Hines, James Hadley Chase), Frederic Dard, the "textual obsessed", started by the inaugural gesture saga Commissioner of the famous flaming.

Framework policeman stamped "Black River" to bully the cop and his colleague Bérurier Rabelaisian. Then slip into a reckless buffoon fresco language full of inventions: San Antonio will gradually attentive witness, disrespectful, fellow, life hex. The principle is simple: the plot, frankly, we "it beats the eye." What counts and draws is the humor of language and situation. San Antonio is "a kind of prank huge, enormous clown enormous lecher" , according to its creator and double Frederic Dard.

Indefatigable chaser of neologisms (he ascribes this !...), 20 000 Artificer of drinks from the source language of the old "slang Paname" to create a verbal delirium combining all registers. The trivial (flatulence of Beru) to the sublime (the affection for obscure). Idioms of fabulous opulence where the fattest pun metonymy alongside the most daring. A breath of crossbred Rabelaisian "Death on" Celine.

In San Antonio, the sky may be "gray as a pretense of Usher"; you do not drink a tonic is "install central heating in the corgnolon" ; it does not vanish not, we "tasted mashed tunnel. While the brilliantly inventive "déberlingue" boldly syntax, salaciousness apparent merely masks a real humanism, worried.

Entering this world, but also adopt a family, a real human comedy. Figurehead, Alexander-Benedict Bérurier said Beru, said the Big ... (1300 records nicknames), bovine stupidity and common sense peasant. In the left arm of the Commissioner, the Inspector Cesar Pinaud said Pinuche, puny little father and hoary. And then all the other Achilles, said Dabe, police chief; Mathias said Rouquemoute, Jeremiah White said the Noirpiot, and Felicia's wonderful, beloved mother of the hero, cajoled by it. Finally, revolving around this circle, a teeming crowd of "lavedus, Greluche, breaststroke, slush and other" zimondes " humanity ... whatever. Cortege disgusting and beautiful at the same time as San Antonio continues better to blame than to take a liking to.

All literary narrative portrays the love and death. Frederic Dard's prose does to delirium. copula is and we die violently in San Antonio. plumardières prowess Commissioner punctuate the chapters as refrains. Béru As it is a perpetual rut. Stiffs and number are shoveling. This little world comes and goes, agitated for half a century after the Rabelaisian verve urban thriller.

But a day comes when he must leave the company on the dock of the imagination. When Frederic Dard bows out at 79 brooms, is ensuring that "the last shall be apple" . Ultimate spin. It's a bit of our health metaphysical decamp suddenly. We still fortunately rare and warm, his crusade against the ongoing bullshit.

"I'm like a guy who shouts" Help! "I just want to cry that this is melodious ! ... " we loose there as a sacrament. ... Frederic Dard San Antonio is no longer short again! ...