Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Estelle Contraceptive Pils


In a message VRP mechanical long inaudible, proclaimed the autocrat takes his droll sufficiency. Heavily encased in a ceremonial ritual grotesque It is a cumbersome process, which he treats the traditional automation, smiling blandly at a crowd in a state of ecstasy infant. In cruel game of homonyms, the Pontiff "cliches". This is enough to merit its appearance.

Brandishing a stick gently flashy, armed remnants of a thousand swords which dictated a cult bimillenary to people frightened, he offers the crowd the baby-faced, good-natured, potentates common: they simply believe it to be.

Hi Forgetting that "institutions matter collective "lived, that monarch seems ageless look around the crowd as his rattle eternally benevolent. It just return, cheers and bows, and establishes a statue. King and subjects, executioner and victim indefinitely by mate insane ritual rooted in autism beyond all understanding. Self-proclaimed lifelong "Master of the cult of secrecy" and its consequent burnings, it is intended and appears resolutely above the ordinary civil laws. Can it be a question now meet the justice of men when one wants to be in direct contact with the occult forces of Heaven ?!... The God he created from scratch answers obviously Him ...!

Wielding the omens with obscenity suave own the sovereign Good, He concludes his own behalf legitimacy eternal and flawless. We told her about some scandal going on? ... It calls for impunity in heaven. Asked about self, consciousness, life-breath? ... It meets dogma, authority, blind obedience. He opposes reason, reflection, philosophy? He claims assistant, dependence. He said corporation, he meets religion. Genesis has proclaimed its sovereign rights of blind nature, he sets his cult master rights. And when it deigns

deliver his speech mimetic at a meeting bribed to anesthesia, as its meaning has been absent: He himself became its own message. Draped in impunity genuine, self-pardoning of hand wants to be reassuring, the autocrat is preceded by the army of his certainties and monitoring of the morgue's high benevolence.


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