Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Scorpio Man Losing Interest


Awake Humanity! ...
petrified and shaking your hinges ...

Ose shoving the idols that have shaped your so-called modernity in you plunging into the bliss of a sleepy assistantship deadly: the Church and its clichés, the state and its security, science and technology, the Exchange and its annuities. Ideologies of all kinds of slogans bewitching thee poison and promises that we know now untenable.

Modernity had chosen its axes. His project: progress. His subject: the consumer. His subject: the man. This scheme has reached its limits there are already more than thirty years. It is now down, stalled: Progress is an illusion, a trap and use a human barbarian. It is high time for a severe balance: for centuries, and it trusts us to believe that happiness comes from outside, provided by ideologies, religions, science or wealth.

Time for all the disillusionment has (finally) rang and the conclusion is clear: happiness and joy can only come from within. Therefore "return our lives as it returns a glove" : mainly comes from within us, the inner realization of our potential. response to "something to live for" spiritual will or will not. Re-enchant our world, is updating these four pillars of a mystical wisdom: the Spirit (Cosmic *), Nature, the sacred and joy. We need

learn to cultivate the soil of our inner selves: cultivating the awakening, the porosity, the linkage with the here and now. Tremendous return on each home: the joy born of self-fulfillment. Our conscience is the only place in the world. Everything is already here, encysted in the "seed of self" own everyone. Joy is inside, here and now. Life is an art where you just go home. By agreeing to stoop a little and do so in humility, simplicity. In frugality.

* You can read the work Marc relevant Halevy, philosopher and futurist: "Principle Frugality" (Editions Dangles, March 2010)

* Fables, myths and metaphors connect us to the cosmos of which we are a small but unique component. These stories are multi-thousands of valuable bridges between the world and our interior spaces, allowing us to remodel them, often with relevance.

. Eight centuries of Stoic School - Greek and Roman - forged asceticism (the aïskesis

Facebook So? virtue enough to live happily? ... "Asks Seneca . And turning to those who leak:
" You do not have the pleasure is the pleasure that you have "
Greek), this idea of exercise, daily training to change oneself, to transform his life for
"calm the storms of the soul"
The Stoics ( to continue its dialogue with Lucilius: "You ask what progress I have made? ... I started to be friends with myself."
It is also necessary to "avoid the full benefits of glue that
to our great misfortune, deceive us by this illusion: we believe possess, we're stuck ... " A call to finally resolve the remains still alive in our infantile desires unresolved obscenities unnamed sources, that we do even more. Call for mediation interior echoed nearly two centuries later by Bruno Bettelheim in his "Heart conscious" , and any modern psychoanalysis in its wake.
Rude daily therapy that we propose here the Stoics! ... But growing up, does not continue to rise unabated costs the cost over the little arrangements as great misfortunes that make up our daily People ?!... well, yes. Because we worth it.


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