Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pimples Growing On Scalp


A weekend just ended and a new week begins ... A weekend with grandpa granny at home (and a sacred tartiflette evening) Saturday and Sunday, the flea déambulage vincennois (we have found a few things for Choup ' it was good). A weekend of rest of the meninges ... pending event a little more ... how to say ... hectic? Yes, we will say that. The beginning of the formation of my sweet fast approaching. A great course ... a great course.

Speaking of course, we learned to Lena's family name. All this after a thing that made us all laugh. An auxiliary the other night at the crib we had this conversation she had with Lena:
The Auxiliary - You know your name? (Implied: name)
Lena: -??
The Auxiliary - What's your name ?
Lena: - Lena!
The Auxiliary - Lena how?
Lena: Lena Herbie!

Me j'dis, it is too strong this kid.

Well, last night, as often is when my Sweet car, I'll get Lena. Yes, I say often because we can not say that the traffic in Ile de France makes it possible to do 30 miles in less than an hour ... There's times, she manages to extricate himself in time to retrieve Lena, but there's times when it is not possible.
So last night I'm going to get Lena. She's fine, she slept little, but she potato ... And Auxiliary Puer, who told me bluntly "Papa y 'lice. Lena did not, but she played a lot with a buddy who has, so tonight, preventive or curative treatment, as you prefer, but we must do something. "

Well, I'm off to look for new shoes Lena, after I go to the pharmacy. The pharmacist in preventive, advises a drop of lavender essential oil behind each ear and behind the neck. For him, it's what's best to avoid lice. Incidentally, I get a comb and a spray control lice. Thus equipped, I go home to find my Sweet, dump it all ... and Such a brave prince who takes care of everything ... I plant to slip away from boxing (French) ...

Yeah, I left to get by with it all ... I can not say I'm not proud ... She pushed me well at the door for me to go to boxing (it was great, I improve my technique whip kick) ... it's a little cad, but it helps. Already
, selfishly, me Me my little mouth, well it does me good to let off steam, to move my body, think of other things that work (and it feels good).
Then, my Sweet, in that it also good. It's a special moment between her and Lena, a little moment of fusion. Moment all the more privileged Lena is currently in fashion 'Cuddles' ... "Dad, want a hug," "Mom, want a hug" ... This has allowed my Belle, last week meetings to be called "Koala" (Lena well clinging to her mom) for two half hours long (I'm going twice in Boxing). It is true that hug Lena has an anti-stress guaranteed.

Well, eh, back to Pediculus ... that Lena has not caught a priori, since yesterday evening, so sitting for my grooming and Lena Belle had nothing in the hair and does not scratch his head. Essential oil for the night and wake up, still no erasures intensive ...

The night was tough for Choup 'because she still had pain in his legs due to a growth spurt. This is not the first time this has happened. It hurts, it cries (and calls for hugs), and has trouble falling asleep again. In short, the pascoolitude bars.
Finally, she will not want to Doliprane or arnica. Mom hugs will just ... alalala sioupeur the power of hugs from Mom ...


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