Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sample Of A Church Worship Program

Reactivation ...

The return, his good intentions and his actions ... In deed, so I decided to resume the blog ... somehow ...
At this point, dear reader, you have perhaps noticed the title change ... yes, here I am now surrounded by two nénette. Lena is no longer a baby is a real big girl. With its pronounced taste good. While sometimes outlandish tastes but still pronounced.

incongruous did I write? Well yes, incongruous. Incongruous but how do you ask you dear reader. I'm going now (yes, this not this, not from another, not the other will not, they are not no dad) give you some examples of incongruity Choupettesques ...
first example: Lena between potatoes and spinach, she'd much rather eat spinach which greedily to leave aside the potatoes ...
second example: the chocolate cake ... Lena does not like chocolate ... yes ... Finally, experiments must be said that nocturnal gastric pain accompanied the last two times (a few months ago) she has eaten chocolate ... daring to repeat the experience of vomit nocturnal, preferring to spend that kind of sweetness.
third example: "I do not know any child who does not love pizza" ... so bah! Lena!

So yes, Lena tastes are sometimes incongruous, but at the same time it tastes well established, little tastes nénette right into his sneakers. She loves pink (jacket, sweater), she likes jeans she loves purple (shoes) ... she loves her mom (especially at night :-)) and dad (at the exit of the nursery as well). And if that does not please him, she said. It proclaims itself. With passion and enthusiasm ... she expressed openly (and green) disagreed.

And she gossiped ... that yes, she gossiped, said she sees a crane, she sees a bus, imagine stories ("Daddy I tlouffe * on walking foot"), asks Franklin watch, read stories, asks for hugs ... plays to hide, did somersaults on the bed, Mom and Dad ...

She grew up in short, becomes an independent, still as bright and cheerful (well, there's been hard morning at the nursery). And we, well we tried to follow.

Ma Belle decided to do a training ... a great training (at least 6 years). She decided to go and do the training he will work as long she wants to do. Yes, like the trade when it was known, she said "when I grow up I want to do an NLP therapist" ... Bin there, nice training, great challenge ...

And me, the challenge of the season: to French boxing (yes, take a year without ruining my ankle or knee and can make a full year of sports) and continue the blog ...

Side family, we said we were going (hey, even if still do not push it) to have a little vacation. And in anticipation, we decided to spend a (big) weekend in Annecy (with TGV for the first time for Herbie) in October and a weekend in the country with some friends for November 11 ...
And that, we will greatly need it, because at level job is a RATP (Back Pourri Absolutely Everything) ... taff overload, stress, fatigue, early burst some the Choup, congestion ... then yes, we will make weekend glandouille to the other end of France and it will do us good! but not!

PS: dear reader, I offer an anecdote (reported on my buttock goat by Belle) from yesterday evening for dinner ...
Ma Belle Lena (Lena gasp ...): Why do you t'agaces?
my Lena Belle: I bothers me not mom, I make sausage.

* tlouffer: Lena expression meaning to head down under water, swim, splash, splash ... and everything at once


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