Sunday, October 17, 2010

Best Blu Ray Player Upconverting

We made it ....

Well, it was not easy ... the strike and all ... we almost do not ... But hey, we took our courage in both hands (well, especially my Sweet, I have not permitted), our car and we went for the weekend.

Initially, we had to go now ... 3:40 direct path, hotel not far from the station. But there, with problems of trains, no attempt was the devil and we preferred to take the car ... And there is. For 4 days and beautiful nights that go with it. All this to enjoy it thoroughly, not necessarily do a lot of stuff, but rest all full.

But damn, what a lout I am ... I still have not said where it is ... Ah well that, then immediately the moment I'm in a nice hotel, for sure. Not far from downtown, near the lake ... Oh hey, now, dear reader and dear reader, you have an element of size to know where I am. I'm near a lake ... tadadadam ... as if there were not many lakes in France.

Well, eh, procrastinated enough, it's time I take my courage in both hands and i am not cast doubt unnecessary and ridiculous. Especially since the hotel is great. The Hotel Alexandra's called. Beautiful family room, super warm welcome, good advice on restaurants, Lena very caring ...
Ah but, well, still carried away by my enthusiasm and my lyric talent incomparable epistolary, I still have not given the name of the city ... What I'm infidel anyway.

Well, the drive was still long enough. Poru and avoided being bugged, it was full twice. My super sweet was assured. Well, she was very tired at the end, but, hey, we got whole and without getting lost (thank you m'ssieur GPS). In short, eh. Good.

How? I still have not said? Alalala, but I must correct one day this terrible failure that I have always and still write things without making any real information. It almost becomes annoying.

Okay, so eh, Lena goes well, my Sweet rests and the mountains and Lake Annecy (Aye, I said) are still as beautiful. It takes the opportunity to clean the lungs (and eat yum) ... And we will put any less than 7:30 including breaks to arrive safely: D

Well, I'll give a good blow air into the lungs and a shot of mountain / lake klesa peepers.


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