Sunday, October 31, 2010

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A brief early history of AVEN

This text is not translation. I wrote it based on information found in the podcast History Lesson by David Jay on page Asexuality: The History of a Definition , And the number 20 AVENUE .

Throughout the 90s, people occasionally isolated describing their lack of interest in sex on message boards related to sexuality, asking if others were like them, but never managed to together because of their low numbers. In 1997 was published an article called My Life as year Amoeba (Amoeba My Life), on which we could post comments. This is the first place where asexuals regrouped and were able to discuss.

In October 2000, the Yahoo group Haven pour la Human Amoeba ( Refuge for human amoeba) was created, but apart from the post of introduction, there was no discussion until February 2001. Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA) was a very small group discussions with very irregular. The arrival of a new member generated some activity, which then died quickly. In July 2001 the group reached 20 members and began to have regular posts and discussion continues. That's when David heard of Jay HHA.

late 90's, David is in high school in St. Louis, Missouri. It is obvious he has something different, he does not feel concerned at all when his entourage can not stop talking about sex. He nevertheless fortunate that his school has a population of homosexual and bisexual quite important. Her friends often talk about sexual orientation and the fact that there is no problem with being different. He began using the term "asexual" to describe what he feels and sees asexuality as a kind of orientation. He is convinced that there is an asexual community somewhere will find it by going to university.

In September 2000, he enrolled at Wesleyan University. There he comes into contact with the LGBT association, who has never heard of asexuality. He searched the university library (this was before the real search engines), but found nothing. It then falls on Article My Life As An Amoeba . This is the first time he sees the word "asexual" as applied to a person outside his own writings. This led him to create a web page about asexuality in early 2001, he called asexual Visibility and Education Network . (He wanted to call Human asexual Visibility and Education Network to HAVEN, haven in French, but his roommate thought it was useless.) There was not much on the page, simply its definition of the term "asexual"
A person who is attracted to neither gender, and some lines
asking anyone who was asexual or had information about it to write. It receives some answers and began to correspond by mail with a half-dozen asexuals.

In August 2001, someone wrote to him to report the HHA group. He participated in the discussions which have occurred since then a few months. At that time, the words "asexuality" and "asexual" were used interchangeably. People present on the group although there had guessed many other asexuals who ignored each other, and one question was how to achieve them. The definition of asexuality was also subject to much controversy. The Antisexual believed that sex was bad and that asexuals are superior to other people. Others had a very strict definition of asexuality and closed, and wanted to ask a series of questions (about the excitement or masturbation for example) for newcomers to determine if they were really asexual. David was among those who had a positive view of sexuality and thought that identifying with asexuality enough to be asexual. The mailing

HHA list was very inconvenient to discuss since we could have one thread. David wanted to establish a forum that would serve as a true meeting place for discussion of asexuals. In May 2002, he bought the domain name for $ 25 its owner, who did not use it, then spent the summer to redo the site, launch the forum and write pages of Frequently Asked Questions.

Other sites were created by members of HHA. If AVEN has managed to gather the most people, because, according to David himself, he was the best webmaster, the site had the best design, and especially the presence of the forum allowed to have multiple threads at once.

After a few months and about 50 members, contributions to the forum began to be numerous enough for there to be new every day. From there, the forum began to grow much faster, reaching the point where it is interesting for people to return regularly. In November 2002, AVEN has exceeded 100 members, while David was in Ghana for three months. This absence was also an opportunity to appoint a second director to the site. Six months later the first elections were held to choose moderators, elections are always at the heart of life of AVEN.


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