Sunday, October 10, 2010

Find The Hazards In The Kitchen

chubby ...

Well, eh, it seems that crawls on the blog, I seem to be published soon ... it's true. I admit, I admit it and worse ... I assume.
A busy week ... I slipped my job, which is really hyper since taking a few weeks / months (even years) to clarify a bit loading Weekly mentioned.

Monday, my Sweet had a meeting with the Prefect Equal Chance of Essonne (she works there, and that bump on the right of women, it's rather nice that she meets him) ... but she arrived at 20h spent at home ... So I did the Dad Pool (Pool?) At home ... Then euuhh then, on Tuesday, it was a normal day, I took the opportunity to rest (wow, too strong, the rest ... yeah). Wednesday

And then, my Sweet sioupeur began his training. And that's starting at 8am and return around 19:30. Ouahh ... Must still specify that on Wednesday, so the first day of training, I returned to the pediatrician (Conjunctivitis and Lena said she had an earache). Moral: the conjunctiva gives him an air of goth (yes, it was the drops that gives red eyes) and ear infection 15 days ago was not completely gone (low sensitivity to antibiotics not totally booth) so yet antibiotics ...
Yeah, I should do a culture of amoxicillin at home .. because it is a little jugs by Lena in that engulfs. Well, four days to do the doting father. As I said Daron, I tasted the joys of what is usually expected of a wife / mother (after a day kind of grind: caring for children, make food and say anything about his condition) ... Well, Me, I was a bit much exhausted, I want to say loud and clear. But moreover, I have not hated. Well, I say this also because my Belle has helped a little (it was still caned after a day of training) ... and it did not last for years, so it's easy to say.

For the week, I made the filing sioupeur Dad picks up his little girl and 4 days in the week, which made the mess in addition to bath and everything. Finally, I note that a completely subjective and totally selfish purposes fully admitted (and assumed) to give me the best part. But good, eh, my Belle has started a super training, such training is something that she loves, it's been years and she turned around the bush (like that's what she wants but she dares not want) ... And there, Ay, she takes the step and embarked on a great challenge. I am proud, I support it, and I take Dad to the Pool when it is going to learn things ...

short, it was loaded, and it discharges. In Focus, Saturday 16 October and our first major trip to train with the Choup 4 days in Annecy, yessssss.


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