Thursday, October 28, 2010

Goldfish Keeps Swimming To Filter

Few pounds.

Yeah, it was a good holiday. I admit it is reviendus for over a week ... it is quite true ... I confess. But hey, hey, time to recover, to stop looking the mountains of the corner of my eye, stop looking swans in a hypothetical channel, get used to not eating cheese sioupeur tearing at every meal ....

Yeah, in fact, it took us some time to accustom us to be in Paris ... * Sigh *.

It was a memorable holiday, full of glandouilles, hugs, smooches ... full of profitage Lena too. Moreover, an auxiliary we did say the first day of resumption of Lena. It was found that Lena had changed in the sense that she grows, matures ... it flatters my ego a bit of dad is sure that a week with me and his mom and Choup grows back ... Finally

Well, eh, vacation was great, it was full of stuff ... full ... cheese eaten (and therefore in pounds on the hips) and reduced cheese, full episodes of series watched, full rides in the old streets, full of mountain landscapes ... oh yeah, they were real vacation ... holiday where we forget the job ...

Well, with these few kilos of happiness, there's been a fairly violent backlash, because the way back from work, after that, it's not funny at all for us. Finally, when I say we, I mean the parents ... yes, because Lena, she likes when you're in Vincennes and it's not the holidays. Well yes, in this case, it goes to the nursery to find his friends. And she has friends ... even a whole lot. Between boyfriend / ines who cuddles in the morning to say hello, those / who are kisses, those with whom she contests "have you seen Chuis beautiful ...", those with whom she made Contest of the most acrobatic somersault (which gives the most cold sweat to the control of stink), Lena is surrounded ...

Especially that one must always "pretend" (not the cuddly as a friend to the backpack on their backs to do as an alternate, the teuteut not attached, to a third) ... alalala, we made it with ... we watch her grow up, it looks fun, we laugh with her too. And listen. We listen to her she had minor injuries to the crib, his questions about "good / not good". It runs when it wants Franklin (Franklin that's great) if it is time / no time ...

Moreover, speaking of that, I would still want when Lena a Franklin and say No, it certainly rattle. But she does not fancy ... Moreover, in general, Lena is not a capricious child. He has always said that it was wrong to whims. It has never been entitled to loudly in public with Lena that rolls on the ground to get what she wants. She gave us a couple of times a real skit ... but it was more to fatigue and frustration of having a "no" to a real fancy in good standing. And that's for sure that we really appreciate it.

In addition, Lena when she gets tired, it's no problem to go to bed. Sometimes she trying to delay a bit by asking for a hug, another kiss. But when we decided it was really time to sleep, she sleeps in her bed (she could also stand up without problem) and sleep peacefully ...

Alalala is genuinely a really girly sioupeur Choupette my love.


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