Monday, October 11, 2010

How Long Can Gonorrhea And Chlamydia Stay Dormant


Sculpting by chiseling and cutting ever deeper into the superfluous ignored the moment before ... At this unceasing work of Alexander sketch that invites us into his Jollien "Philosopher naked." Double work is governed by both the disenchantment that is freedom and lightness that liberates. "Floating buoy without" , would not this ring true?

Journey to the East, Zen and meditation is experienced in a slow dissolution accepted, in practice body and silence. A crossing where joy is not unconditional, but is picked "here and now" under the conditions of the moment. Feel and felt how the question arises, hour by hour and gesture by gesture, in these daily trips between self and other, between oneself and oneself. Around every contingency that arises is watching the coaster as far as the most futile wonder: one dies and we saw each randomly glimpsed, a stubborn benevolence to the echoes of time.

Abandon full control as it abandons a mirror illusions; lighten again and again of what haunts; is a space observation amused before the cascade of his dreams the moment before letting go off the muddy flood of memories ... My life as a film and I'd the author and the viewer : curious saving duplication where the burlesque suddenly endorses the habit of truth ...

"It's ideal, too demanding, exhausting and killing"

"In joy, ultimately, the ego disappears"

"We must absorb me in what I perceive to forget me '

"The joy comes from a membership which in its highest degree, accepting imperfection the world "

Exercises fusion of pure presence in the world: I am my fatigue, I am my breath, I'm this object that I want this person I meet Freed ... constraints of pleasing, the pleasure and complete, we only have the freedom to be oneself .... And it all tremendously.

* You can read the "Philosopher naked Alexander Jollien Editions du Seuil (August 2010)


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