Friday, November 27, 2009

Rude Server Restaurant

choose ...

Yes, choosing ... choose between asking to change their crib or face removal from the one where you are (and have 15 minutes to walk more each day) in September 2010 ... choose between making the vaccine for influenza A or Lena not to do ... Choose
, make a decision ... but which one?
We do not have all the elements ... to calmly take all the decisions. And besides, do nothing, is already chosen.

Regarding the nursery, we are very annoyed. Already we're getting a damn stinks a blow to morale. After our galleys nanny in June, we said that, finally, Ay, we found a permanent place until September at our crib Herbie. Well no, must not think to say we would have peace. Bad luck, it will move. And we (Lena, my Lady and me), well the move is not super happy, it adds the path from the house, it adds the route to go to the RER / metro (for Lena's mother), he adds the jalopy ride (for going to file then even more to get to ring road) ... short, it is po super happy. But at the same time, on the other hand, Lena knows the auxiliary stink, she loves them, we too like them, we find that the nursery (which is small) has an intimate side endearing.
So, what to choose ... 11 months of hell to the parents but no questions to be asked to make an adaptation (which we shorten our vacation in August) on a good agreement with the supervising team ... or to change the crib and therefore have more time for Lena, less stress ... Lena closer to his future school girlfriend with potentially begets it will review at school.
We doubt ...

And then the other topic, which tends to make headlines at this time of frosts arrive (along with the call letters of the safety), namely the flu ... but the deuce ... What to do? what to choose? vaccine? no vaccine? From what we hear from all the consequences of these vaccines (the lack of decline, the tests done as I will push you, allergy problems, nervous, etc ...) the effect of Influenza A ( especially if lightning) and the approach of the bronchiolitis season (which a priori do not mix with the flu) ... there was still interrogated my Sweet. The pediatrician we did say that Lena had no symptoms justifying recurrent vaccination without a shadow of a doubt.
For now, no vaccine.

course, for now, we do nothing for these two choices we have to do ... doubt it ... forever. And doing nothing is the first step is already a decision.

Anyway ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can You Drink On Fluconazole

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Masterbaition Methods

it grows (still)

Language Lena grows. It has been added. Each day, new words enrich his vocabulary. It's impressive to see this little piece of ass in the process of speaking, recitation of words. it tells us things now. And we, well we always encouraged. We had a transition to higher speed of chatter last week. It was undergoing "new antibiotic for the double ear infection." Yes, because hey, anyway, must understand that when his girlfriend Lena invites Otitis it already has the temerity to come together (deubeul otitis) and in addition, she will not leave (the phenomenon known as "antibiokitupa ") and therefore requires the pediatrician (to which we subscribed unlimited) to give us new methods of expulsion. Methods like an antibiotic called "horse" doses administered by so-called "horse" ... Yes, both are "horse" ... because with their manes, they are worth it.

Now then, before being interrupted by a lout like myself, I unbosom myself to the fact that Lena, last week had to undergo a changeage of antibiotics. One small detail we had alerted. Yes, he has wisely seemed somewhat strange that our Choupette have a fever despite antibiotics. 39 ° 8, it seemed a little high ... moreover ... in fact ... and it was true that it was not normal. Well, eh, first, now it's better. And I would even say it's going even better than Lena took her mother to herself for two days (Friday and Monday). Two days to give hugs, to enjoy his mom ... and seek his dad. At the same time, must say that I left quietly both times not to wake the Herbie. And a priori, our national appreciation average Crapulette not see his dad in the morning. She catches up kisses by the phone. Besides, there's not with me (or his mom) on the line it is kisses on the phone. With his grandmothers / fathers or great grand mother / father, aunt, uncle ... she kisses when they are on the line ... So Lena

chatting ... all full "Dad, where is Mommy" she said in the evening when I come to fetch her to the crib. "Balèze" she likes to say about himself ... and myriad other small sounds that resemble words dot the babbling. Moreover, babbling is not the correct term. Now, they are words that come out of her little mouth.

Sometimes funny to hear him sing ... unless it's Sunday at 7 am and you realize it's shaped

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Do I Change Lens For Diana F

Yeah, well, I know ...

I know it is super long as I did point spread in those places. My daughter made so much progress, I could not keep up. Between her babbling becomes a real result of real words with real meaning in (And new words every day), she takes her meals alone without any help (or almost) and without getting (too) everywhere, his visits to the pediatrician ... Oh yeah, huh, anyway, double ear infection (with release of a mole) and 15 days, double conjunctivitis (passed on by a boyfriend nursery) ... yep, everything twice, because hey, do not mess about, either. Teeth grow (and night, she tells us that it grows ... because it hurts) ... and struggling to get out (for now, there are 5, maybe 6, it's hard to say, it has been 2 months since we saw the dawn without having pierced). These small episodes disease Lena delay a little the day it will bar 13 kilos. It was a theory (or rather my Sweet has a theory): Lena finds ways not to get to this weight because it will mean the end of the recliner and the end of baby carrier because it will become too heavy. It's true that it is as strange theory, but it stands: Lena is still not 12 pounds. She does not even 11 in fact (it should leave some margin).

And also, do not forget, my Sweet has been thirty years ... so eh, had to find time to seek the gifts (and to order) ... For once, I offered a package "books of thirty-blown "and Lena gave her (yes, because Lena made gifts) sioupeur an agenda ... A full bag of tricks designed by Penelope and Margaux Motin Bagieu. That's all good, tell me the j'vous . In addition, she was entitled to sub to spend on care spa at Le Touquet (it will be for spring ... for sunny days).

But hey, hey, after all, comes a time when you say "oops" and it was decided to not become overwhelmed or get into a rhythm where we no longer writes on his blog. zou So, I resume my wandering father. Léna changes, it is less and less a baby and increasingly a small nénette joyous, all quiet, with a character ... sturdy elsewhere. In one way or another.
Yes, I know, a phrase such as "in one way or the other" does not mean big 'thing. And I'll explain why and how. Although it seems to have expressed in these places that feature the character of my little girl. This feature is it because she speaks, she shows us how it goes. And when I say "in one way or another," that she said when things go wrong (or wrong), it also expresses when she goes. Small cheers punctuate the mood. Well laughter or noise of nibbling on intensive Totote when she wants / needs. Yeah, because Totota, when she no longer wants, she knows very well the drop in bed with his blanket.

Side food, even if it's still a fine gauge our little one, it remains a (relatively) small eater. When I say relatively small, she eats a little less than what is written in books. We, we do not take offense. It grows, it grows, we will not binge. Besides, if she eats too much (for example, it was the greedy to taste), she vomited in the evening (he does not happen twice, both times it was a Sunday). So she eats, but not too much. She has her preferences, and we regularly expresses "ti'suisse" ... invariably, the first thing that catches in the kitchen when he was told to choose his meal, a small Swiss ... or "ti'suisse" in the language of Lena ... She likes it, she tells us ... and we do not bother to give him. It's funny also because ti'suisse is one of the first words she has to say.
Lastly, the words she said the most is when even mom and dad. Besides, after a few days a bit harsh for my sweet, where Lena called me many, our national Herbie does call for more gene his mother, to the mad when she sees the car or the window for him to kiss and cuddle.

Sure, it's Lena is a baby who loves to cuddle. So that sometimes when she is in our arms (and she does not want to fall), she clings. With my fair, it says it is "Koala". Ahh it's still nice to have it against us. One benefits. One day she will be fed into our arms against us ...

Friday, October 16, 2009

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pancreatitis And Cholesterol

Roman Photo 1: Mr Lepreuchaun and Pear

While I'm the doting father who keeps his sick little girl (double ear infection, no less), I want to publish a masterpiece of Romanesque photo something exceptional to special effects not found the model and impeccable ...

It's 100% homemade and homegrown player ... It was printed (thank you Photobox) fabric on something that Lena can handle without worries. And she loves this story (at the same time, they are his toys celebs).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Does Sentinel Safenet Work

It's been a while ...

And even a very long time since my last post.
Well, I must say that it was very hectic this fall. Lena was very well adapted to his new crib (municipal this time) ... Republic is the manger at Vincennes.
I made myself a throw taffesque fanfare with lots of stuff to do and ... and ... especially sending my "baby" (500 a kilo at a minimum) to 4 publishers. Indeed, one of her (L'Atalante) sent me a mail for acknowledging receipt of my manuscript. Well ... Ay, it's really in truly launched. Ok, it was already with the filing of the manuscript Flammarion, yes ...

Well, if, under the heading of rejoicing, with my sweet, slightly loucedé, well, we went to court to Vincennes to register our PACS. Yep, Ay, it's done, we are officially PACS ... and that's sioupeur owl.
For once, the parents of my sweet Lena agreed to keep at home for a night, a really big long night at home and without anyone to be a dodo. Even that. type the first night of Lena without mom and dad are there. And we, well we got evening japanese restaurant '+ pestacle ... the bar chair a bonus, it was great ...

Bé yeah, huh, when I say hectic, it's really hectic:).

Well, eh, I could also do for my sioupeur Herbie in a novel photo star, Mister Lepreuchaun. I intend to print on cloth (like via the Photobox site) for my sweetie Crapulettae can enjoy them all full.

Yes, friend (s) reader nurse, you too will be able to enjoy my undeniable talent in photography enhanced with my boundless creative genius and be able to see this picture book exceptional ... Thou shalt

friend noticed (e) drive nurse, over time, my natural modesty has further strengthened my humility shines through in my comments, yes, I know ... but as I say so often, my ego is matched only by my modesty ...

short, I am a bit more talkative on facebook than on this blog, I confess ... and also a little sorry sometimes.

As Lena ... ahh ... Lena anyway, let (en, it is a bit much completely the purpose of this blog. Well ... it pushes my Herbie is recovering from a cold rifle (but nothing out of the ordinary since it will the nursery) during which she will have known dodge feat with otitis, tonsillitis and bronchiolitis (and this is no small matter.) Ok, when she screams I make mine approach a bottle of saline (must be said that has emptied boxes for him to get that cold) ... and goes every which way as soon as this baby fly pointing his nose (yes, the stuff is vile in the true sense of the word, get the juice from the nose) ...
Apart from that, a fourth tooth has managed to pierce ... and she can say her name when asked what it's called. She taped the day she made me this one. She was on my knees, I was the daddy concon a little like "how she is Lena? Huh? And how she called my darling little girl? Eh, what's your name ? "And then, bang bang, she released" Lena "... and I paid my small tear on hearing.
Lena knows about eating well alone.
Yes, friend (s) drive nurse, she is my little girl like that ... all great stuff to say to herself ... and to hug his mom and dad.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fritchy Milena Velba Pregnant



• Programmable auto-adaptive function of the size, shape and profile of the pool with the two

tilt sensors integrated.

• Possibility of cleaning selective: only the bottom or walls and bottom of the basin.

• Works on pools with submerged beaches.

• Cleaning time programmable one, two or three hours.

• Handling facilitated by a weight smaller or equal to 7.5 Kg

• No card electronics.

• Secure Anti-démmarage electronically (excluding water).

• rotary connector cable to limit the nodes of the cable.

• Storage of impurities in two filter pack, equipped with a "valve" extremely effective, easily accessible by

the top of the camera.

• Surface cleaning up to 380 m2/hour.

• Trolley transportation provided.

• Operates 24 Volt (transformer and keyboard control integrated in the trolley)

Comes with trolley

Cleaning selective

Fund only

or walls and bottom together

... 4 years warranty ...


• Easy Servicing avoiding the return to factory, thanks to innovative technological design: the engine block being replaced

by two independent motors with quick, manufactured and assembled by LEROY SOMER.

• A DVD of use and maintenance will be provided upon request.

... Design, Construction and Assembly

in FRANCE ...

The Pus of MOPP

• Simplify implementation


• Mobility • Maximum efficiency

• The only robot twin engine controllable manually or electronically

... Made of 100% French ...

Prices of Main Components - spares

RRP Designation Unit Price exc VAT unitary public

motor pump (1) 100,33 € 120.00 €

traction engine (1) € 117.06 € 140.00

Chenille (2) € 8.36 € 10.00

Rolls plastic pins (3) € 15.26 € 18.25

Cassette Filter (4) € 16.72 € 20.00

(1) complete engine for standard exchange

(2) two kennels per unit

(3) four rolls per unit (supplied pre-assembled on plastic shell)

(4) two cassettes per unit (supplied preassembled)

These prices are ex Toulouse

The technical and split the complete list of spare parts

are available upon request


Warranty period

The warranty period is four years on engines, and two years on other components, excluding wear items (brushes, foams, filters, belts and tracks) from the invoice date the original purchaser / user only.

Warranty coverage

Any piece (excluding wearing parts *) found defective will be rehabilitated or exchanged by the manufacturer with a new part or in perfect working condition.

Transportation costs will be borne by the user, the costs of labor are borne by the manufacturer.

immobilization and loss of use of a device if the repair does not give rise to compensation.


Any damage, failure or malfunction on the involvement of any person other than a repairer approved by us will be terminated automatically guarantee.

warranty is rendered null and void by improper handling instructions provided by the manual accompanying the unit when purchased. The device

always travel at the risk of the user. Our

liability can be incurred on that.

are excluded from the guarantee

• Wear parts: brush, filter tape, chenille and belt.

• Electrical damage caused by lightning or a bad electrical connection.

• Breakage due to shocks.

• Damage due to excessive chlorination of the pool water.

This pool cleaning robot is CE marked according to Directive 98/37/EC.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Effects Of Sweet & Low

Holidays ... Sire

Ahh, finally a week of real vacation with the sun, the sea and the whole shebang ... what was cool.
We went to the seaside, in the Vendee. Lena was able to play all full of sand. And eat it too ... Moreover, speaking of grub, we were a bit worried about her loss weight with his ear infection. But when we saw everything she ate, ouahhhh it has reassured us.

Okay, so Lena discovered the sun, beach, waves (funny in the arms of Mom or Dad, but just under the feet on the ground with the waves darken above). She enjoyed it all, for sure. On our return to Vincennes, she kept saying 'lo lo lo' because she wanted to see the water from the sea (well, the ocean). She was really disappointed to be back from vacation, that we split the heart. Next year, we will return, but longer this time. And we will swim really; Because there was just feet wet ... Finally, we will bathe if the water is really not at 18 ° C as it could be this year (yes, it's great fleet curdle).

Well, a week of relaxation, of glandouille, rest, break .... it's been a crazy crazy crazy good. A Lena course, but also his mother and myself ... we really could unpack, and that, that we missing super much. Fortunately we were able to disconnect a bit because the back looks loaded. If we add a little trick with the parental anxiety of influenza A is known if the nursery will close or not, painting stresseux nervique is somewhat responsible for this autumn.

As for me, bé I took the job yesterday, but I always head elsewhere ... although I'd be back down to earth one day ... Finally, perhaps not completely either, I still write stories I'd like ...

Ah yes, so I wanted to thank (again), sire Leprechaun we found the little ball Elmer the Elephant that Lena is particularly fond. Thank you, m'ssieur the Leprechaun.

Ok, I just forced the dose of Irish music (raahhh Lunasa) these days ... Just remember a little history of his country to our host. But the fact is there, in a short time a few items missing have reappeared. Then a friend (e) drive nurse, I say "if you lost object, called Leprechaun with gentleness and humor, not to mention beer and cookies."

Friday, August 14, 2009

How To Know Ifkidney Stone Is Stuck In Bladder

Leprechaun ...

It is with great pleasure that I take my pen again (well so to speak) and I am speaking to you.
2-3 days Here is some wonderful things that happen to us. Indeed, Lena goes much better (and even cracks a new tooth, he was rraaahhh time), Lost (or forgotten) reappear ... and personally, I'm better (part angina). What good idea we have therefore had to speak to you ...

Well, I hope you do all these stresses will not too bored nor too started the capital you may have sympathy for us. I hope, moreover, that the various things that we put at your disposal you liked. Between the pancakes, beer, whiskey and music, we did our best to satisfy you ...

As for Lena, here it is doing well. She had lost weight in recent days (the nose, sore tooth ... well lots of factors that did not help). Here it is now Attack again with a sacred knife and fork, then spoon. It almost seems that she wants to catch up quickly she has lost.
Small words understandable point in his babbling more and more insistent. If it is, it causes in gaellic (taught by master Leprechaun) we do not know ...
She loves to dance (well, sometimes it's hopeless, she dances on all music, even the most cheesy / crappy). Finally, it is often at the table when she's sick that his arms are raised as soon as any sound vaguely resembling music is heard. Suffice to say that when she is upset and in addition there is the music of lion king, it's really hard to feed him without any splash of pureed in a radius of 2 meters. Because the darn, eh, it has strength in his little arms and speed in his movements. And balançage hand can quickly become a gold medal at the "throw the spoon mashed trying to move towards the mouth" ... Ahh the joys of parenthood. You quickly learn to use a mop (if it was not before).
She hugs hugs, true. Gender and asks where she hangs her little head up against the shoulder. And she does not do that when she is tired, it does so just like that, just for a cuddle (half a second) before returning to his small business (books to read, cars to roll, stuff to put in boxes ... well, stuff super interesting).

short, all that to say, eh, Herbie the chip, it was really good discount.

After beginning the week where she sought her father, she is now very attached to her mom ... which, for once, found a smile about it. Ok, Me, Me, after being the star of my little girl, I fall a little from my pedestal, but no worse. Lena has a dad and a mom. Both are there to look after and she and both love it. The time that Herbie goes alone with her mom to understand that. Her mom is here too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big Max Shed Extntion

Finally ... Phone

Well, then, finally, here's what happened with the end of the week.

Lena has an ear infection ... and therefore antibiosis.
Lena still has its nose, but it goes really better (it's cool) ... and also, Lena has a new tooth .... rrahhhhh .... Finally ....

Ok, Me, j'écope angina, but it has to be balance kharmique which means that ... my little girl is better then me, I'm going less well ... but it does not matter ... will see how Lena.

I wish, indeed, to use the space for free expression that I offer myself to myself (although I'm good to mézigue sometimes) to say a word Leprechaun living among us.

Indeed, Mr. Leprechaun, it happens that you've been pampered. Certainly, Lena has busted an ear infection, but that was predictable given the full-bodied nose she had. Lena finally has a new tooth is out. And for that, I say: Thank you!

I think, again, I do not see Kilkenny in our fridge. Do I see a cause and effect with the sudden reappearance of our remote? Well, if that is how it works, know, Mr. Leprechaun, I will go and invest in stocks "Kilkenny" and let me deliver wheelbarrows of this delicious drink . The well stocked fridge, I think I have enough to satisfy you for many months ... Meanwhile
and thanks, I'll make pancakes, I "forget" some just for you, Mr. Leprechaun, and I'm sure you already know find the honey to accompany these dishes.

Well, in the meantime, I really hope this quenotte which is breaking, which is the first in a series of 6, is going to be stingy with the 5 faster the ...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Creative Labs Inc Vf-0040 Sterowniki Vista

Lena has a phone. Yep ... a real one laptop that really well in his time. Ahh but I can already see the outcry "a laptop to a baby, it's unconscious' ... Raahhh but I said that the notebook was plugged in? On? He had a sim card in? Well no.

But it is a magic phone. This phone is a direct line to the leprechaun that lives here. Yes, that of the previous post. Hahaha, that you jaded, eh? Well yes, this phone magic Leprechaun you can call and ask lots of questions. Kind "where you're hiding?" ... but hey, that is, it does not because if he told where he is hidden, then it is more hidden.

Anyway, the phone works well to distract her.

Today, it will not suffice: sly clock with a toothache, restless morning nap, meal and not cool nap in the afternoon more anarchic: Chamomilia followed one hour after Doliprane to succeed to convey the pain. Ahhh if the Leprechaun m'ssieur could take out the teeth of Lena, what it would be nice ... because there ... eh, if it continues will qu'ça stops ... Lena's in pain, she suffers tooth and it is painful to watch ...

Well, go phone Leprechaun, he can perhaps do something ... I gotta have the Kilkenny in the fridge, it should please him ...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Common Width For A Hallway


Mr. Leprechaun living among us.

Now many months (if not years) you live with us. We are living very well. Lena loves play with you it is true. Besides, do not you follow his every move in Lena? Yes, I heard you felt you slip into my pocket before leaving in the morning and at night in the nursery.

I'm glad to know that my daughter grows under your protection. She is doing so well that I can only thank you, Mr. Leprechaun.

milk and cookies in their kitchens are they to your liking? I am sorry for not being able to offer a daily glass of good Irish whiskey (that precious beverage has a tendency to evaporate so quickly mad I did not always have time to refill before the end of a bottle ). Of Furthermore, I understand that fruits and vegetables were not your cup of tea. Ah
tea precisely, we have various kinds, they like you?

Dear Mr. Leprechaun, if I break my these few words to you is to express a disappointment that we suffer from a few days now (if not weeks). But before you speak further, I want you to know that we will be making pancakes this weekend, we will leave (maybe) a few. An odious blackmail would draw the pancake is it? Look, I'm not like that.
But I will not finish this talk about this terrible disappointment that haunts us. That
now many days you've stashed the damn remote that allows us to adjust the radio, changing CDs beaches. This is very unpleasant. Ah, yes, I know dear Mr. Leprechaun, you could not hide the TV remote control, we do not. However, this remote that controls our radio-cd is precious to us. Could you make it?

Thank you for everything you did for us and for Lena, and hoping to review our remote, I'm thinking about what you can put on pancakes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Watch South Park Stream English

38.5 ... onset of fever dental ...

Sunday we went to SAMI. Nothing to do with the crank of Scooby Doo. No, SAMI is the pet name of the host medical open evenings from 20h to 23h45 and Sunday. This is a trick that allows to see a doctor when doctors are closed without going to the emergency. Practice sum.

So Lena had a fever over 38 and as she coughed a little fat, we went to SAMI Sunday. The doctor was very nice. The lungs are clear of Lena, her ears are fine, his throat is a little red ... and her teeth grow in depth. Yep, we made a Herbie the sacred teething. Well, this morning, the nursery has agreed to take it (phew). Finally, must say that Lena has a slight cold and that his fever is really due to the teeth. Not really what we refuse.

Still, it's still awesome to know that the baby teeth have to raise its temperature more than 38 (38.6 Sunday at 11:30). Brouf. Well, Sunday night, despite all grogitude understandable, Lena has still played well, a good laugh (and reassured us of his health, though she laughs, is that it is not so serious).

At the doctor was able to see Herbie the gums red and white with all the baby teeth all close to the exit. M'ssieur Doctor still preferred to let us know: teeth may not come out right away and take time to point their nose. Kind, one must still expect an even more torture sessions for dental Choup. Question frequency is every 8 to 10 days.

Seriously it has fangs that come out ... because then it becomes super hard for her (and us too, by the same OCCAZ).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pokemon For Sixtyforce

It was a little guy ...

Ha well yeah ... anyway. After two weekends of mops at the 4 corners of France (1 in 1 in Lorraine and Auvergne) where Lena has benefited from his grandparents and his rear grandmothers (and even his great grand uncle of Auvergne which were 70 years ago shortly), we can ensure that our Herbie fully. By car, it is super cool ... Pionçouille it, she plays a little, look out ... New people? Either we tamed for 10 minutes from the observation center, arms Mom 'or' arm candy 'and after, well after 10 minutes, it's cool, we know, and we can go wander around and tinkering with everything on (the plantouilles, things that go beyond known and we have no right to touch) ... So play and then also to cuddle ... Here is what Lena has been able to do during the two Last weekend ... to the delight of his entourage ... Finally, two weekends like that, that frankly left us on the ball with my wife. A weekend with friends glandouille grub would do us good ...

And the relationship with the subject? Well, Lena has a new playmate She does not see it, for sure, but she hears about it. This is a small Lepreuchaun. This pixie prankster becomes invisible every morning to hide in the pocket of his father when the latter takes Lena to the nursery. This little prankster Korrigan follows Lena everywhere and was careful that everything goes well for her. It's a small thing between me and Herbie, a little trick I invented one morning ... while she was in my arms, dreamy and thoughtful. Yes, it is as much in the moon at times his dad. So one morning, seeing a few parsecs from the earth, I started to tell him the story of Lepreuchaun who wanted to see Paris and who, wishing to stay, decided to settle with a family who had a baby (Lena in this case).

Well, for now, this story does not really Lepreuchaun start and is not well developed, but I am hopeful that this little frame born of delirium papatesque ... if it is, eh, I would have time to write this story here ...
For now, therefore, this pixie prankster accompanied Lena with her great grand mother, hidden in the pocket of his dad (yes, he likes to hide in the pocket of his dad). And since he is shy, he makes himself invisible, that's why you can not see when he follows Lena in his travels.

Yep, good stories in perspective ...

Otherwise, it's fine by you?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Minnetonka Moccasins Dealer

The nose cauliflower ... and season 2 of Chuck last night

Okay, so after a very significant weekend in Lorraine (with grandparents and great grandmother Lena), I would just like to give three pieces of information about the state of the small family. Lena gets rid somehow of a cold that has fallen on the vocal cords and a bit in the bronchi. Yes, with that "just fell into the bronchi," we were treated to a full-scale test of the real for real from Ventolin to Choup '... ahhh much fun as Ventolin for a baby.
First, what to see is that Lena is not asthma ... most babies between 0 and 3 years doing this kind of asthma episode in which the Ventolin is just a little help, if it did not exist, well, it would not matter. I will return later on psycho-emotional implications of this news. Then, the Ventolin is certainly the same as an adult, but it adds a tip plastoc silicone mask with a ... Briefly, the kind of thing that gives the impression of an elephant but kind disguise disguise a little after 1 year do not like (large tears and very difficult for Lena breathes well in the mask) .

Well, hey, besides that, it's been a week now Lena is at once clear the nose of saline solution (to prevent it falling into the bronchi). A week of fighting as to successfully clear the nostrils of Choup '. No easy life dad. Fortunately, there are smiles and kind words. Moreover, my sweet was treated to a true "Mom I love you" by Lena. Chuis a little jealous, actually ... but just a little ... Crapulette the case, babbles and sometimes you may vaguely understand a real word (perhaps you might think with my beautiful, but it did not matter to us). Lena is now "yes" and "no" to the head when she wants or does not want something.

As for my Lady and I are sailing on demand in coal tar, cauliflower nose due to a cold gun, taking drugs to blow rhinadvil (and for my beautiful Strepsil) to get the and pass any to spend a night a little bit correct. Yes, the long night quiet is not common. On the one hand because Lena is sick (coughing so sometimes at night, forcing us to pick ourselves up for a hug endormissatoire), and secondly because we have discovered Chuck (Season 2 and is super good) .

Good. There is a huge home larva (me), a small larva (my sweet, who is recovering faster than me) and an electric battery (Lena, who, despite a burst and fatigue, farts still short of form and in every sense, it is impressive to see so many sins in such a small piece) ...

Good. To return to the implications of psycho-émitionnelles Ventolin Lena must Nice to see that my asthma is ... asthmatic type allergen. And she did not learn that his beloved super girly girl would need the Medoc. Well, we can not conclude from this single episode that Lena is asthmatic. It is important to bear in mind. But hey, hey, it works when even a little in the head. One wonders if and when an asthma episode is coming next ... and we ruminate a bit too. There ruminates this brief exchange with the pediatrician:
Ma Belle (about what Lena chopper): - And what could have been done to prevent this?
The Pediatrician (reassuringly): - Given the conditions, you would have nothing have done.
Ma Belle is reassured ...
Me (curious) - The conditions, that is to say? The fact of living in Vincennes?
the Pediatrician - Yes, that's it ... Ile de France, which does not say anywhere else, it would not have done. But it would have been less likely to do.


This time it knocks out a bit as implied. If it happens again too, one solution, it will leave the Paris region ... Evident when it is there that has his job ...
Good. Hein. For now, there's no alarm pulled, there's no warning. We just started, at first, watching home prices in the outer suburbs of Paris (where the air is gray) near the stations.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remove Dashboard Hyundai Accent

Hard ...

Yep .. With this big heat in hot weather, the Herbie was very very bad night. Yes, she slept, some people will object to the mind as foul-mouthed as the trumpets of fame (as seems Brassens). But she woke up every hour (or so) and go back to sleep, he had to shoulder a dad (or mom, it worked well too) ... nothing could make her sleep. Yes, without it, it was entitled to very large tears ... crying (real) of "it will not "...

Ah, but I already mention here that Lena is not a baby crying. Sometimes a few crocodile tears (like it's not like she wants) ... but warned parents that we are, we know the difference between tears of frustration and the other crying. And precisely those other tears, well, they come only when Lena was wrong or that it will not at all (like it afraid, she is tired, agitated, she needs a hug). In short, if it does not rattle, it does not cry for nothing. In addition, very little rattle it.

So, if I say it is to explain that tonight, they were tears of "it's not going to help mom or dad." So 6-7 times at night with my wife, we got up to go for a short hug our little girl she could go back to sleep. The heat was stifling, not having enough air to cool off a bit of both chambers. Yes, Lena is not allowed in a room with a window open, the slightest breeze can make it very sick. Therefore not directly open window. And to top it all, a cold start. Suffice to say that the night was over qu'agitée and fragmented sleep and that our (my sweet to me) was really not great at all ... My poor Herbie

that this morning in the arms of her beloved father (my, that), after saying goodbye to his beloved mother (my Sweet, that), she went, already tired at 8:30 in the morning According to his awful night, to his first full day of kindergarten ... together. Well, on arrival went well, and also the removal (my Sweet had a call from the nursery) as the morning went well (except once or twice great who have a little shaken up, where a few small tears). In the afternoon, she had slept a little time ... so much that night, we have recovered very tired (sleeping on the changing table after bathing, for example) ... tired but happy and smiling. The lady at the nursery was really surprised that the first day went as well; short, too much the Choup '...

And we ask questions. It's expensive, yes, the Friends of Lola ... but on the other side, we are not bothered about a lot of points. I mean, if you move and you leave Vincennes, was not to say "well, only 3 months of nursery" ... In addition, the welcome, coaching ... everything is great among the friends of Lola. I'm not saying it will not be well at the nursery Municipale. No. I'm just saying that a priori can have my sweet is not as positive. But it's cheaper (even outright). We will stress the municipality of residence ... sure ...
And so we wonder ... still ... Finally, perhaps my more gentle than I am. Deeply

tonight we can go to bed ...

Monday, June 29, 2009

How To Perform Female Brazilian Wax

Not the moral ... Is that still

Yep, I have no morale. After a month of June with my past Herbie to the doting father, to take full advantage of her smiles and her laughter, well I went back to work. And it's not easy having to again respond to emails on the phone Yeah, I miss my Herbie.

M'enfin, you must know go ahead and see his little piece grow. It starts its adaptation to the nursery (Friends of Lola) for the month of July. It will still grow at a breakneck speed. It is not easy to leave this little bubble that was created during those days. A life marked by the phases of sleep, MIAMM, games of my little girl. A life punctuated by the comings and returns to work my Sweet. Alalala. Yep, it was like vacation.

I had a (very) short post to say that was Berry. We spent a weekend with my grandparents in fact. A great weekend for Herbie, who discovered the campaign, the real (not the Bois de Vincennes), ate raspberries want you in here, cherry picked from the tree, mashed potatoes, stewed fruit with home as the garden ... And Lena, smiling and laughing through the house, quite pleased to discover a new area to explore. My grandparents were also super happy that fall. Lena must say that they had not seen much lately. And like a super Herbie, she was all smiles, the rewarding of his presence more than happy. In short, they too have been under his devastating charm (oh yes, the sandbox, how many times have I heard "it is very your beautiful girl "or" she has beautiful eyes "). In addition, Lena has managed very well the fact of being in a place she does not know. I would even say it was super super good managed. It was "just" a good hour and a half difficult at night when we arrived. She woke up (normal) to exit the car and it took him time to calm and reassure new location where it was. But hey, hey, the early morning, she was all smile and trudge around the house. She even agreed to walk holding the hand of her great grandmother (as usual, she can not stand holding hands someone walking on a sidewalk). We had a little not want to leave on Sunday evening with my sweet, and Lena either. Return vincennois was certainly easy (less than 3 hours ... nobody on the road) in terms of physical transport, but hey, our mind is stayed green Berry a little bit of time ...

So this morning, I went back to work, with a heavy heart. But hey, hey, I also hopeful ... when I see my Herbie (yes, this afternoon, I went over to the house and I could give him his dessert ... ... even that I am privileged to work 10 minutes from my house then, eh, from time to time, I enjoy). During this month

June, I still completed my synopsis, managed to spawn three pages ... and to publish four little notes of nothing. Yes, yes, I feel the criticism of dawn like "yeah, but had you the time." Yes ... and no ... poulisme me that Dad made clear something I already knew but now it is back in my little head: care for a baby, it's not a restful activity. Well, in addition to the Herbie is really the kind super quiet. But that's just fun, to see strolling the layers of air through the house to the living room to his room through the bed of mom and dad. Ah yes, it is the magic bed mom and dad: a futon is not high and that, with Dad, we did spins and stunts and that's super funny ...

Well, eh ... next head to head with Lena, it will be July 8 and later, in August ...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why Is My Face Lopsided

I tell you ... Berry had forecast

Yes, I know I'm doting father and I can not find 10 minutes to write one of those famous notes which I alone have the secret. Ah but it should be understood that this experience of doting father allowed me to confirm something important: caring for a child is a real job with real chunks of time not self within. And therefore, no time for a ticket.

Especially since I take care of my darling little girl with ... how to say ... passion? Yes, there's that. So I'm there with her I'm her, I am present, I stimulates it, I push, I play with her. A true super strong link really has been woven between her and me. Am I entitled to kiss now, yep ... together. Am I entitled to réclamages arms for hugs when things are not and everything.

However, it will be good for this life of doting father stops. Not that I do not spend time looking after my little girl, far from it. No. I have no great desire to return to .... taff But spend too much time with me, it acquires any bad habits. I had already poured in and fro across these places in the draw to face my regular little girl gave her mother when the latter was returning from work. Well, it does not work out always always good. Lena sometimes showing very openly that mom is nice, but Dad, Dad ahhh, what a savior this hero dad.

Today in the sandbox (yes, Lena plays in the sandbox in the morning), she did something, I do not know how to react. A small
Piwin works not alone approached me and grabbed his hands to climb up. I, I all happy to help the little chip (to the amusement of his dad). Blowin thee but not that Lena started to cry / scream like it will not. Yeah. Like, "hey, but my dad to me." Well, I made the small Piwin his dad and I took my little girl in my arms, explaining that I was still her dad who loves him and she was still adored my little girl, even if another small Piwin was entitled to my attention.
In fact, this bothers me a little possessive. This may be normal by a 1 year old baby to have that kind of attitude. But hey, hey, in the meantime, I did not know where put me and I still do not know how to react if it happens again. I'll have to talk to my sweet, because if it is on this type of shot there 's something that is played with Lena. I feel he'll have to find a middle of something. And my natural tendency to do only "on" / "off" will not necessarily help me qualify. Yes, sometimes (ahem ... even often) I have trouble with the nuances.

Well, in short, Lena grows well ... so good it makes us naps but a trick folaïe: more than 3 hours nap in the afternoon. And despite that, the evening at 21h / 21h15, extinguishing fires, ottoman bed.

Finally, it true that since she has gained and the progress she trudge around, she gets tired much more. Lena also has a side "on" / "off" but with its activity: it is moving around or sleeping. She did not much phases of calm. It was right with my Sweet (mostly it does), a few moments of calm in recent days. Times when reading a book was possible. But I have a feeling we are going through a "zone of turbulence" where it is not possible too ... but hey, hey, that calm will return to its phases. It changes, it evolves ...

Moreover, it evolves so that the true sounds come out now from his mouth. "Papa" and "Mama" become commonplace: sometimes, Lena goes to the window, late in the day and tap on the glass by "Mom" ... kind she calls her mom.
And other sounds come out now also. A kind of "lo" or "dolo" or something like that means she is thirsty and wants water. And when it happens not to understand what she wants, she shows us. Ah well as she arrives to show us what she wants.

Yeah, a year, almost 12 months and a half ... it grows quickly. And my dad last week of chicken is already half gone ... hey, I'm not going to do a flip type "Wow, I too enjoyed" because objectively, I quite enjoyed. I could finalize my synopsis ... I could move (a tad micro) on my volume two ... I read the chained duck ... so eh, yeah, I took ...

And above all ... I played with my daughter, I gave him a hug, I could hear his laugh ... and selfishly, that laugh, it was for me and nothing for me. I squeezed into my arms were tired when she when she was afraid ... I (gently) when she was scolded nonsense ... Anyway, I just did the daddy .. but it's so nice to "just" to Dad.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rush Delivery Credit Cards


Well, just a little word quickly. Hein. Because in fact we are in Berry (with my grandparents). Among trees and grass, then, Lena enjoy. It crapahutte around, she smiles at everyone ... short, it's a great Lena.

For us, we try somehow to rest ... because there is still a little burnt out lately ...

short, everything is going really well, Lena amazes us every day a little more ... Moreover, here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tampon Use Makes Nauseous

Funny wedding customs! But it sucks:)

Like any woman in the world envy me married haunts me since my youngest age, the prince charming, after my favorite star who asked for my hand, my sports teacher etc. ... Until the day you know the man in your life, is the idea of marriage has not changed too much except that you may all your dreams projected on him, he is your star, your prince charming, your hero .... Quite sure you see everything in pink, home, happiness, love and ceremony! Ah! You imagine the smallest detail, so beautiful, so perfect!

Until the day when you read this article you imagine ....:), girls! Among the customs of marriage in some countries, hitting the bride, her hair pulling her ears pierce ! Ouch! It is a wise reflection haunts you: what you will not do to get married ?

Alors somme-nous toujours prêtes à se marier?, Et celles déjà marier ? seraient-elles d'accord dans ces conditions? :) Hihihi

in Somalia .. Warrior then comes the husband beating his bride during the ceremony .. To make them Received since the start .. And subject him

and implement all our demands .. In order to recognize that Mr. obeyed

at home on the island of Greenland .. Be a wedding celebration in a manner like cave man First .. As the groom goes to the house of the bride, pulls hair from the head to lead them to the place of the wedding

In the Cook Islands .. Bride goes to her husband on the table of humans .. Only the traditions of those Islands .. The youth of this island they lie on the ground face down .. Bride to trample on them while walking on their backs .. Until you reach the place where he was sitting with her husband

In Burma .. Is the dumping ground and the bride during the ceremony .. Then comes the old man and the piercing her ears .. Vtaatolm Ttodja and loud cries and release .. But there is no one can hear .. Because The band starts playing loud voices with disease of the bride screaming .. So as not to hear the cries of a bride

on the island of Java .. Pigmentation of the bride teeth black .. And wash the feet of her husband during the wedding ceremony .. This is evidence of a willingness to serve her husband throughout her life

In Nnigerito tribe in the Pacific .. The intending spouses to go Mayor of the village .. , Holds the mayor-hit my head a couple and some .. This is marriage!!!

in the tribe (Toda) in southern India, the bride crawling on her hands and knees until you reach to her groom Shall last to set foot on her head.

in some areas of Indonesia to prevent the bride to walk on the wedding night to the marital home where his father by carrying on his shoulders to get them there مهما بعدت المسافة

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Enlarged Liver Went To Normal

?? Friday 13 بربي أش إكونلنا

I'm furious every time I hear, watch Friday, 13, ooh! Friday the 13th is not good!
ratio, but with today?
You tell me, yes, and Valentine's Day and New Year's ect ...... ?
ego, belief, I take things that do not bring m wrong, celebrate love, yes, fun in the new year, why not? but one day to be superstitious who even in his history bears no relation to us is Stupid!

then here I will spread all story related to this day and if you find a single reason to believe, then congratulations!
more honestly, this is merely a Friday, and in our culture us, and that is what counts and is a sacred day and especially me I appreciate it, nothing that it brings us closer to the weekend;)! so please ....

this is what the mythology says about this "and more that is the mythology :))))"


1 / A superstition dating back to the Bible
The Last Supper. Table of Duccio di Bueninsegna.
belief associating Friday 13 misfortune would have biblical origins. According to the New Testament at the Last Supper Christ's last meal, participants were 13 in number: Jesus and his 12 apostles, "Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, Jacques, son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip, and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, Jacques, son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot (or the Canaanite), and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. "(Gospel of Matthew). As for the fear of Friday, it would be that Christ was crucified on a Friday.

2 / The death of God Balder
Punishment of Loki. Burning the nineteenth century
According to Norse mythology, Odin, god of warriors, had once met eleven gods of his friends for a dinner at his home in Valhalla. Loki, god of war and evil, not to be offended by the party, decided to invite anyway. But this thirteenth guest Surprise was not welcome. The son of Odin, Balder the beautiful, god of love and light, tried to chase the intruder. A battle broke out between the two gods who hated each other ever since. Loki, god jealous and malicious, he shot an arrow poison in the heart, shooting Balder the "beloved". From this legend, the Scandinavian countries, the number 13 is considered to be cursed and table 13 to bring bad luck.

3/Frigga or the demonization of pagan beliefs
In Norse mythology, Frigga (or Freya) was the queen of the gods, goddess of love and fertility. It was celebrated by his worshipers on Friday. The word "Friday", Friday in English, this would also mean celebration and "Freya's day". But in the tenth and eleventh centuries, northern countries are gradually converted to Christianity. It begins to tell that Frigga is really a witch and she was banished to a mountaintop. In revenge, she would invite every Friday, the devil and witches to curse the 11 men and throwing their spells.

4/Mythologies Greco-Roman
The Greeks and Romans give the number 13 a negative connotation. These two mythologies, which have great similarities, both associate the number 12 to the regularity and perfection. Thus, there are 12 Olympian gods, 12 constellations, 12 zodiac signs, 12 hours of day and night. The number 13, which involves adding a unit to 12 perfect, disrupts the regular cycle and introduces disorder. Destroying the harmony, it is synonymous with evil. In terms of Friday, it is unfortunate events associated with it since that day in ancient Rome, which are usually held executions of prisoners sentenced to death.

5/Calculer frequency Fridays 13

An annual distribution has been crunching
© Getty Images
Several mathematical demonstrations have proved that all year has at least 13 and a Friday at most three Fridays 13. In addition, two consecutive months may each have a Friday the 13th: this was the case in 1998 (Friday, February 13 and Friday, March 13).
Several mathematicians have studied the frequency with which on Friday fell 13. Dean Huffman, University of Texas, has shown that there were 7 day intervals possible without any Friday 13: 27, 90, 181, 244, 272, 335 or 426 days (spread over two years). Not since the periods of July 13, 1990 to 13 September 1991 and August 13, 1999 at October 13, 2000 to find these intervals blessed with no Friday the 13th. It seems, moreover, that the 13th of the month would have slightly more likely to fall on a Friday than on any other day of the week. This would be the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, adopted, disturbing coincidence, by Gregory XIII, who would be responsible for the predominance of Friday 13.

6/Le Friday, 13 has generated its own phobia:
the Paraskevidékatriaphobia, a triskaidekaphobia or irrational fear of number 13. Certain practices such as marriages, births or navigation are avoided in the West of the 13 months. In many cities, there are no houses bearing No. 13. Large buildings, also avoid naming the 13th floor (which becomes a 12a or 14a) and some hotels have no room 13 to avoid accommodate a client superstitious. Friday 13, paraskevidekatriaphobia will not work, do not go on a trip, do not do their shopping, short, do not leave home. A U.S. economist has noted elsewhere the economic impact of Friday the 13th: these days know indeed a significant drop in consumption. Some
The Formula 1 drivers are afraid of the number 13 since the death of two pilots on this issue in 1926. This figure is never worn in F1 unless the pilot requests it. Stephen King was also the admission of this phobia that prevents him from reading the books pages 13

7/Vendredi Black Templars
In October 1307, all bailiffs and marshals of France receive sealed an order of King Philip the Fair, with orders not to open until Friday 13. The fold their request to arrest all Templars in France. The same day, 2000 Templars were arrested simultaneously by seneschals (King's Guards) and bailiffs in the kingdom. They were interrogated under torture before being handed over to the Dominican inquisitors. Among the 140 Templars of Paris, 54 are burned after confessing crimes heretics, such as spitting on the cross or performing lewd kisses.
crash in the Andes
The most famous crash happened on Friday the 13th is the T-571 flight that crashed in the Andes in 1972. Friday, October 13, the plane took off from Montevideo en route to Santiago, Chile, carrying the rugby team Old Christians. But the plane, which hit a peak in the Andes, crashed in the mountains over 12,000 feet. The survivors, who were not found until 2 months later, had to resort to cannibalism to stay alive. In total, 29 of 45 people on board were killed, including five passengers died in an avalanche October 30, 1972.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fuser On Brother Intellifax 2820

If this is not all that our wonderful!

beauty of transparency The genius of the art, the worries detail! ephemeral masterpieces of course! but an incomparable beauty, these artists have the gift of creation!