Friday, December 24, 2010

When Do You Capitalize The Word Socialist


Alchemy and Spirituality: subtle kinship between two worlds in pursuit of a purity not found. And God conspicuously absent, which makes up the Absolute. Balthazar Claes, Flemish bourgeois family, chasing the unreachable star of his wildest dreams: decompose to produce carbon the purest diamond.

decompose But, is it create? ... A question that applies in conjunction with creative writing. Metaphor fruitful for Balzac manages to close its new while Balthazar does his own grail that supreme moment of his disappearance.

The great novelist of the nineteenth always showed empathy for the characters above, large misunderstood symbols of romantic imagery. A real lesson lies behind these metaphysical texts of desire that burns souls like the body: "The glory is the sun of the dead" .

Josephine Claes, Balthazar's wife, ugly woman, a "beautiful ugliness" (oxymoron Balzac), certainly has the beauty of dedication, intelligence, sympathy. But Can a rival cons like science? ... It must be reduced to the misfortune of her husband in the spoiling.

As "unknown masterpiece" (1831), Balzac celebrates painting thought in the narrative. The pictorial narration of a feeds "lukewarm Flemish" which spreads the passion of gold digger (another oxymoron). Lights and Shadows, the house Claes is depicted in the manner of a Vermeer. Tribute to all the Dutch culture: the paradigm of painting gives the novelist a zone of neutrality which may unfold over time stretched - almost thirty years - the quest suspension, and finally a utopia which admits torture.

Gradually, Balthazar collapses, burns, turns off, the image of time running away. Excluded from everywhere and by everyone, he leads his family into ruin. And it is art itself is sacrificed to his passion: the great paintings of the family are sold on behalf of the devouring flame.

While old painter Frenhofer the "unknown masterpiece" was engaged in a frenzied dissection of life, Claes, conversely, materializes, "chemicalization" feelings in modern fiction of the "Mad Scientist ". Between Prometheus and Faust Franckenstein, Balzac puts Western man's religious challenge to the scientific challenge. Runaway in the world and done this, the learned monomaniac is felt as pleasant or disturbing, as it is, by its delay, distraction unbreakable. Balthazar Claes misunderstood genius: the ambiguity is at the heart of Balzac's fiction.

Also the much desired victory coincides she with the ultimate defeat. The finest achievements of the writer Balzac is primarily the story of a failed quest. But a failure that does not drown in pessimism is still in a dynamic. By blowing the truth does not exist, the novelist is never where one expects.
"Between the yardstick of Savant and vertigo du Fou, he writes, is emerging space fascinating and risky of all possible existential and poetic" .

Friday, December 10, 2010

Denisemilani Pre Breast Enlargement


"In Search of Lost Time" : the greatest book of all time. Each figure has its epiphany and nourishes the subtle links between the narrator and the author, in a game with three always renewed. This applies lorsqu'Albertine and the narrator seem to share a moment of happiness to own lovers. Albertine character floating enigmatic, slowly embodied in the flow of time. This chameleon-girl, whom he met at Balbec, suggests a hoarse voice, quasi-villainous. A few gulps of cider enough to wake her the intensity of a pleasure, privilege of female pleasure. A pleasure that does not mean possession. Albertine purrs like a kitten sneaky. It is the desire of the other, feminine strategy.

Possession embodied when desire dies. Love, like a lost cause, is deadlocked if it is limited to the enjoyment. Are we in love trance? ... Passion is always triggered by desire, the desire by the lack and failure by anxiety. Love like waiting and suffering the people "Search" Proust.

What fascinates the narrator - and beyond the writer himself - is the body floating in Albertine enjoyment inaccessible to humans. In the background is also speaking of Proust's work as his child. A work he intends to own and why he feels the pangs of parturition. Albertine, awake or asleep, for it remains a puzzle that opens onto infinity, similar to this artwork, the mystery of the Stradivarius. Proust's creative writing students here the rank of a summit of strangeness, poetry.

The distance is great between the narrator's dream of owning that object. Cruising girls blossom in the Norman countryside, he feels the need to become intimate for them unforgettable. Possess, obsess here, capturing their attention. It is haunting the hearts, souls to enter secretly participate in these lives known. Possession is the psychological substitute for physical love.

Albertine comes off gradually in the mind of the narrator. Her blue eyes are for him the sea withdrew and sailing, his breath the rocking waves. It is entire cruise infinity. Albertine is the nymph, goddess of the fluid element. She does not want it enjoys. She is beatitude in sensuality, like the body of the mother and child. Before the narrator always frustrated, beautiful embodies the mystery of a perfect pleasure, the full enjoyment of her own.

Sleep Albertine has the softness of a caress, the ocean, the matrix of all life. Viewer frozen, ecstatic, the narrator imagines that put the beautiful kimono houses probably the letters of her lover (e) s. He may be right there in the responses to his jealousy. He gets up, tried, although no search. For Albertine is the pleasure principle and jealousy. Proust, jealousy is the cause of love and not the other way: as a subtle game which the narrator engages with himself for reassurance and finally rejoice at not having ... to fear.

The jealous and artist seem to share is that refusal of the truth. The narrator addresses Albertine, enjoying animal, like a work of art. He loves his jealousy as Proust saw his work: in the throes of a vocation.

The smooth flesh of the cheek of Albertine embodies the mystery of living flesh. The beautiful fugitive is turbulence on the river time. Algae, water lily, it is this mollusk secretes cerebral romantic. The mystery itself encrypted in the act of creation.

Proust watercolorist penetrating the passions at work.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where To Get Pokemon Roms From Cydia


Like literature, cinema or theater, the painting has its great storytellers. Daniel Arasse is one of those. "Knowledge transcended by emotional literacy is delegable," Roland Barthes wrote . Daniel Arasse describes painting as this fascinating art "which can not explain why key Or why the work you "calls" . Citing

Delacroix affected by the "silent power of the painting," says Arasse correctly that if you usually think in words, a painting, she thinks so "nonverbal" . Thus, questioning "The Lock" bright and libertine (1770/1778) Fragonard, the narrator shows that the left half of the table is occupied by ... nothing. And this nothing, only made of folds of linen, wrinkles, as is hinted after that tells the web. That the painter wants to master a project inspired shape puzzle and work makes sense.

Then, before the sketch for "The Dance" by Matisse is blue, the blue-there tone invented by Matisse, which affects Arasse. Upset, he says he left the museum in tears ... before discovering that this quality blue hides red, and that's what red, since blue apparent call. Surprise, shock visual colorist here.

layers of meaning, the accumulation of thoughts, meditations entrusted to the painter's canvas, are revealed to those who stop there. The painting, by raising successive segments of meaning, like the layers of material, raises gradually the intimacy that it was sealed. Emotion shock at the colors, to the density of thought given to the painting. Arasse entrusts his modesty face this "bottomless pit" through materials, shapes, there "something that thinks" and "I have only words to report" .

What upsets the amateur front "The Sistine Madonna" by Raphael is the presence of two little angels at the bottom of the table. Arasse sees them as the Christian figure of the cherubim guarding the temple veil in the Jewish religion. The god became visible before dying, and this tragedy is given to adult children's faces. "The Sistine Madonna " to "lift" the viewer into the extraordinary power of this symbol.

As ephemeral and enigmatic smile of "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci , Arasse as it detects the transition from chaos to the timeless landscape of this fleeting time and grace. What fascinates him is what deeply connects the figure of the model landscape background. That smile symbolizes first to Leonardo's portrait recalls the fertile woman and the attraction and fear of the artist with respect to the body feminine. Eye, perpendicular to the plane of the stage, looking directly at us, wherever we found ourselves in relation to the portrait. From the bottom of the table until the next part of the silhouette twist that makes us fix it.

And what about this landscape that stands out in the background on each side of the face model? ... That's Tuscany appears to us in its topography timeless, timeless, after reflection mapping and geological scientist Leonard. A river connects Lake Trasimeno in Val d'Arno, as the smile of the Mona Lisa joins the two parts of this landscape backgrounds. The artist writes itself his canvas and the bridge over the Arno that is the symbol of passing time. Table dense, sober, Time ever returning the gaze ... the eye.

Web-mirror secret joy and timelessness congealing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Much Do Wheel Rotors Cost


"When the rain stretching out its endless train
one vast prison bars mimics

And the dumb throngs of infamous spiders

Their meshes deep in our brains "

How to capture, volatile and valuable this" queen of the faculties " that restores to man the meaning of sounds, colors and fragrances? The poet attempts the impossible in two simultaneous tendencies: the human physical and spiritual man.

Baudelaire says perceive reality in all its intensity. "I prefer the monsters of my fancy at the triviality positive." That's the creative imagination that the poet stands in the name of truth. Poetry is what is most real. Grasp eternity in the transient is also s'inpirer of ugliness itself, or, to state it differently, make beauty with what "is" ugly.

Passionate about pictures since childhood, Charles is not as iconoclastic to better expose the limits of fantasy. Beginning of Naturalism peculiar to his time the poet comes to praising the On-Naturalism (Edgar Allan Poe's spirit-brother, Nerval ...), leaving the point already Surrealism Perfume exotic Breton. A painter of modern life, Charles scatters his verses in the arcana of the city and children. He digs the unpredictable fantasies, dating back to the source of a childish perception, ingenuous. The poet turns to reinvent the beauty remains, exhumed from childhood genius found.

" Time that Nature in its verve powerful
Conceived each day monstrous children
I would have liked to live with a young giant
As the feet of a queen a voluptuous cat "
(The giant)

swollen like a huge wave, moving swell of the crowd just feed the games imagination: "The deafening street around me screaming ... " Enjoying the crowd is an art. Agoraphobia, the poet wants to restore this theater aesthetics. Passion pictures, " primitive passion ", the imaginary our customers taste intensity: rise without leakage, escape the daily oversight of the real, recovered full consciousness of the child always drunk. Childhood, found that genius: a small old are the divine eyes of a little girl. "But the green paradise of childish loves ..."

Under the air of nostalgia that is forgotten, sorry Baudelaire gives the form of attendance: "I know the art of evoking happy moments ". And imagination is tender and sad, evoking a heartbeat sepulchral

"Far from home. See the dead years look
the balconies of heaven in robes obsolete
Out of the depths of the waters smiling Regret " (Meditation)

singular nobility in pain.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Update Cellebrite Machine


" Books were my birds and my nest, my domestic animals, my barn and my country ... "The little Sartre saw his nine years on the eve of 1914, as a child-king. He says bluntly: " I was born to fill the great need I had of myself, "before discovering solitary and envious at the children playing on the terraces of the gardens of Luxembourg, "runt who did not interest person ".

Obviously a private school on me, the young Sartre could rely on a real grandfather, in the absence of a father soon disappeared (" ... fortunately, he died in infancy ... "). A grandfather has a real tenderness that he passed on the symbolic tool of language: Shakespeare remembers in" Les Mots ", magic-book and book-tomb the strength and ambivalence unusual. On the eve of his wanderings in the library grand father, that the young Jean-Paul launched into an incredible adventure as an Aladdin's cave, climbing on chairs, on the tables at the risk of avalanches. There he encounters horrible the form of color plates and teeming with hideous insects. But he also discovers Aristophanes and Rabelais. It slips under the skin with delight La Perouse, Magellan, Vasco da Gama. "Men and beasts were there in person" : child-Sartre patiently collects the "humus of memory" .
"It is in the books that I met the world: workers, classified, labeled, Platonist thought ... by state, I was informed of its purpose."

At seven years, John Paul has access to the real world by the discovery its ugliness. Finding the time and surpass the unsurpassable in this unsightly, it gives a glorious body through writing: submitted to the rite of passage, virilization, the prince is toad. But no matter, since the manner of the man-book Arcimboldo ( "The Librarian" ), Sartre describes becoming book. Transfigured through writing, it turns into a great and terrible fetish handy:
"It reads to me, I no longer exist anywhere, I'm everywhere."

style confidant of "Words" forward the child leaps to the rhythm of their energy gushing. Fatherless son of one Jean-Paul "his own case, fills with pride and height of misery." "Everything happened in my head; imaginary child, I defended myself by imagination."

down from its origins, Sartre fight against the self-taught. Flaubert, like his brother enemy who has suffered from its own contradictions and fled in the literature, the intellectual meditation on the ambiguities of the world. His wish: to be the matter and nothing more than wind. Spinoza and Stendhal. Anti-modern, disenchanted, he calls his lyrics read like a riot, as a famine. admitting that "his madness has protected against the elite ", Sartre can not help but see the talent " which separates the other, a crime against the other ". The aristocrat and writer who lives a freedom to s wrest the time: the pole and the pole soft acid to create tension own "words" , vivid traces of the writer to the task.

Sartre openly admits that his books feel "the sweat and pain ". A passion rooted in the incomparable pleasure of taking the child " living things in the trap of the phrases ". And addressing in turn the reader into the other, the writer experiences and we share this intoxicating power to enact "cathedrals of words under the watchful eye of blue sky word ..."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank You Welcome Gift Bag Note

Confessions of an asexual wanton, 3rd party

This text is a translation of Confessions of an asexual Slut, Part 3: Doin'It , edited by David Jay in January 2007.

I base my privacy on my communities. That means that what most people do in their relationship with their small (e) friend (s), their husband or wife, I do in my relationship with my entire community. As I am asexual, I could not go out with someone in the strict sense even if I wanted. And for a long time it was really confusing, because if I was dating someone, I had no way of knowing who I was supposed to be in love and were just friends. Without boxes like this where to put their relations with others, many people feel lonely and isolated. For this reason people who can not be with someone in the traditional sense, like asexuals, are looking for less traditional ways of seeing relationships. These will go out with someone without having sex with radically redefine the way we describe and categorize the relationship, through the mixture of elements from traditional romantic relationships and traditional relations of friendship. Intimacy is based on the communities to see a system that supports the relationships that we can not assign of particular importance to (e) small (e) friend (s), or even a small core of partners. The central idea is that we see every relationship the same way as the others, because all relationships have their importance. Here is an overview of how it presents itself to me right now.

I have three primary relationships, a dozen secondary relationships, and still about a hundred people with whom I interact. One of these key relationships is with someone, and the two others are with groups, which means I have about nine people in total, which collectively constitute what is for most people (on) a small (e ) Friend (s). It has its advantages and disadvantages. It is relatively stable and there is plenty of variety, but the schedule can be a nightmare. I shall return later.

I begin my primary relationship the more traditional, with my girlfriend Karuna. Karuna and I've always had a very strong and creative. We're both very public people, and our relationship is built around the support we give each other when one of us must take risks. We sang karaoke, we improvised chorea complicated on the dance floor, and we spent hours sipping tea in reflecting on our lives. When we find ourselves, there's always this energy Creation and support us, which I learned to count. Thanks in part to her that I do more to stress the idea of being on television.

See you once a week or more, usually to do things that involve a lot of laughter and speech in public. We share the love and we intend to continue to be there for each other, at least for now. Karuna also has a boyfriend, and it is clear that her relationship with him and his relationship with me are complementary. I start to become friends with him too.

My primary relationship is with following On Your Left , an activist group who likes to tell gossip, dancing, going on adventures and make sophisticated tub. As my relationship is with three people, not just one, it is more reliable (since it is almost certain that at least one group member will be there), but it's harder to feel the intense emotional connection type that one can have in a relationship with both. This is not a problem; support, comfort and reflection are what I get from my relationship with Karuna. My relationship with On Your Left is where test limits and break the laws, even if it really does not violate the law at the service of social justice. See you once a week to make twenty km cycling and skating in San Francisco. We spend the first half of the hike to discuss political issues in San Francisco and around the world, and the second half chatting about our love lives. We also found the weekend to eat and go dancing, and our roots activists make us a home to conduct political activities. A few hours ago, we all gathered to oppose an advertising campaign several million dollars, with some remarkable results.

So now, I have a place where I'm at the shelter and a place to excite me, the only thing missing is a place to be comfortable. It's fine intensity, but in my experience, the more difficult in a relationship is to be comfortable together without doing anything special. Pizza the Hut, a loosely formed group of my roommates and their closest friends, is my family and my ties here in San Francisco. For a year and a half since I live here, has forged ties fabulous, and I know that whatever happens, I will have a place where I can relax, talk nonsense and let everything else fade away.

It's called Pizza Hut, because when I moved, someone remarked that with three boys in a single apartment, all that would be in our fridge frozen pizzas and beer. It is the kind of vegetables do our donuts and watching Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy . In fact, we did exactly that at least once every six weeks. It has much fun to decorate the lounge (pirates), cooking (images and pork products) and bathroom (famous actors in a bathtub or in awkward sexual positions). It is to eat together, we go on weekends, and there are countless traditions that has accumulated.

These three relationships are central to my life. I'm doing thing with each person or group once a week or more, and three of them they give me a lot of experiences I want in my life, whether dance, fight for the ideas which I believe, or cook meals refined. For the rest, there are my secondary relationships, friends I see less frequently or are far away, completing the rest of my life and my schedule. These are people or groups of people I see once or twice a month. These relationships can be as varied as the services of a professional performing artists, or new promising vying for the status page.

Do the math: if I work full time, devotes one evening a week to each of my three primary relationships and an evening every two to four weeks to my secondary relationships, discussed from time to time with the hundreds of people floating in limbo relations, dedicating ten to twenty hours AVEN week, and leaves me time to meet people, you really have that I link. It's a little overwhelming at times. There are certainly disadvantages compared with other ways, traditionally love to live relationships. Keep abreast of what's happening is harder, and although there is much less involved in each relationship, it is almost guaranteed that at any time there will be stories somewhere in the social network. For better or for worse, we do not feel the kind of intense feeling that people who focus on a partner. I do not fall in love like some of my friends, because falling in love means that for a moment you have a person who is everything to you.

On the other hand, it usually happens much more in a community that anything could happen with one person. An entire community will not leave a note raging before slamming the door. If a relationship goes, there are always other to balance. As I have many relationships that I can count, it is rare that I can not have the support I need, and as things are still moving, I am never bored and I do not feel trapped.

But frankly, practicalities aside, the power is most exciting. Whenever VolunteerMatch * seeks to hire people in my office gave me a pile of resumes of friends and acquaintances, and I do take five or six. At every election, I can argue a hundred to a thousand votes for one candidate or the camp that I choose, as soon as my community is mobilized to go pounding the pavement. Much can be done as a couple, but a community's unique ability to unite for change the world around it makes the possibilities I have with mine virtually endless. So if one of you concentrate all his hopes and dreams on that special person, take time to reflect on what might happen if you multiply your love.

* audios VolunteerMatch David worked when the article was written.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How Much Is Bowling At Red Rock


1690. Who is this child in rags, faceless, abandoned on a beach along the Channel like a Stygian Abyss? ... Open mouth grin from ear to ear in a silent, nostrils dilated, hair wild mane. It is through this spectrum as one approaches the novel is also the image of the spectrum that the child Gwynplaine falls in life by laughing petrified forever carved on her face. Face-mutilation, disfigurement face. The face as a body chaos. Flash of silent laughter, fixed and stony overwhelming. Harbinger of death, before they reveal machine affirm life.

Hugo is there in the scene "Chaos Vanquished." Drama yet unplayable as he says the show is obscene. But Gwynplaine Triumph of Death: Laughter fixed soon generates laughter living, anticipation of the laughter of Bergson in 1900 "mechanics plated on Life" .

The child comes alone at night, snow and death. Gwynplaine, ten years, hideous face, save the small Dea. The lost child carrying the foundling. Dea, blind, able to perceive the soul, transparent, and converse with the gods. She is Isis, goddess of death and ambiguous life. Dea, shepherd of a starry sky sublime assertive down the old light monarchist, monotheistic, a time which staggers. Against the grotesque in distress, a new divine.

Finally, Hugo has an appointment with himself, as Gwynplaine with a gallows mournful that stirs the wind. The stillness of death suddenly begins to live. Behind the instrument of darkness where the dead and fight night looms a huge hand in writing. The gallows laboratory writing! Hugo's great allegory: the black body and inform attacked by a pack of crows is writing in the process of describing itself, hear squealing "in a fierce back and forth" . The pen scratches and hardening as the spectrum has its substance in the ink receptacle of tears and blood of men.

Man by Hugo is a mutilated, as the human race which has been distorted the law, justice, truth, reason and intelligence. The "Laughing Man" is the strong figure of passive people who chose to guffaw and submit. In spectrograph visionary history, Hugo mobilizes the past to write with all her loved ones. In this final book of his exile ends (1869), Hugo's is more myth than ever at work.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Do I Find My License Number On Quickbooks

A brief early history of AVEN

This text is not translation. I wrote it based on information found in the podcast History Lesson by David Jay on page Asexuality: The History of a Definition , And the number 20 AVENUE .

Throughout the 90s, people occasionally isolated describing their lack of interest in sex on message boards related to sexuality, asking if others were like them, but never managed to together because of their low numbers. In 1997 was published an article called My Life as year Amoeba (Amoeba My Life), on which we could post comments. This is the first place where asexuals regrouped and were able to discuss.

In October 2000, the Yahoo group Haven pour la Human Amoeba ( Refuge for human amoeba) was created, but apart from the post of introduction, there was no discussion until February 2001. Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA) was a very small group discussions with very irregular. The arrival of a new member generated some activity, which then died quickly. In July 2001 the group reached 20 members and began to have regular posts and discussion continues. That's when David heard of Jay HHA.

late 90's, David is in high school in St. Louis, Missouri. It is obvious he has something different, he does not feel concerned at all when his entourage can not stop talking about sex. He nevertheless fortunate that his school has a population of homosexual and bisexual quite important. Her friends often talk about sexual orientation and the fact that there is no problem with being different. He began using the term "asexual" to describe what he feels and sees asexuality as a kind of orientation. He is convinced that there is an asexual community somewhere will find it by going to university.

In September 2000, he enrolled at Wesleyan University. There he comes into contact with the LGBT association, who has never heard of asexuality. He searched the university library (this was before the real search engines), but found nothing. It then falls on Article My Life As An Amoeba . This is the first time he sees the word "asexual" as applied to a person outside his own writings. This led him to create a web page about asexuality in early 2001, he called asexual Visibility and Education Network . (He wanted to call Human asexual Visibility and Education Network to HAVEN, haven in French, but his roommate thought it was useless.) There was not much on the page, simply its definition of the term "asexual"
A person who is attracted to neither gender, and some lines
asking anyone who was asexual or had information about it to write. It receives some answers and began to correspond by mail with a half-dozen asexuals.

In August 2001, someone wrote to him to report the HHA group. He participated in the discussions which have occurred since then a few months. At that time, the words "asexuality" and "asexual" were used interchangeably. People present on the group although there had guessed many other asexuals who ignored each other, and one question was how to achieve them. The definition of asexuality was also subject to much controversy. The Antisexual believed that sex was bad and that asexuals are superior to other people. Others had a very strict definition of asexuality and closed, and wanted to ask a series of questions (about the excitement or masturbation for example) for newcomers to determine if they were really asexual. David was among those who had a positive view of sexuality and thought that identifying with asexuality enough to be asexual. The mailing

HHA list was very inconvenient to discuss since we could have one thread. David wanted to establish a forum that would serve as a true meeting place for discussion of asexuals. In May 2002, he bought the domain name for $ 25 its owner, who did not use it, then spent the summer to redo the site, launch the forum and write pages of Frequently Asked Questions.

Other sites were created by members of HHA. If AVEN has managed to gather the most people, because, according to David himself, he was the best webmaster, the site had the best design, and especially the presence of the forum allowed to have multiple threads at once.

After a few months and about 50 members, contributions to the forum began to be numerous enough for there to be new every day. From there, the forum began to grow much faster, reaching the point where it is interesting for people to return regularly. In November 2002, AVEN has exceeded 100 members, while David was in Ghana for three months. This absence was also an opportunity to appoint a second director to the site. Six months later the first elections were held to choose moderators, elections are always at the heart of life of AVEN.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Goldfish Keeps Swimming To Filter

Few pounds.

Yeah, it was a good holiday. I admit it is reviendus for over a week ... it is quite true ... I confess. But hey, hey, time to recover, to stop looking the mountains of the corner of my eye, stop looking swans in a hypothetical channel, get used to not eating cheese sioupeur tearing at every meal ....

Yeah, in fact, it took us some time to accustom us to be in Paris ... * Sigh *.

It was a memorable holiday, full of glandouilles, hugs, smooches ... full of profitage Lena too. Moreover, an auxiliary we did say the first day of resumption of Lena. It was found that Lena had changed in the sense that she grows, matures ... it flatters my ego a bit of dad is sure that a week with me and his mom and Choup grows back ... Finally

Well, eh, vacation was great, it was full of stuff ... full ... cheese eaten (and therefore in pounds on the hips) and reduced cheese, full episodes of series watched, full rides in the old streets, full of mountain landscapes ... oh yeah, they were real vacation ... holiday where we forget the job ...

Well, with these few kilos of happiness, there's been a fairly violent backlash, because the way back from work, after that, it's not funny at all for us. Finally, when I say we, I mean the parents ... yes, because Lena, she likes when you're in Vincennes and it's not the holidays. Well yes, in this case, it goes to the nursery to find his friends. And she has friends ... even a whole lot. Between boyfriend / ines who cuddles in the morning to say hello, those / who are kisses, those with whom she contests "have you seen Chuis beautiful ...", those with whom she made Contest of the most acrobatic somersault (which gives the most cold sweat to the control of stink), Lena is surrounded ...

Especially that one must always "pretend" (not the cuddly as a friend to the backpack on their backs to do as an alternate, the teuteut not attached, to a third) ... alalala, we made it with ... we watch her grow up, it looks fun, we laugh with her too. And listen. We listen to her she had minor injuries to the crib, his questions about "good / not good". It runs when it wants Franklin (Franklin that's great) if it is time / no time ...

Moreover, speaking of that, I would still want when Lena a Franklin and say No, it certainly rattle. But she does not fancy ... Moreover, in general, Lena is not a capricious child. He has always said that it was wrong to whims. It has never been entitled to loudly in public with Lena that rolls on the ground to get what she wants. She gave us a couple of times a real skit ... but it was more to fatigue and frustration of having a "no" to a real fancy in good standing. And that's for sure that we really appreciate it.

In addition, Lena when she gets tired, it's no problem to go to bed. Sometimes she trying to delay a bit by asking for a hug, another kiss. But when we decided it was really time to sleep, she sleeps in her bed (she could also stand up without problem) and sleep peacefully ...

Alalala is genuinely a really girly sioupeur Choupette my love.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free Indian Frequency


" I've always been another " ... Who is Gary? ... Everything except what he wants to show us. Dropping that "life has us at dawn a promise she never takes " and that "you spend your life waiting for what you have already received " is still the same man that fits with delight under the scales of a boa apartment by the method called "sympathetic". Justifier deploring human remains state sketching, feeling himself the hero of hug loves to take himself into his arms! The less we are and the more one is too many. Gary is hard to recognize the look of a dog in that of his master ... and vice versa. Minority-born, he hates - cordially - anything that looks like up close or far to manly strength as the good feelings. And to never sleep in peace, he can count on his three favorite gods: Filoche, the god of prejudice, the god who cares Trembloche scared and Totoche the god of stupidity.

Gary, chameleon satisfied wallow with delight in the slang of the thought. The humor is a terrorist himself sweetness to the soul: " When one wants to die, chocolate is better than usual! ", or in the mouth of the father of Mrs. Rosa Momo: "I have given a son Arabic, I do not want you to render me a little Jew! ... "

Seizing the identity of a certain Emile Ajar, one of his many aliases, Gary goes back in time to invent lives in abundance, never where we expect it, true to his sense that he wants to reverse the laws of nature. Gary, the man-world burns to embrace all existence. Russian, Polish, Mongolian, Tartar, Jewish, he likes to cover his tracks, to be still another. His mother's son, Airman, resistant, diplomat, filmmaker, he is the eternal emigrant, like his favorite chameleon who put on a Scotch plaid, goes mad ... and great French writer.

Denouncing Racism and the bomb like real pornography of the mind, this phobia of stupidity has always known that " happiness does not require the man to make his life impossible . And one begins to share his fear that intimate human is not yet really "happened." Then, of course, as a the only real consolation was always "the life ahead."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Helium Tank Refill In Central Nj


This text is a translation of Sexual Relationships With people , edited by David Jay in August 2006.

Most people I am close to have sex. I like my privacy based on the communities to which I belong, none of these relationships is really a relationship with a big R, but it is still worth the shot out. I was able to do a lot of things in my relationships without the question of sexuality arises (or at least without it becoming uncontrollable.)

My secret was to learn to blur the boundaries between the Friendship and loving relationship. It is essential for people sex in a relationship without sex is extremely limited. After all, relationships are where they are supposed to live their sexuality, and ask them to have sex without asking them to return to silence much of themselves. The alternative, as we know only too well, is asking us to silence a part of us and have forced sex with regard to our partner. The relationship is forced to grow around a fundamental incompatibility. Our ability to tolerate the sexual and the capacity of our partner tolerate his absence should stretch painfully until they join. It works. If a Montague and a Capulet arrive to build a relationship, a sexual and an asexual can surely too, but not necessarily pretty.

Let us be clear, this is NOT the way I do. Maybe I marinated a little too long in the pot of lavender AVEN, but an arrangement to this point focused on sexuality makes me shudder with horror. If my years of pranks asexual taught me one thing though is that every time we talk about sex, it never really about sex. We must dig a little further.

What people mean by sex "sexual need"? Science has never found any negative effect to happen because of sex, apart from the general theory which means that having too feel like something is wrong and punish. When they did not have sex, they become in theory (but not necessarily in practice) in a bad mood, and it's not fun to be with someone in a bad mood. It might be useful to stop seeing sexuality as a natural impulse, and see it as a kind of identity. For most of you who hear me *, asexuality is a part important to you. You can see it as a toolbox of ideas and definitions we use to reflect on ourselves and our relationships, to describe people and generally to live without being completely lost. (That does not mean that many of us have not been.) And if the same was true of sexuality? And if sex and desires that go with it were such an integral part of how people view themselves and sexual life that suddenly ask them to live in a world without sex would be to request that we live in a world without a future?

(This is not to compare AVEN and sex, you know which one is better.)

So people need not only sex sex for endorphins, they need to be studied and understood. The important thing to understand is that we do not have to be the arena of their thoughts to be close to them. We did not even help them, everything that has to do is to avoid being in their paws. Sexual people are equally capable of non-sexual intimacy than us, they have simply used less.

So how does one avoid being in their legs? Point out the facts. Unless your partner dying to explore her sexuality with someone who has neither experience nor interest in the thing, his relationship with you is probably not the arena he seeks. If you have never had sex, play the card of virginity. People swoon at the universe of erotic possibilities that they opened their first time, you would look at your watch and wondering if there is something good on TV. And without accounts apothecary, does your partner really anything to lose from a relationship with you? If looking for sex, intimacy and life companion, and did more searching than sex, is not it a great improvement ?

must admit, this is where it becomes tricky. As I said in previous podcasts, I'm an easy boy, most of my friends are too, and none of us really has difficulty in separating the intimacy of sex. Everybody was not so lucky. For some, sex, intimacy and the couple's life can not be separated so easily. This is not because privacy and married life is just one immutable sexual desire comes with them. (See Exhibit number one, in which people are sexually intense platonic relationship with each other since the dawn of time.) This is because when the intimacy and the couple's life are served with fries and a slice of cake AVEN, sex is a la carte. Your partner does not want to become more intimate because it reserves for a relationship that will include sex and like a miracle will happen one day on his white horse.

In this kind of time it takes to point out the problem of logic there is to "reserve" for someone else. The trick with really great love is always there. Love is action, not a commodity: when you love more, we become best in love. And unless that relationship looking to meet all needs is a job of 40 hours per week (in this case, stop it!), There is no reason it can not make this relationship by conducting richer relationship with you as far as possible. And who knows? Once he is served a good big slice of cake AVEN, the white horse may seem increasingly out of a fairy tale.

* audios This article first podcast (available at the same address).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Homemade Cookie Bouquets

sexual love, loyalty and Polyamory Weekly's guide

This text comes from the podcast Love, commits, and Polyamory Weekly David Jay, released in July 2006. I transcribed adapted and translated. David spends another podcast excerpts, which are indicated in blue.

I received a PM (Private Message for those of you who are not on on the forum, and here's what he said in response to Confessions of an asexual wanton last week:
I just listened to the second podcast, I found it very interesting and it really touched me in my problems / concerns with having to identify with asexuality. I think I refused to store it in one class and I kept hoping that sexual attraction happen to me one day (unlikely since I'm 23 years old) because I wanted to have relationships such as those enjoyed by my friends sex, just without the sexual component. You know, the person to whom it is more than all others. From what I understand, you do not think that's necessary or even possible to have a romantic relationship asexual. Tell me if I am misinterpreting what you said.

I also wanted you to share an interesting observation I made while watching my friends and me when we went out. If you go to box for example and we have a little too drunk, most of my friends will meet after a while (or want to find) glued to someone on the dance floor and will return with the person. Cons for me I find myself talking with total strangers with whom I have the most bizarre philosophical conversation. Funny, huh?

That's what I told him I would not say that romantic relationships are not serious for asexuals, as a number of us seem to have exactly that. But I really think we are obliged to consider the concept of loyalty in a way that people do not need sex. There is much to admire in the privacy of the couple, but it's far from the only way to get what we wants, the conversations described in the message being a prime example. These conversations for you and your friends for flirting may have the same function: both give you an excuse to meet people, enjoy the moment when we learn to know and be vulnerable and finally spend time s' explore each other.

is one of the things I want to discuss in this podcast: how to create commitment and a structure in a non-sexual relationship. I have already mentioned and I still talk a lot in the future, but one of the most important landmarks of the world is that sexual relations that include gender relations are with a large R. They involve loyalty and many other things that all other relationships do not.
Worldwide asexual, many of us have partners and thousands are still very close intimate relationships, but the distinction between relationships that include sex and the other does not exist. There are ways to replace it, which can find out who your partner, but the fact that we should re-examine this distinction and think about how to categorize their relationship, I think it makes us think (at least me and Other asexuals) in nontraditional ways to what are the important relationships in our lives and how to designate them. And I think this idea coincides nicely with the ideas of the polyamorous community today.

For those who do not know, polyamory is having more of a relationship (often sexual but not always) at the same time. Often referred to as the "non-monogamy responsible." The difference is that if you have a partner and begin another intimate relationship, possibly sexual, in the back of the first and you do not speak, you cheating on your partner. Conversely, if you have a partner and you say, "Our relationship is extremely important to me, I love you really, but I also want to explore my love for others people, "if your partner agrees and you decide to communicate about it in a way that suits you both, if you communicate openly with your second partner, in short, if you call for 80 hours week, this is called polyamory.

Where I see a report, it is that the polyamorous, as a number of asexuals, are obliged to consider the notion of loyalty what kind of relationship is important to them and why so much deeper than the classic "I'll find someone, we will sleep together, then we'll go out together, then we'll marry, Then we will start a family, and this will be my entire life and intimate. "
So, because of these parallels between (the way I and others see) asexual relationships and polyamory, j 'I started listening to the podcast Polyamory Weekly , which I recommend to everyone. Each episode even ended with the phrase "Remember, it's not only sex in life"! After listened to some episodes of the podcast, I sent an email to Minx (the person making Poly Weekly) to submit my podcast and discuss the parallels between the ways of thinking about relationships and asexuals of polyamorous. She found it really interesting and had quite a discussion on the subject with her partner and guests of the podcast. I'll show you excerpts and comment.

[Minx] I received an interesting email from David, this is what he said
My name is David, I am the founder of the site . Poly Weekly recently I listen and I'm a fan. Even if only a tiny part of the community sees itself asexual poly (AFAIK), many of us borrow a lot of ways to see the relationships polys. After all, it's a bit difficult to be sexually exclusive when sex is not part of the story.

It lets me pensive, because there is a time GrayDancer and I've heard all about the amoeba Susie Bright, people who consider themselves asexual. I mean, of course there are many more in relationships than sex, and there are plenty of ways to be emotionally intimate with someone without sex, but it seems a priori that it would require a new way of seeing relationships, another way to think about ...

I will cut off from time to time for comment. I have enormous respect for Minx, I think we all have much to learn from her, but I would just like to point out that. Do others have noticed that when we explain that to someone who is asexual is not for the first time, the person needs to say she likes sex? And even if it's someone who talks about sex all the time and is completely comfortable with the subject, it suddenly becomes a little uncomfortable?

[Minx] For GrayDancer and me, sex and BDSM are means of expressing emotional intimacy, but they are not alone. So for me they are intertwined, but I imagine how one can have one without the other for some people. I do not know, it leaves me pensive. What do you think?

[Karen] I think I struggled with the concept because I wonder where is the line that defines a relationship in this case. I think back to an article Loving More that talked about if we could have a relationship without sex, is what it would be a relationship, what it would look like and how do we define a relationship with someone ...

Wouaou! What makes a relationship is a relationship? It is a question really sexual. I think, and I know many other asexuals will agree, there are many parallels.

[Minx] Yes and it reminds me of something. I mentioned that I had a friend whose fiance fiancee spent much time with her best friend, and eventually ran away with her best friend to marry and then cheat. But what is interesting is that at the time the bride and best friend did not sleep together, their relationship was not sexual. There may have been a few hugs a little displaced when they were sitting side by side, but really no sex per se, yet it was an incredible betrayal and emotionally for my friend. And I understand very well. It was their emotional intimacy was overwhelming, even if they never slept together.

That's interesting! Whenever I was in a relationship with someone saying sexual and monogamous and I talked about non-sexual intimacy, the other person responded by acknowledging that relationships are more than just sex, that we can have friendly relations very important, in short, you know the drill. When you have a group of polyamorous together, which I guess have more capacity to reflect on relationships in the abstract, the subject of non-sexual intimacy leads directly that of adultery! [Laughter ] In this case, the asexuals become a band of biting buddies (I love that phrase). What is interesting, as I said earlier, is the idea that it really lacks a way to talk about non-sexual intimacy and fidelity. What happens if you have privacy without loyalty? Adultery, it seems.

[Minx] I think if this relationship had continued, even without sex, it would have been equally damning. I've seen the other hand, women tend to talk about sex: "The bastard, he slept with another!" Yet for many women, this is not the sex the problem. It's easy to focus on gender and make a scandal because of that, but so many women explained: "It is treason on an emotional level, it lies the problem. This is the opening up to someone other than me and I do not know, this is not sex. " So an emotional connection without sex is more overwhelming.

is a very good point, and I would come back later. Tricking someone is not wrong because they sleep with someone else, is wrong because there is a promise not to sleep with anyone else, and that promise is betrayed. In fact, monogamy and fidelity are primarily a story of trust, not necessarily exclusive.

[Karen] You're right Minx, there is indeed a degree of emotional loyalty in a relationship. That may be when that happens we can start saying it is a relationship. When I married, my husband had an affair with a neighbor emotional, and this time it was not sexual at all and I knew it. But I found myself searching the Internet sites on adultery and that sort of thing because it was not fair at all with me. And I really can not blame him because he was not honest with himself either. We talked about it again later because at the time it does not even confessed to himself that he was falling in love with this woman and they had a very strong emotional connection.

Does it remind you something too, a very strong emotionally where people do not realize what is happening? This story is a perfect example of what happens when you have a strong relationship but not the words to speak. She had to go on the internet search terms to describe this relationship, because there no words exist for a very strong emotional terms, sexless. This moment is really powerful. She is aware of this relationship, her husband knows, the other woman knows, but none of them knows how to talk. It's like they were pretending it does not exist. Maybe not at this point, but none of them knows what to do. I've been in this situation, with many of my relationships, and this can be very frustrating.

[Karen] So I read about adultery on the internet, and that's where I fell on emotional connections. That's where I told him spoken: I showed him the site and I told him "That is happening."

[Minx] I still wonder if, when people are not asexual, the sense of betrayal does not come from fear that it becomes sexual. Is this it would be different if, because they consider themselves asexual, we knew it would never become sexual? Is this fear disappear?

[Karen] I think this fear will disappear if two asexual together because they have established this definition, they have learned to see things differently. But if someone is asexual and the other not, it probably will not work.

[Minx] Oh, I wonder if it would work!

[GrayDancer] In a monogamous couple, I do not think it works. But I do not see how it would work anyway ...

They make a very interesting point in the middle of it all, saying that an exclusive relationship between a sexual and asexual is impossible because the first needs to have sex, but it would be possible in a polyamorous relationship. And there, yet these people do not discuss more poly. I would have liked them to, it would have been very interesting.

But back to what Karen said earlier. It said two asexuals can be together because we have a different mentality, that is to say that we have developed the ability to reflect on the faithfulness without involving sex. It thus suggests that people do not have that sexual ability. I'm curious if this is true, and what does this mean if it is not true.

[GrayDancer] I confess that the very concept of asexuality scares me, because part of my identity so important is related to my sexuality ...

I think this fear is extremely important. I will not elaborate now, I speak in another episode of the podcast, but it is something that has influenced the evolution of asexual identity today.

[GrayDancer] Losing these benchmarks then be tantamount to losing me myself. At the same time it reminds me of a discussion we had about the closeness of different acts and they were sexual. The difference between us is that to tie me someone can sometimes be much more intimate than receiving fellatio. That's why when it comes to rules or limits in a relationship, some prohibit sexual relations with other people but allow the strings no sense to me. The idea is that certain acts are evil, but a degree of intimacy is there. Where I'm getting at is that I understand very well how even being asexual one can experience the intimacy, eg * with contact improvisation and dance.

GrayDancer made an interesting point here. As the polys do not have the same definitions to the punch relationships and fidelity as monogamous (for whom it's easier), they have more leeway to write their own rules, so when he and her partner have decided to write the rules defining their relationship, they were a bit less related to sexuality. I'll cut the interview here. They continue to talk about contact improvisation, then spend the next topic is polyamory and family. It is also related to what we are talking, but I want to go back on the subject all that has been discussed.

We started with a reaction to my latest podcast, a person saying she was really difficult to talk about loyalty in a relationship. Then we had this conversation, which unfortunately I was not there, between a group of polyamorous discussing non-sexual intimacy that is very present in their relationship and they are struggling to understand, and because they have ways to integrate non-sexual things in the definition of loyalty. They find words to talk about emotional connection, engagement on an emotional level and not just sexual, saying, for example, "What defines a relationship to me what are the emotions, is something that is not only sex ", although they seem to be really hard to describe something. That's what I'll talk in the next section.

* audios The contact improvisation is a form of dance.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Best Blu Ray Player Upconverting

We made it ....

Well, it was not easy ... the strike and all ... we almost do not ... But hey, we took our courage in both hands (well, especially my Sweet, I have not permitted), our car and we went for the weekend.

Initially, we had to go now ... 3:40 direct path, hotel not far from the station. But there, with problems of trains, no attempt was the devil and we preferred to take the car ... And there is. For 4 days and beautiful nights that go with it. All this to enjoy it thoroughly, not necessarily do a lot of stuff, but rest all full.

But damn, what a lout I am ... I still have not said where it is ... Ah well that, then immediately the moment I'm in a nice hotel, for sure. Not far from downtown, near the lake ... Oh hey, now, dear reader and dear reader, you have an element of size to know where I am. I'm near a lake ... tadadadam ... as if there were not many lakes in France.

Well, eh, procrastinated enough, it's time I take my courage in both hands and i am not cast doubt unnecessary and ridiculous. Especially since the hotel is great. The Hotel Alexandra's called. Beautiful family room, super warm welcome, good advice on restaurants, Lena very caring ...
Ah but, well, still carried away by my enthusiasm and my lyric talent incomparable epistolary, I still have not given the name of the city ... What I'm infidel anyway.

Well, the drive was still long enough. Poru and avoided being bugged, it was full twice. My super sweet was assured. Well, she was very tired at the end, but, hey, we got whole and without getting lost (thank you m'ssieur GPS). In short, eh. Good.

How? I still have not said? Alalala, but I must correct one day this terrible failure that I have always and still write things without making any real information. It almost becomes annoying.

Okay, so eh, Lena goes well, my Sweet rests and the mountains and Lake Annecy (Aye, I said) are still as beautiful. It takes the opportunity to clean the lungs (and eat yum) ... And we will put any less than 7:30 including breaks to arrive safely: D

Well, I'll give a good blow air into the lungs and a shot of mountain / lake klesa peepers.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Long Can Gonorrhea And Chlamydia Stay Dormant


Sculpting by chiseling and cutting ever deeper into the superfluous ignored the moment before ... At this unceasing work of Alexander sketch that invites us into his Jollien "Philosopher naked." Double work is governed by both the disenchantment that is freedom and lightness that liberates. "Floating buoy without" , would not this ring true?

Journey to the East, Zen and meditation is experienced in a slow dissolution accepted, in practice body and silence. A crossing where joy is not unconditional, but is picked "here and now" under the conditions of the moment. Feel and felt how the question arises, hour by hour and gesture by gesture, in these daily trips between self and other, between oneself and oneself. Around every contingency that arises is watching the coaster as far as the most futile wonder: one dies and we saw each randomly glimpsed, a stubborn benevolence to the echoes of time.

Abandon full control as it abandons a mirror illusions; lighten again and again of what haunts; is a space observation amused before the cascade of his dreams the moment before letting go off the muddy flood of memories ... My life as a film and I'd the author and the viewer : curious saving duplication where the burlesque suddenly endorses the habit of truth ...

"It's ideal, too demanding, exhausting and killing"

"In joy, ultimately, the ego disappears"

"We must absorb me in what I perceive to forget me '

"The joy comes from a membership which in its highest degree, accepting imperfection the world "

Exercises fusion of pure presence in the world: I am my fatigue, I am my breath, I'm this object that I want this person I meet Freed ... constraints of pleasing, the pleasure and complete, we only have the freedom to be oneself .... And it all tremendously.

* You can read the "Philosopher naked Alexander Jollien Editions du Seuil (August 2010)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Find The Hazards In The Kitchen

chubby ...

Well, eh, it seems that crawls on the blog, I seem to be published soon ... it's true. I admit, I admit it and worse ... I assume.
A busy week ... I slipped my job, which is really hyper since taking a few weeks / months (even years) to clarify a bit loading Weekly mentioned.

Monday, my Sweet had a meeting with the Prefect Equal Chance of Essonne (she works there, and that bump on the right of women, it's rather nice that she meets him) ... but she arrived at 20h spent at home ... So I did the Dad Pool (Pool?) At home ... Then euuhh then, on Tuesday, it was a normal day, I took the opportunity to rest (wow, too strong, the rest ... yeah). Wednesday

And then, my Sweet sioupeur began his training. And that's starting at 8am and return around 19:30. Ouahh ... Must still specify that on Wednesday, so the first day of training, I returned to the pediatrician (Conjunctivitis and Lena said she had an earache). Moral: the conjunctiva gives him an air of goth (yes, it was the drops that gives red eyes) and ear infection 15 days ago was not completely gone (low sensitivity to antibiotics not totally booth) so yet antibiotics ...
Yeah, I should do a culture of amoxicillin at home .. because it is a little jugs by Lena in that engulfs. Well, four days to do the doting father. As I said Daron, I tasted the joys of what is usually expected of a wife / mother (after a day kind of grind: caring for children, make food and say anything about his condition) ... Well, Me, I was a bit much exhausted, I want to say loud and clear. But moreover, I have not hated. Well, I say this also because my Belle has helped a little (it was still caned after a day of training) ... and it did not last for years, so it's easy to say.

For the week, I made the filing sioupeur Dad picks up his little girl and 4 days in the week, which made the mess in addition to bath and everything. Finally, I note that a completely subjective and totally selfish purposes fully admitted (and assumed) to give me the best part. But good, eh, my Belle has started a super training, such training is something that she loves, it's been years and she turned around the bush (like that's what she wants but she dares not want) ... And there, Ay, she takes the step and embarked on a great challenge. I am proud, I support it, and I take Dad to the Pool when it is going to learn things ...

short, it was loaded, and it discharges. In Focus, Saturday 16 October and our first major trip to train with the Choup 4 days in Annecy, yessssss.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Miniature Horse Feeder


A handshake, a hug, a look frozen. The silence and fear. Melville films Pending ... in 150 minutes. The vacuum in Black and White. A story of men, gangsters en route to their destiny, a destiny of death as the only really know them forge the gangster film noir. Every action leads to the inevitable, to the irreparable, to the inevitable. In the darkness forever

ups respond like an echo flashes of wisdom which man is capable. The off-the-law is sometimes with a conscience, a morality of hardened steel. Far from the tiny pickpocket or pathetic scroungers of family heirlooms white collar would be like the offenses we deserve? ... The Fate ancient glacial beauty of a black diamond. And action stretches while languishing in melancholy, which carve a sketch and visual narrative. Cold and restraint for a shadow play.

And then, in middle of the work in the heart of the murderous act ahead, it holds its breath ...
( its "First Breath" indeed ...) for a few moments of sleep apnea: 4 seconds "climax" (as a moment of eternity) are straying from the camera filmmaker plunging ground on a group of ants waving in all directions. Plan-perfect metaphor for turbulence and internal actions those that operate against their puppets in distress, the plight fixed in advance. Mechanical implacably set by Melville pupil is the black film series at the forefront of modern tragedy in which man plays "to the loser wins." The soul carves them calmly to the most archaic primary colors: black and white, good and evil. The great Shakespeare would not have denied! ...

And our own fascination to dwell too: the strong figure of the hero of Melville, true to his principles and united until death do we breath does not a sudden reversal of values in a world that would work on the head ...? No, Melville warned: it does not pretend to understand "morality" of his hero to universal morality. And the traction of the film gives us the key to his story:
"At birth, it is given to man only one right: the choice of his death. But if this choice is controlled by the disgust of his life, then its existence as a man has been a mere mockery ".

In the distance, already pregnant, is emerging theater iced the "Army of Shadows" .

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sound Blaster Extigy Win 7 Driver

what week is taken up a subscription ... Lena

This fall, the first frosts and point their little faces with them ... the resumption of a subscription which would be well past the subscription with the pediatrician ... Grrr a Saturday afternoon is not the most fun for once.

Well, must also be said that the night of Friday to Saturday had not gone well. Lena had awakened much (every half hour between midnight and half and three and a half hours) and told us she had an earache. And without a dose of Doliprane (dazed and tired as we were all three), Lena would have slept even worse. So
moribund and somewhat haggard, we emerged Saturday morning and Our first instinct was to call our beloved pediatrician. An appointment was made at 16h ... or after a nap. And the nap, we were hoping all three good and long ...
Ah hope. That is something which parents learn to be wary in the first weeks, there is hope of a night without (too much) colic, hope the first full nights, no hope of a toothache, the hope of nursery place, hope it is not 'yet' an ear infection / bronchiolitis / angina (delete / as appropriate depending on the child) ... Briefly, the life of a parent is paved with hope ...

So all that to say (and bring with literary tact which I m'esbaudis myself) that a nap was awful and despite the Doliprane, Lena was unable to sleep on his daddy and baby has slept in a while hour and a half ago (but then, today Sunday, she catches up and sprayed at this very moment his own record three and a half hour nap).
short, risky nap, Mom and Dad in The Patti ... and 16h, then at the pediatrician who had a verdict for the slower, "including a double ear infection ear stinker" ... grgrmlml ...
result of augmentin order to pare off the body of my Choup 'the vermin microbial ...

Alalala ... good, apart from that, the pediatrician did not Tarrit praise on Lena (like how big it is, she is alive, she is awake and everything) ... and that, it's always good for the esteem of her parenting ...

With that, the Choup woke up, there's a taste and give hugs to do ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pimples Growing On Scalp


A weekend just ended and a new week begins ... A weekend with grandpa granny at home (and a sacred tartiflette evening) Saturday and Sunday, the flea déambulage vincennois (we have found a few things for Choup ' it was good). A weekend of rest of the meninges ... pending event a little more ... how to say ... hectic? Yes, we will say that. The beginning of the formation of my sweet fast approaching. A great course ... a great course.

Speaking of course, we learned to Lena's family name. All this after a thing that made us all laugh. An auxiliary the other night at the crib we had this conversation she had with Lena:
The Auxiliary - You know your name? (Implied: name)
Lena: -??
The Auxiliary - What's your name ?
Lena: - Lena!
The Auxiliary - Lena how?
Lena: Lena Herbie!

Me j'dis, it is too strong this kid.

Well, last night, as often is when my Sweet car, I'll get Lena. Yes, I say often because we can not say that the traffic in Ile de France makes it possible to do 30 miles in less than an hour ... There's times, she manages to extricate himself in time to retrieve Lena, but there's times when it is not possible.
So last night I'm going to get Lena. She's fine, she slept little, but she potato ... And Auxiliary Puer, who told me bluntly "Papa y 'lice. Lena did not, but she played a lot with a buddy who has, so tonight, preventive or curative treatment, as you prefer, but we must do something. "

Well, I'm off to look for new shoes Lena, after I go to the pharmacy. The pharmacist in preventive, advises a drop of lavender essential oil behind each ear and behind the neck. For him, it's what's best to avoid lice. Incidentally, I get a comb and a spray control lice. Thus equipped, I go home to find my Sweet, dump it all ... and Such a brave prince who takes care of everything ... I plant to slip away from boxing (French) ...

Yeah, I left to get by with it all ... I can not say I'm not proud ... She pushed me well at the door for me to go to boxing (it was great, I improve my technique whip kick) ... it's a little cad, but it helps. Already
, selfishly, me Me my little mouth, well it does me good to let off steam, to move my body, think of other things that work (and it feels good).
Then, my Sweet, in that it also good. It's a special moment between her and Lena, a little moment of fusion. Moment all the more privileged Lena is currently in fashion 'Cuddles' ... "Dad, want a hug," "Mom, want a hug" ... This has allowed my Belle, last week meetings to be called "Koala" (Lena well clinging to her mom) for two half hours long (I'm going twice in Boxing). It is true that hug Lena has an anti-stress guaranteed.

Well, eh, back to Pediculus ... that Lena has not caught a priori, since yesterday evening, so sitting for my grooming and Lena Belle had nothing in the hair and does not scratch his head. Essential oil for the night and wake up, still no erasures intensive ...

The night was tough for Choup 'because she still had pain in his legs due to a growth spurt. This is not the first time this has happened. It hurts, it cries (and calls for hugs), and has trouble falling asleep again. In short, the pascoolitude bars.
Finally, she will not want to Doliprane or arnica. Mom hugs will just ... alalala sioupeur the power of hugs from Mom ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Estelle Contraceptive Pils


In a message VRP mechanical long inaudible, proclaimed the autocrat takes his droll sufficiency. Heavily encased in a ceremonial ritual grotesque It is a cumbersome process, which he treats the traditional automation, smiling blandly at a crowd in a state of ecstasy infant. In cruel game of homonyms, the Pontiff "cliches". This is enough to merit its appearance.

Brandishing a stick gently flashy, armed remnants of a thousand swords which dictated a cult bimillenary to people frightened, he offers the crowd the baby-faced, good-natured, potentates common: they simply believe it to be.

Hi Forgetting that "institutions matter collective "lived, that monarch seems ageless look around the crowd as his rattle eternally benevolent. It just return, cheers and bows, and establishes a statue. King and subjects, executioner and victim indefinitely by mate insane ritual rooted in autism beyond all understanding. Self-proclaimed lifelong "Master of the cult of secrecy" and its consequent burnings, it is intended and appears resolutely above the ordinary civil laws. Can it be a question now meet the justice of men when one wants to be in direct contact with the occult forces of Heaven ?!... The God he created from scratch answers obviously Him ...!

Wielding the omens with obscenity suave own the sovereign Good, He concludes his own behalf legitimacy eternal and flawless. We told her about some scandal going on? ... It calls for impunity in heaven. Asked about self, consciousness, life-breath? ... It meets dogma, authority, blind obedience. He opposes reason, reflection, philosophy? He claims assistant, dependence. He said corporation, he meets religion. Genesis has proclaimed its sovereign rights of blind nature, he sets his cult master rights. And when it deigns

deliver his speech mimetic at a meeting bribed to anesthesia, as its meaning has been absent: He himself became its own message. Draped in impunity genuine, self-pardoning of hand wants to be reassuring, the autocrat is preceded by the army of his certainties and monitoring of the morgue's high benevolence.

Monday, September 20, 2010

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asexual perfect for experimenting with sexuality

This text is a translation of The Trendy asexual 's Guide To Experimenting With Sexuality, edited by David Jay in August 2006.

There is a little less than a year, I gave a lecture at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality ( Higher Institute of Human Sexuality ). Initially, the PhD students and professors that filled the room did not know what to think well of me, but when I finished talking, they were amazed by the work we do in the asexual community. One woman was so impressed that she invited me to play in his team of Ultimate Frisbee and was in the habit of staying after practice to talk cloth.

It was during one of these discussions she has said something that made me think. She said that condom use among adolescents was directly proportional to the point at which adolescents expected to have sex. When they knew that they were, they were proactive and took precautions. But when they imagined not having sex and she fell over them one way or another, risky behavior suddenly became very likely.

It made me think about the community on AVEN. Although few of us having sex, most asexuals are at a moment in contact with one form or another of sexuality. For what I've seen, it does not say much, but it seems that the more we openly discuss the experiences of asexuals with sexuality, the more you will master. Sexuality will never be a drug for us as it can be for people sex, and it makes a perspective slightly less unpleasant, but there are still many risks emotional, relational and medical real stake if you want approach the sexual dynamics. With foresight, we can minimize these risks. And you see do new experiments in the near future or you just want to be prepared, know how to approach sexuality without risk and with confidence is something that even those most reluctant sex should know.

** Note: A small experiment request handling viscous substances. This type of experimentation, which may be worth it in certain circumstances, is not what interests us in this discussion thereof. If you think there is a chance that the experiment that you plan to put you in contact with viscous substances, it is extremely important that you familiarize yourself with how to handle them safely. After reviewing several sites, I recommend Wikipedia for full information and appropriate to the subject .** asexuals safe sex
do I mean by "experimenting with sexuality?

The goop aside, sex is something social. It's a way of thinking, acting and feeling is very natural for most people but that seems completely foreign. Doing these experiments is a little like dressing up. It is about making a social role that goes without saying for many people, play with and complicate. It can be fun, exciting, informative, and it can push people around you sex and question their assumptions. Experimenting with sexuality does not necessarily mean having sex, it means doing things that most people see as sexual even if you're not. It may be flirting, telling dirty jokes, or let the sexual tension to develop in a relationship.

From my experience, these experiments always follow the same pattern. Knowing this model allows you to plan ahead, to decide when is it worth the trouble to try and do it with a goal.

Here is how to transform sex into something useful in six simple steps: Step 1

: Imperative. Why experiment? Because we live in a sexual world, where a whole series of ideas, activities and sensations are organized in a hierarchy centered on sex and sexual relations. Take kissing someone. Unless this is your grandmother's lips touch someone else with hers is generally considered sexual. True, kissing a person does not necessarily mean they want to sleep with her, but do it for a while and everyone will look at you strangely and wonder why it does not happen "more". In the sexual world, things like kissing, flirting, hanging out with someone, talk to someone at a party or dancing are all considered part of the gender hierarchy: even if they have nothing to do with sex in either appearance or feel, they are all inexplicably linked to the desire to make boom-boom.

When experimenting with sexuality, it puts our camouflage clothing, it sneaks into sexual territory and cut those ties. If you kiss someone to see how it feels, whether you like it and you find a way to integrate it into your life without sleeping with anyone, you made a step in the direction of a world more open to asexuals. But I'm going too fast ...

Step 2: Rejection . What is the first thing I do when something belonging to the gender hierarchy caught my attention? Generally I do not know. Experimenting with sexuality can be very labor intensive and even give a headache, and I will not venture into sexual territory only if it appears really worthwhile. Nine times out of ten, this is not the case. There is no problem in fact experiment with sexuality, but there is no reason to do so if it's not worth the shot.

Step 3: Confusion . Let me be clear: do experiments on sexuality does NOT less asexual unless we want it. There are many things we can feel lost when it explores the border between worlds sexual and asexual, but your identity is not one. These experiments can help you discover the facets of you that you never knew existed, but they never change who you are.

Apart from the identity confusion is natural when one ventures into uncharted territory. Remember that the asexual community is there for only a few years. Experiments combining people openly asexual and sexual activities are traditional yet little explored a continent, and there is no way of knowing in advance what may result. Accept that not everything is perfectly clear: it is exactly why we want to experiment.

Step 4: Experimentation . It's hard to have a clear plan in the midst of this confusion, but the plan will be more clear the better. Personally I try to think in terms of green, orange and red: what interests me to do, what I am willing to let it go and what I do not want. (For example, I flirt with people at the party, I will let them think they appeal to me sexually if that's how they interpret it, but I do NOT want that anybody me into a corner by itself.) Once you set your limits, take you to the water. Do not expect that it sounds natural, sex is a learned role, and you may need time to familiarize yourself with this role (perhaps longer than most sexual people, since you will not have your own sexual attraction as a compass.) Be curious, try different things, see what works, what seems interesting and what is not. Remember that it's like dressing up: exaggerate and have fun. Once you've found your bearings, do not be afraid to go out of regular sexual script. Whether you

an evening alone or with someone, the proposed experiment will probably involve other people. Sometimes it is impossible to keep everyone fully informed at all times. Preceded by a session of dredge an explanation of why we're asexual and it is just a test is likely to spoil the mood. It will not be able to communicate clearly and honestly all the time, but it is absolutely necessary to explain things as openly as possible as soon as other people begin to be seriously engaged in the story.

Step 5: Reflection . It is now time to let things settle. Whenever I have done this kind of experimentation, I have enjoyed at least some parts, but usually not the "sexual", and usually not exactly the same way that people sex. As I review the events in my head, I'll find a way to separate all the things that interest me are things that interest me.

Think of it this way you prefer. What did you like? What you do not like? What seems simple to integrate into your life and what appears to be more difficult? Perhaps that experience has shown you the facets of yourself that you did not know, maybe not. If so, take time to reflect on the place they can make in your life.

Step 6: Reinterpretation . Finally, the cool part. Now that things are clearer, you have a new tool in your repertoire asexual. When you extract what you like the ominous mass of the gender hierarchy, you are free to use as you wish. Once you've thought, you can find precise words to communicate with anyone sexual (or asexual) that would still be puzzled. Once everything works and is consistent, think to talk about AVEN. Asexuality is still new territory and we need people like you to take the lead.

-DJ Danjerous